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Tattoo Addiction Research Paper

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Imagine if you will, having this overwhelming urge to do something. You must complete this or face suffering if you do not. This is a small glimpse into the mind of an addict. If you are wondering what is considered an addiction, defines an addiction as “being the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming to such an extent that its cessation can causes severe trauma.” Therefore, the drive to get a tattoo can be linked to the spikes in certain chemicals in the brain, which in turn prompts a person to get another one making tattoos overall more socially acceptable.
Some psychologists would argue that “the biological approach believes us to be as a consequence …show more content…
The body's ability to feel pain also decreases because of the adrenaline (Westling, Shawnie, et al.). Once you come down off the adrenaline rush, your body can become fatigued, have craving for salty foods, experience some mild depression, or even insomnia. For some people, the lack of a loving house could result in low levels of serotonin and getting a tattoo can become a way to get the feeling of happiness. Now if one were to consider the scenarios of having a controlling household or partner, the satisfaction of rebelling can be linked to the various chemicals that the brain produces during the process of getting a tattoo. For example, adrenaline also known as epinephrine. As stated above adrenaline is meant to help reduces the body’s ability to feel pain it also heightens all of one’s senses. This can be addicting because the excitement of doing something that parents cannot take away or the chance of getting caught which would mean that you would get in a lot of trouble by getting the tattoo causes your heart to start racing and you may start to sweat in anticipation of what is to come.
After learning exactly what is involved and what happens to the brain why would after getting the first tattoo why would you sit threw another one? From what Rebecca said “it is because of the rush, then the more you look at the one that is done and how pretty it looks you think of another one to get.” Rebecca also mentioned how she cannot stop with just one tattoo, she currently has four tattoos and is looking forward to her next one which she is planning on it to cover her entire upper

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