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Robert Kennedy's Assassination

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As he was walking away a man popped out with a 22 pistol and shot him several times until he fell dead. Many people were sad and didn’t expect JFK’s younger brother to be killed while trying to run for president. Robert Kennedy’s assassination was tragic because he was going to be the president, his brother was killed recently also, and he won the primary. Robert was expected to become the president. Bobby was a Democratic senator in New York and decided to run for the presidency around the early 1960s (“Robert Kennedy Assassinated,” 2008). Many people wanted Robert to be the president because he was JFK's younger brother ( Staff, 2009). A man was photographing for Life magazine for 2 years about Bobby Kennedy, and it was thought …show more content…
Robert Kennedy was expected to becoming the president like his brother was, and the people were happy that he would most likely become president (Thomas, 2007). Bobby decided to make a speech and present it after his brother was killed. The speech was about him and his brother. Bobby wanted to be so close to everyone so they would know for sure about his brothers drive to end wrongdoing and unfairness. He wanted to touch people's hearts by joining the past to deprived people (Matthew, 2017). Robert thought through his speeches and knew what to do for the people to …show more content…
Bobby was 42 when he was killed in Los Angeles (“Robert Kennedy Assassinated,” 2008). The killer was given a death sentence because he confessed to the crime, but it was not allowed. He ended up having to spend the rest of his life in prison ( Staff, 2009). The man said he did it for revenge. He was sentenced to death in 1969, but it ended up he would spend the rest of his life in prison (“Robert Kennedy Assassinated,” 2008). The defensive side said that they saw him shooting at a gun range. This allowed Sirhan to be saved from death penalty (O’Sullivan, 2014). The killers name was Sirhan and he was in his lower 20s. He came from a Christian family that moved to California (“Robert Kennedy Assassinated,” 2008). Hubert Humphrey tried to run for the Democrats, but lost to Nixon ( Staff,

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