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Van Gogh


Submitted By kathyjones12345
Words 377
Pages 2
Van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh’s stay in Arles greatly influenced him, his emotions, and the way he viewed the world and we can see that through the way his artwork changed when he moved there. The color in his work grew more vibrant, and he started really developing the classic style that he is famous for. It is clear that the vibrant sunlight inspired van Gogh in his dominant use of yellows in his works done here. I feel that van Gogh felt feelings of excitement, happiness, and vibrancy of life to move to a place where he enjoyed, especially being the smoker and drinker he was. The scope of his work also grew, as he began to paint many things such as grander landscapes of the area.
Van Gogh is an artist greatly influenced by the impressionist style, and his own work later became known as post impressionism. He would let his intense emotions take over his paintings and used color to convey emotion rather than to document reality. It is clear that his work celebrated life and universal harmony as a whole. In his most famous painting of all, Starry Night, the shapes and colors he used created an elemental harmony. It is clear he painted a world in which he dreamed existed, a utopia of sorts, filled with peace and tranquility. Today, van Gogh’s work has become one of the most recognizable in all of history. It is extremely popular and I think part of the reason is the beauty of what he created and, specifically with Starry Night, because he did it with a dream like perspective. I think people find solace and joy from looking at a rather lovely painting, and his smooth use of brush strokes and individual style really captured the attention of the public. I think with a lot of things though that are overplayed, overshown, and overhyped, the work does lose its meaning the more it is reproduced in a novelty way. The art piece, then becomes interpreted and sold in a

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