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Rivalry In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Long strings connect Friar Lawrence to the love yond enraptures both Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. These bonds have brought this priest closer to the rivalry and even nearer to the tragedy both houses in this play will have to endure. First introduced in the cell whither Romeo visits, that gent is at each moment informed of the news of Romeo. The young man tells him tales of his attraction for Roseline and later his awestruck love for Juliet. In a way, Friar advises Romeo like a teacher, giving him advice and treading him towards a rightful path. In the play, he questions Romeo’s fondness for Juliet because he doubts such intimacy could be found in little time. Romeo appreciates his presence because he does not judge him harshly and does not wish to openly disagree with him on matters of the Capulet and Montague rivalry. Friar Lawrence, priest in this incony tragedy, must visage the consequences in which he hath laid his hands on before. Since Romeo and Juliet are isolated from the parents’ circle and lives, Friar Lawrence is represented as an almost father figure …show more content…
Even as Romeo and Juliet become husband and wife, Friar does not warn them to stay careful of the sight of their houses. He seems only to believe faithfully that their secret would be kept away from any outsiders. Friar Lawrence represents lost hope or hope too far taken. He trusts in the fact that the Montague and Capulet gap may be lessened. He trusts that Romeo and Juliet will not meet in hiding anymore. He trusts that their eternal love can overcome anything. This lost hope is noteworthy to the play for it foreshadows how his indecisiveness and artless nature affects the people surrounding him as well as those who remain in the background. Friar Lawrence’s greatest tragedy was believing in false ideals and running too quickly when knowing he will end up stumbling in the

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