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Rigby High School Research Paper

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DING! DING! After realizing the relentless alarm is not going to turn off automatically, the groaning teenage student rolls over to hit the snooze button. However, it is a choice each student usually ends up regretting. Once completely waking up, the student takes a glimpse at the alarm clock, scrutinizing the numbers on the clock, which read, 7:55 AM. Knowing that it takes twenty minutes to drive to school, the tired student rushes to get ready and out the door, hoping to make it to first hour by 8:30. Haphazardly, the student throws the sheets and pillows on the bed, gets dressed, quickly brushes through his or her hair, and if lucky, manages to squeeze in breakfast before leaving.
High school students all across the world face similar scenarios to this five mornings a week, in order to ensure that they can arrive to their first period on time. Once at school, students then find that sitting at a desk for a solid eight hours, attempting to pay attention and grasp new concepts, all while trying to stay awake and not fall victim to sleep, makes going to school a challenge both academically and physically. For many students attending Rigby High School, this scenario may sound quite familiar, due to their …show more content…
Sleep deprivation weakens the immune system and as a result, decreases the body's ability to fight off diseases and other illnesses. In addition, sleep deprivation raises the risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, strokes, heart diseases, heart failures, heart attacks, irregular heartbeats, and high blood pressure (Pietrangelo). Weight gain is also another common side effect due to lack of sleep (Pietrangelo.) However, with a later start time, the risk of developing diseases and weight gain could decrease significantly since it would allow students time to obtain the perfect amount of sleep they need to function

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