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Submitted By sergiogaxiola
Words 1588
Pages 7
The Electronic Cigarette
Sergio Gaxiola
Composition I
Professor Frawley
13 August 2012

The Electronic Cigarette
It is estimated that 400,000 deaths will occur this year in the United States from cigarette smoking. This gruesome statistic tells us that with illegal drugs, alcohol, motor vehicle, suicides and murders combined; cigarette smoking is still the number one contributor. In 1963, Herbert A. Gilbert was not aware of these kinds of statistics, however, he was on the brink of an invention that would revolutionize the way we smoke cigarettes almost fifty years later.
The invention of the Electronic Cigarette [also known as the e-cig] was patented in 1963 by Herbert A. Gilbert, “The present invention relates to a smokeless non-tobacco cigarette and has for an object to provide a safe and harmless means for and method of smoking by replacing burning tobacco and paper with heated, moist, flavored air; or by inhaling warm medication into the lungs in case of a respiratory ailment under direction of a physician.” (Electronic Cigarettes, 2009) Unfortunately for Herbert, in the early 1960s cigarette smoking was not yet the threat it has become today. People just didn’t see a need to stop smoking.
During the 1950s and 1960s, the Tobacco Company had always marketed towards women; smoking was a sexy thing. As one can see from the photograph, the young lady is beautiful, slender and happy. Throughout the middle of the 1960s big Tobacco Company’s began targeting the men and using advertisements such as cowboys and men with tattoos. This was to ensure your confidence while smoking that cigarette; sadly, this was just how smoking had become perceived. Subsequently, Herbert’s design was not tolerated nor put into distribution, and years would go by without much buzz regarding the Herbert e-cig.
Naturally, time continued on and along with it

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