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Submitted By phongvan429
Words 2574
Pages 11
Definition of Business Ethics……………………….2
Background of Fonterra’s Company………………..2
Issues of Fonterra’s company.....................................3
Solution to Issues……………………………………4

Fonterra’s Milk Scandal: The Issues surrounding it and how can Fonterra’s managed the issue?
Milk is a nutritional product very good for health and almost all age are using. The dairy industry is currently developing. Typically, the dairy market today has a millions of different brands of milk from around the world. Dairy industry development because the benefits of milk to provide for health people is extremely large. Targeting that benefit, so now has a lot of dairy company consecutive established for the purpose of competitive and to looking for profit from that industry but they don’t care about a business ethics. That led to some large companies do everything possible to get revenue as skipping the period in production to shorten the process and change or add some cheap has toxic component to decrease cost of production and increase profits. Such behavior has violated business ethics and caused a serious consequence to the health and the faith of consumers. Typical, Fonterra; the best dairy company in the world has violated of business ethics when related the scandal of the milk has toxic harmful to human health and loss of image of company. That issue must be considered and review to demonstrate that problems right or wrong. In addition, it is more important things to see how Fonterra to solve the problems and remediation methods.
Definition of business ethics
Ethics is considered as a philosophical research of human behavior to conclude the behavior is right or wrong (Ferrell, ET al.2011). Most of business ethics are based on a standard and ethical

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