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Risk Analysis Method


Submitted By cornej4
Words 1340
Pages 6

Delphi Technique

“The Delphi Technique is a selected group of expert’s answers questionnaires and provides feedback regarding the responses from each round of requirements gathering. The responses are only available to the facilitator to maintain anonymity” (PMBOK, 2008, p.108). It is a technique that is useful for situation where individual judgments have to be tapped and combined in order to address a lack of agreement or incomplete of knowledge. The valued of this technique is the ability to structure and organize group communication. The group member discusses and reviews the summary report individually, and gives updated forecasts to the facilitator, who again look over the material and issues a second report. This process continues until all participants reach a consensus. The experts at each stage have a full record of what forecasts that the others have made, but do not know who made them. Anonymity allows the experts to express their self freely, encourages openness and avoids admitting error by revising earlier forecasts.

The history of Delphi derives from the Oracle of Delphi. According to Wikipedia, the authors of the method were not happy with this name, because in implies something oracular, something smacking a little of the occult. The Delphi method was developed at the beginning of the Cold War to forecast the impact of technology on warfare. The method was a creation for the report, for the U.S. Army Air Corps on the future technological capacities that might be used by the military. The Delphi method was developed by project RAND during the 1950-1960s by Olaf Helmer, Norman Dalkey, and Nicholas Rescher. It has been used ever since, with many modifications and reformulation, such as the Imen-Delphi procedure.

There are steps one must use in the Delphi Technique;
Step 1 – Is choosing a Facilitator,

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