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Submitted By thomas12365
Words 1217
Pages 5
Educational return on Investment
Many high school graduates as well as adults in the workforce today have many decisions to make about the need to continue their education. Since the unemployment rate for both educated as well as uneducated personnel has realized little decline, students struggle to find a balance between the value of continuing education and the cost associated with it. There are two conflicting arguments concerning educational return on investment; both sides over the presence or absence of a bachelor’s degree sides offer valid claims.
It can be argued that a person’s success is not determined by merely obtaining a bachelor’s degree. A person will have to determine the definition of success as it relates to them. Some of the attributes that contribute to success are personal such as drive, determination, and creativity. There are many successful entrepreneurs who did not have a bachelor’s degree. Andrew Carnegie, famous industrialist and philanthropist, known for the Carnegie Institute of Technology and building 300 public libraries was a high school dropout. Coco Chanel, founder of the brand Chanel and Chanel No. 5 perfume does not have a college degree. Andrew Jackson became President of the United States at age 35 without a formal education. Dave Thomas, billionaire founder of Wendy’s dropped out of high school at age 15 (Toren, 2011). This proves that to attain recognition and be successful, we do not have to possess a bachelor’s degree.
Also, there are risky disadvantages to pursuing a bachelor’s degree. First of all, it can be very expensive. The return on investment on a bachelor’s degree in this economy is questionable. Although a student will graduate with a degree, the expense is astronomical. Tuition is increasing more quickly than costs-of-living expenses and students may find themselves at the end of four years with

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