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Rincon Family Services Case Study

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The neighborhood in which Rincon Family Services provides its services is Humboldt Park, and have parts of the following zip codes 60622, 60624, 60647, and 60651 in this last the facility is located. Likewise, Rincon Family Services has other facilities to spread its services to the youth, for instance, RFS works with students from High Schools to prevent DUIs and also they could receive mental health services from a Psychiatrist. Moreover, the older population can benefit from the home care support to integrate them into the community through the homeworkers that are a nexus between the institution and the population served.
Rincon Family Services since its foundation in 1972 has provided services to the Hispanic population mainly and progressively …show more content…
As reported by Wikipedia (2017), “in contrast to the Humboldt Park Official Community Area, the Humboldt Park Neighborhood's borders include Western Avenue to the east, Pulaski Road to the west, North Avenue to the North, and the Union Pacific to the south. The railyards southeast of Grand and Sacramento are also part of the community area. There are two distinct areas of Humboldt Park (the neighborhood): East Humboldt Park (In the West Town Community Area) and West Humboldt Park (In the Humboldt Park Community Area), divided by Sacramento Boulevard” (Wikipedia, …show more content…
The population counts among Libraries, Schools, and High Schools, a Community College, it's a branch from Wilbur Wright College, named Humboldt Park Community College. Also, there are churches that receive their congregation which professes any of the following religions, Catholic, Christian, Baptist, Lutheran, or other religion. This neighborhood also has several parks which provide a lot of activities for its population from different ages. In addition, the 606 trail offers to all neighbors a place to walk, bike, or jog, is it a place to relax with the family. Moreover, the neighborhood counts with social services agencies that are committed to aiding the needed. Saints Mary and Elizabeth hospitals and other local clinics offer to its population health services. For instance, “The Greater Humboldt Park Community of Wellness is a coalition of neighborhood organizations that all focus on improving the quality of health and awareness of health in the following areas: asthma, active lifestyles, behavioral health, diabetes, health careers, HIV/AIDS, oral health, and school health. The coalition works within the Humboldt Park community area as well as the West Town community area, and mainly focuses on the health needs of Puerto Rican, Mexican, and Black residents within the neighborhood to support low-income residents who may not have

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