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Positive Moving Disadvantages

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Positive Thinking and Wisdom for Relocation
Noah Brown
By Noah Brown
Feb 28, 2012
The idea of moving to another city, state or even country can be both exciting and scary. Relocation can also create stress on the entire family. There are so many things to do and plan for, and positive thinking techniques can help make your move easier and less stressful.
Making the Decision
When a person's company moves or they're given a promotion that requires moving, the decision to relocate is pretty much made for them. There are people who live in areas where their companies have closed down and no other employment is available. Oftentimes, these people must move just so that they can become gainfully employed.
The best thing to do is to sit down and create a list of pros and cons regarding the move. The positive thinking technique best used for this is visualization. Imagine yourself in your new situation. Close your eyes and actually picture yourself in your new job. Think about the benefits it would provide. You can use the same visualization technique to imagine life without a job. Remember that there are also opportunities for personal development, so if it's feasible, consider this option too. …show more content…
The whole family can benefit from positive thinking techniques when relocating. Have everybody do this separately to use visualization for what the home will be like. Call a family meeting to discuss what everyone came up with during their visualization session. Let everybody take turns discussing what they would like. Even little ones can participate and add things like a swing set or a pool. It's important for their self-esteem to be

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