...Organization profile(IBBL) • Job description Organization profile Of Islami bank Bangladesh limited (IBBL) After reading this chapter reader will be able to know about; • Corporate profile of IBBL • Mission and Vision of IBBL • Objectives of IBBL • Features of IBBL • Functions of IBBL • Management structure of IBBL • Basic Facts • Major differences between Conventional Bank & IBBL Corporate profile of IBBL: Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (IBBL) was incorporated on March 13, 1983 under the companies Act, 1913 as the first interest free Shariah based commercial bank in South East Asia. IBBL started functioning on March 30, 1983 and formally inaugurated on August 12, 1983. The bank was promoted by 23 local sponsors including the Government of Bangladesh and 4 local institutions and 13 foreign sponsors including Islamic Development Bank (IDB). The foreign investors hold 57.37% of total shares while the local investors hold the rest 42.63%. There is a Shariah council, which is entrusted with the responsibility for ensuring that the activities of the bank are being conducted on the precepts of Islam. IBBL is one of the leading first generation private sector banks in Bangladesh, which provides all kinds of commercial banking services to the customer. The bank went for IPO in November, 1985. The IBBL got enlisted with Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd (DSE) in 1985 and Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd. (CSE) in 1996. IBBL has been declared as...
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...Introduction 1 1.1 Origin of the Report Today‟s business world is continuously changing. The operation of business is getting complex in every moment. That is why, today, the management of any business activity requires so much expertise from the part of its employees. The business graduates are the core part of management. So a business graduate has to have so much theoretical as well as practical knowledge to manage the ever-changing business activity. Besides the theoretical knowledge, practical experience is provided to business graduates & internship is the well practiced mechanism in this regard. The internship program is an integral part of the BBA program. As a student‟s of BBA program of different universities, everyone has to submit a report after completion of internship program. We were assigned to Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited to complete the program. As a student of BBA, internship is an academic requirement. For doing internship we were sent to the Islamic Bank Bangladesh, New Market Branch, Dhaka under the supervision of Mohammad Ali Biswash, SPO, Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, New market Branch, Dhaka. The completion of our general class for internship program in Islamic Bank Training and Research Academy (IBTRA), the IBTRA authority gave us the selecting topics‟ for preparing the internship report. Our supervisor Mohammad Ali Biswash, SPO, Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, New market Branch, Dhaka, also support us to prepare a report...
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...A STUDY ON INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES OF ISLAMI BANK BANGLADESH LIMITED PREFACE Bank is a part and parcel of the modern economy of any country. Like any other countries in the world banks play the most crucial role not in the economic but also the social, political environment in Bangladesh. Even it is wise to say that the financial sector of Bangladesh is solely dominated by the banking sector, because the non bank financial sector of Bangladesh is yet to develop to desired level, although it is growing very rapidly. The invention of banking based on Islamic shariah is a relatively new concept in the global banking arena. Now a day the Islamic Shariah based banks are not operating only in the Muslim countries but also in non Muslim countries with the same level of faith and efficiencies parallel to the conventional interest based banks. Even in some cases some of the Islamic Shariah based banks has exceeded their competing traditional banks in terms of service quality and some other key financial indicators. In Bangladesh Muslim constitutes more than 80% of her total population. These people possess strong faith on Allah and they want to lead their lives as per the instructions given in the holy Quran and Sunnah; the way shown by the prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sm). But no Islamic banking system was developed here up to 1983. The Traditional banking sector was fully based on interest. This is why most of our religious...
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...DOCUMENTARY CREDIT TRACKING SYSTEM OF IBBL An internship report submitted for the satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION By S.M. Tanvir Ferdous Id: B033112 Department of Business Administration International Islamic University Chittagong, Dhaka Campus Spring 2008 -1- DOCUMENTARY CREDIT TRACKING SYSTEM OF IBBL An internship report submitted for the satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Submitted To Md. Shariful Haque Assistant Professor Prepared By S.M. Tanvir Ferdous Id: B033112 Date of Submission: January 5, 2008 Department of Business Administration International Islamic University Chittagong, Dhaka Campus -2- Letter of Transmittal January 5, 2008 Md. Shariful Haque Assistant Professor DBA, IIUC Dhaka Campus Subject: Submission of the Internship Report Dear Sir, I am glad to inform you that I have completed my internship report on “Documentary Credit Tracking System of IBBL”. I have gathered extensive knowledge while I was doing this report. Though there was some limitation and difficulties but I tried my level best to eliminate those limitations with your help and your guideline. Since this is my first full form of co-relational study, I tried my level best to finish this study as professional manure. I highly appreciate the opportunity to prepare this report. Yours sincerely, S.M. Tanvir Ferdous Matric NO- B033112 Batch- 17A Department of Business Administration...
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...DOCUMENTARY CREDIT TRACKING SYSTEM OF IBBL An internship report submitted for the satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION By S.M. Tanvir Ferdous Id: B033112 Department of Business Administration International Islamic University Chittagong, Dhaka Campus Spring 2008 -1- DOCUMENTARY CREDIT TRACKING SYSTEM OF IBBL An internship report submitted for the satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Submitted To Md. Shariful Haque Assistant Professor Prepared By S.M. Tanvir Ferdous Id: B033112 Date of Submission: January 5, 2008 Department of Business Administration International Islamic University Chittagong, Dhaka Campus -2- Letter of Transmittal January 5, 2008 Md. Shariful Haque Assistant Professor DBA, IIUC Dhaka Campus Subject: Submission of the Internship Report Dear Sir, I am glad to inform you that I have completed my internship report on “Documentary Credit Tracking System of IBBL”. I have gathered extensive knowledge while I was doing this report. Though there was some limitation and difficulties but I tried my level best to eliminate those limitations with your help and your guideline. Since this is my first full form of co-relational study, I tried my level best to finish this study as professional manure. I highly appreciate the opportunity to prepare this report. Yours sincerely, S.M. Tanvir Ferdous Matric...
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...Investment and Foreign Exchange operation of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) Table of Contents: LIST OF ILUSTRATION 5 Executive Summary 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 7 CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION: 8 1.1 PURPOSE 8 1.2 SCOPE: 8 1.3 BACKGROUND 9 1.4 METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION 10 1.5 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY: 11 CHAPTER TWO: PROFILE OF IBBL 12 2.1 INTRODUCTION: 12 2.2 DEFINITION OF ISLSMIIC BANK: 12 2.3 Historical Background of IBBL: 12 CHAPTERFOUR: FOREIGN EXCHANGE OPERATION 49 OF IBBL 49 4.2 FOREIGN EXCHANGE: 49 4.3 Functions of Foreign Exchange Department: 50 Exports: 50 LIST OF ILUSTRATION Executive Summary Islamic banking is relatively a new concept in the world. Before the inception of Islamic banking phenomenon, banks were institutes to be avoided by the millions of Muslims. Keeping aloof themselves from banking, Muslims began to loss their market in the world economy. As the competition the business world became more and more severe, businesspersons had no alternative banking premises and many of them were getting involved in the traditional banking. However, the traditional banking is based on interest, which is fully prohibited in Islam. To overcome this problem, Muslim scholars, philosophers, economists etc....
Words: 16926 - Pages: 68
...extensive stakeholder engagement. Corporate social responsibility may help to establish clear boundaries among the different interests of the groups like shareholders, citizens, providers, and customers. In this paper, we will describe, analyze, and formalize the critical responsibility parameters, as well as the variables that shape them. Introduction The title of our term paper is “Comparative Study on the Corporate Social Responsibility Performing by Banking, Non-Banking Financial Institutions” . Globally, the notion of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is fast gaining acceptance as the contribution that businesses can and should make voluntarily towards environmentally sustainable and socially equitable development. Besides the usual financial reporting, ‘nonfinancial’ or ‘sustainability’ reporting is accordingly also fast gaining usage. of this interview were 5. As for collecting secondary information, we used the internet to visit the websites and other related web pages for any information related to our study....
Words: 17168 - Pages: 69
...DOCUMENTARY CREDIT TRACKING SYSTEM OF IBBL An internship report submitted for the satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION By S.M. Tanvir Ferdous Id: B033112 Department of Business Administration International Islamic University Chittagong, Dhaka Campus Spring 2008 -1- DOCUMENTARY CREDIT TRACKING SYSTEM OF IBBL An internship report submitted for the satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Submitted To Md. Shariful Haque Assistant Professor Prepared By S.M. Tanvir Ferdous Id: B033112 Date of Submission: January 5, 2008 Department of Business Administration International Islamic University Chittagong, Dhaka Campus -2- Letter of Transmittal January 5, 2008 Md. Shariful Haque Assistant Professor DBA, IIUC Dhaka Campus Subject: Submission of the Internship Report Dear Sir, I am glad to inform you that I have completed my internship report on “Documentary Credit Tracking System of IBBL”. I have gathered extensive knowledge while I was doing this report. Though there was some limitation and difficulties but I tried my level best to eliminate those limitations with your help and your guideline. Since this is my first full form of co-relational study, I tried my level best to finish this study as professional manure. I highly appreciate the opportunity to prepare this report. Yours sincerely, S.M. Tanvir Ferdous Matric NO- B033112 Batch- 17A Department...
Words: 15913 - Pages: 64
...Investment and Foreign Exchange operation of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) Table of Contents: LIST OF ILUSTRATION 5 Executive Summary 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 7 CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION: 8 1.1 PURPOSE 8 1.2 SCOPE: 8 1.3 BACKGROUND 9 1.4 METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION 10 1.5 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY: 11 CHAPTER TWO: PROFILE OF IBBL 12 2.1 INTRODUCTION: 12 2.2 DEFINITION OF ISLSMIIC BANK: 12 2.3 Historical Background of IBBL: 12 CHAPTERFOUR: FOREIGN EXCHANGE OPERATION 49 OF IBBL 49 4.2 FOREIGN EXCHANGE: 49 4.3 Functions of Foreign Exchange Department: 50 Exports: 50 LIST OF ILUSTRATION Executive Summary Islamic banking is relatively a new concept in the world. Before the inception of Islamic banking phenomenon, banks were institutes to be avoided by the millions of Muslims. Keeping aloof themselves from banking, Muslims began to loss their market in the world economy. As the competition the business world became more and more severe, businesspersons had no alternative banking premises and many of them were getting involved in the traditional banking. However, the traditional banking is based on interest, which is fully prohibited in Islam. To overcome this problem, Muslim scholars, philosophers, economists etc....
Words: 16926 - Pages: 68
...[pic] ASA Tower, 23/3 Bir Uttam A.N.M. Nuruzzaman Sarak, Shymoli,Dhaka. 1207. Internship Report On “Modes of Investment of IBBL” Submitted To Dr. Md. Abdul Hye Professor & Dean Faculty of Business ASA University Bangladesh (ASAUB) Submitted By Sheikh Refath Jessan ID. No: 091-12-0293 Section: ACT-6A Major: Accounting Batch: 6th Program: BBA ASA University Bangladesh (ASAUB) Date: December 30, 2012 December 30,2012 Dr. Md. Abdul Hye Professor & Dean, Faculty of Business ASA University Bangladesh (ASAUB). Dear Sir: SUBMISSION OF INTERNSHIP REPORT I have the pleasure to submit the internship report on ‘Modes of Investment of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL)’ for your kind perusal and evaluation. It is a matter of immense pleasure for me to have the opportunity to prepare internship report on, ‘Modes of Investment of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL)’. I am grateful to you for allowing me to carry out such work and necessary co-operation and assistance from you during my report. I believe that the knowledge and experiences acquired while conducting this study will help me in many ways and the readers as well in future. I have tried my best to accommodate my ideas and findings as specifically as you asked about within the time frame and resources available I would like to mention that there might be some errors in the report...
Words: 32103 - Pages: 129
...in the document are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Institute of Microfinance (InM). The report also does not represent the official stand of the Government of the countries studied. 2 | State of Microfinance in Bangladesh List of Acronyms ADB ASA BBS BDT BEES BIDS BKB BMDA BRAC BRDB BSBL CARB CBO CBN CDF CFPR CIDA COSOP CPD DANIDA DFID DOL DOF EC FSP FSS FY GB GDP GOB HCP HIES IBBL IFAD IGA IGVGD InM JC LGED ME MFMSP Asian Development Bank Bangladeshi NGO (formerly Association for Social Advancement) Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics Bangladesh Taka Bangladesh Extension Education Services Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies Bangladesh Krishi Bank Barind Multi-Purpose Development Authority Building Resources Across Communities (Largest NGO) [Formerly Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee] Bangladesh Rural Development Board Bangladesh Sanchya Bank Limited Center for Agricultural Research-Barind (a Bangladeshi MFI) Community Based Organization Cost-of-basic-needs Credit and Development Forum Challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction Programme Canadian International Development Agency Country Strategic Opportunities Paper (of IFAD) Centre for Policy Dialogue Danish International Development Agency Department for International Development Department of Livestock Department of Fisheries European Commission Financial Service for the Poorest Financial Self-sufficiency Fiscal Year Grameen Bank Gross Domestic Product Government of Bangladesh...
Words: 67541 - Pages: 271
...Internship Report on Marketing Strategy of Shahjalal Islami bank Background of the Study Now-a- day’s banking sector is modernizing and expanding its hand in different financial events every day. At the same time he banking process is becoming faster, easier and is becoming eider. In order to survive in the competitive field of the banking sector all organizations are looking for better service opportunities to provide their fellow clients. So it has becoming essential for every person to have some idea on the bank and banking procedure. Internship program so called work attachment program an essential for every BBA student because it helps him or her to acquaint with the real life situation. As bank is one of the most important financial intermediaries. So I have selected Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited, which is one of the most leading banks of the new bank arena. 1.2 Objective of the Study There have two types of objective 1.2.1. The main objectives of the study are: • To find out the reality in the practical life. • To fulfill the requirement for the completion of BBA program. 1.2.2. The Secondary objectives of this report are: • To develop the practical knowledge by the practical orientation of work. • To build up the pillar of the career for near future. • To know about Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited (SJIBL) operational activities which is based on Islami Shariah. • To know about Human Resource Departments Practices of SJIBL. • To know distinguishing fractures...
Words: 28402 - Pages: 114