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Should Self-Driving Vehicles Be Legal?

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Should Self-Driving Vehicles be Legal? Self-driving vehicles are one of those things that seem to be very futuristic and out of reach to achieve like hover boards or automatic gas stations, but these vehicles actually aren’t that far into the future. They have actually already been developed. Google’s director of the self-driving car program, Chris Urmson, has already been doing test with self-driving cars, one including where they drove a car 300,000 miles and did not report to have hit a single thing (1). It sounds great, but self-driving cars are going to have to come a long ways still to become legal on todays state roads. Self-Driving vehicles should not be legal until science can prove that they are safer then the average human driver 100% of the time. …show more content…
It sounds like a simple fix but would not be cheap. The cost of implementing the technology needed to drive the cars would roughly be about $100,000, which isn’t the best price for the average American. But will it not only cost to have the technology put into the cars, but the security of the technology would need to be very high because of hackers abilities to hack into the system and take over control of the car. There would also have to be a lot of updates to the technology to the vehicle also because the GPS system has to be updated to the minute with the most recent traffic news, road closings, and weather conditions. The cars would also not be able to handle situations very well like traffic light malfunctions or other technology malfunctions on the highway.

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