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Rights Of Englishmen Research Paper

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The “Rights of Englishmen” has affected the United States Bill of Rights. These “Rights of Englishmen” included: the Magna Carta, the Petition of Rights, and the English Bill of Rights. The Magna Carta was the basis for the Petition of Rights which inspired the English Bill of Rights. The Magna Carta was written in 1215, which makes it the oldest document for British rights. King John agreed to freedom of religion and petition; removing foreign armies from England; not take life nor liberty without due process (Parliament); not to delay court or punishment or pay excessive fines as punishment. This lasted for about 400 years when King Charles I broke these rights and controlled the land the way he wanted, therefore this sparked Sir Edward …show more content…
One of these rights is that no one can make or take away laws without the consent of Parliament. In other words, that if a King wanted to make a new law for good reasoning he has to have a meeting with Parliament to approve it or else it is considered illegal. Another one is that the citizens can petition the King and if the citizen is arrested for petitioning, it would be considered illegal. Also, if there is no war it is illegal to raise an army unless it is approved by Parliament. In addition, Protestants can bear arms to defend themselves when needed. It also states that Parliament elections should be not controlled by anything. Another right stated is that the British citizens have freedom of speech and debate, and members of parliament can not be kicked out for speaking their opinion and can not be questioned by people outside of parliament. William and Mary agreed that there should not be unjust punishments or excessive bail for people who are tried and found guilty. Additionally, jurors in court are to be enlisted and returned after their duty is complete. These rights are all protected by Parliament and can not be …show more content…
These all shared a common theme by defending citizens and lowering the power of everyone making limits that no one is allowed to surpass. The second clause stated on the English Bill of rights states, “It is the right of the subjects to petition the king, and all commitments and prosecutions for such petitioning are illegal…” This is saying that citizens have the right to petition which is evident in Amendment 1 of the United States Bill of Rights. Also, the English Bill of Rights relates to Amendment 3 when it states, “The raising … [of an] army within the kingdom in time of peace, unless it be with consent of Parliament, is against law…” This is saying that if there is no war it is illegal to have an army unless they have consent from Parliament. When Protestants are given the right to bare arms it is referenced in Amendment 2 where Americans are given the right to bear arms. A clause in the English Bill of Rights closely relates to Amendment 1 of the United States Bill of Rights states, “Freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament…” This is giving people the freedom of speech without judgment. The English Bill of Rights and the United States Bill of Rights Amendment 8 share a clause almost word for

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