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Risky Play Research Paper

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The Benef i ts of Risky Play
The term ‘risky play’ is often used but is still either not fully understood or put in to practice. So what does risky play actually mean? Play Wales (2008) states that play means ‘…providing opportunities for all children to encounter or create uncertainty, unpredictability, and potential hazards as part of their play. We do not mean putting children in danger of serious harm.’
‘Good risks and hazards in play provision are those that engage and challenge children, and support their growth, learning and development.
These might include… loose materials that give children the chance to create and destroy constructions using their skill, creativity and imagination. Bad risks and hazards are those that are difficult …show more content…
• Local knowledge.
What is the risk-benefit judgement? Notes for implementing the judgement.
‘It is highly unlikely that a competent playworker will ever be taken to court and successfully prosecuted for negligence because the safeguards that we put in place to protect both ourselves and the children are sensible and show that we have a professional approach to risk.’ (Play Wales, 2008)
Just as children need to be introduced to some potentially risky play opportunities in small steps in order to build skills, judgment and confidence, so we need to take small steps towards feeling comfortable ourselves with providing risky play opportunities. Begin this cautiously and with common sense; when your confidence is developing, you can look at providing riskier
(but still assessed!) opportunities.
We may allow ourselves to be influenced by parents or carers who are frightened that their child might be harmed. We need to reflect on this – quality play opportunities involve some element of risk taking or creation, however small, and most parents will understand this if they think back to their own childhood. However parents/carers concerns do need to be taken in to consideration as they need to feel that their children are safe in our

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