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Roderigo As Depicted In William Shakespeare's 'Othello'

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A. Iago rebels against society in a negative manner through deviant behavior such as being deceitful and manipulative as well as abusing the trust of others. Therefore, he violates society’s moral standards.
B. Iago was Othello’s lieutenant and was up for a promotion. Iago believed that he deserved the promotion, but Othello promoted Cassio instead.
C. This lead to Iago feeling that he had not received justice by not being promoted. Iago felt compelled to get revenge on Othello for not giving him the promotion. He first attempts this by making Othello look bad for promoting Cassio by getting Cassio intoxicated while on guard duty and prompting an altercation through Roderigo. Having successfully gotten Cassio dishonorably discharged, Iago

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