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Nt1310 Unit 8 Lab

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The main purpose of doing this lab is to work on NI ELVIS work station which is used in electrical labs. All electrical labs will use this work station because it is so easy to construct any circuit on it and then test it. Three different circuits have been built on NI ELVIS work station in this lab and the following objectives were met successfully.

The first objective is to learn the use of Digital Multimeter (DMM) and then use it to measure resistance, voltage and current for any circuit which has been built on NI ELVIS The second objective is to build circuit on the work station and then test it to see if the circuit is working properly Then by building a simple circuit for potential divider circuit on the work station the Ohm’s …show more content…
Exercise 3 - Voltage Development of a Resistor and Capacitor Transient Circuit
Now resistor R and capacitor C has been used to build the circuit and both components were put in series again. The R value will control the time constant for RC circuit and it would decide how fast the capacitor should charge or discharge.

Figure 5: Resistor and capacitor transient circuit Figure 6: Voltage signal across RC series circuit
For positive half of cycle the capacitor is charged and it discharges for negative half of cycle at the same rate. But the charging and discharging rates are faster initially and then they slow down as shown by the curve on …show more content…
Sometimes the RC circuits are replaced by RL circuits which can perform the similar functions but inductors ‘L’ show up more problems than capacitor circuits and that why RC circuits are preferred.


The frequency can be changed for input signal and it will affect the charging of capacitor. If the frequency is large it would have to charge and discharge more frequently and this would produce more ripples in the output signal. The high frequency would decrease the impedance of capacitor and hence the total impudence of circuit. .

The maximum power transfer circuit is used mainly in actuating systems to maximize the power output. They can also be in solar cell where maximum power should be extracted by adjusting the amount of current in the

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