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Cleft Palate

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The mouth consists of the teeth, tongue, hard palate and soft palate. There are several different disorders and diseases on being cleft palate. Cleft palate is a birth defect which is when a baby’s hard or soft palate doesn’t form completely causing an opening in the in the palates. The soft palate is located in the back of the mouth and is made of muscular tissue to help close of the nasal cavity when swallowing food or drinks. The hard palate is bony portion at the front of the mouth that also separates the oral and nasal cavity.
The causes of cleft palate are unknown. The separation in the mouth can cause multiple problems for the child. Feeding problems can occur since food and liquids can go from the back of the mouth through the nasal cavity. To help this …show more content…
Today children can have a specially made palate as well. Children with cleft palate tend to have ear infections and hearing loss since they are prone to fluid buildup. To prevent that they get tubes placed in the eardrums to help with fluid drainage. There are also problems with speaking, the child’s voice will not carry well and may have a nasal sound when talking. Children can either have surgery to fix this or some go to a speech pathologist. With the split children with clefts have a bigger chance to get cavities and often will have missing, malformed or displaced teeth. With cleft palate children can have alveolar ridge defect, which can displace or rotate permanent teeth, prevent them from appearing or prevent the alveolar ridge from forming properly. This is typically repaired through surgery. The mainly only way to fix a cleft palate is years of planned

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