...Roles and functions of Human resource department Introduction The Human Resource Department deals with management of people within the organisation. There are a number of responsibilities that come with this title. First of all, the Department is responsible for hiring members of staff; this will involve attracting employees, keeping them in their positions and ensuring that they perform to expectation. Besides, the Human Resource Department also clarifies and sets day to day goals for the organisation. It is responsible for organisation of people in the entire Company and plans for future ventures and objectives involving people in the Company. (Handy, 1999) Research has shown that the human aspect of resources within an organisation contributes approximately eighty percent of the organisation’s value. This implies that if people are not managed properly, the organisation faces a serious chance of falling apart. The Human Resource Department’s main objective is to bring out the best in their employees and thus contribute to the success of the Company. These roles come with certain positive and negative aspects. However, the negative aspects can be minimised by improvements to their roles and functions. These issues shall be examined in detail in the subsequent sections of the essay with reference to case examples of businesses in current operation. Positive aspects of Roles and Functions of the Human Resource Department Recruitment of Employees This is one of the...
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...Role Function in Human Resources Department The human resources department main objective is to bring out the best in his employees and contributing to the success of the company. The department is responsible for hiring members of the staff and keeping them in the position once it has been filled. Individual management entails helping employees identify his strength and weaknesses, correct their shortcoming, and make their best contribution to the enterprise One of the roles of the human resources department is recruitment. Recruitment will allow the company to find the right person who will fit in with the company. The company can conduct education and psychological measurements. By making sure the applicant has the right attitude and has what the company is looking for will be a big benefit (Bhagria, 2010). Keeping the employees motivated is something that human resources will want to do for them. Offering incentives to those that exceed expectation is a good thing for the company. This will allow persons who are following behind to want to improve as to reach the goal to receive the incentives as well. Human resources department has been taken for granted for a long time. Many people are unaware for all the human resources (HR) can offer. Today human resources department are looking to be proactive by looking ahead and seeing what it will take to get the company to the next level. In the past human resources department only responded to problems as they came up (Luis...
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...Human Resource Management is the function of an organisation that deals with recruitment, placement, promotion, training, and development of company employees. This essay will consider the history of this complex role and the many functions it encompasses. In the 19th century personnel management was introduced into the workforce. This was created because, the harshness of industrial conditions, coupled with the influence of trade unions and the labour movement. Social scientists such as Taylor and Fayol has impacted on personnel. Taylorism was an idea taken on board by personnel management it is a theory that analyzes and synthesizes workflow processes and improving labour productivity. The core ideas of the theory were developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor in the 19th century. Fayol impacted on the personnel management by introducing planning, organising and controlling the workforce. Another key event of the development of Human resource management was the introduction of collective bargaining on both local and national levels. Due to increasing number of shop stewards, local bargaining become more common. In addition to the growth of collective bargaining, larger employers constructed their own polices regarding the employees actions. As a result of collective bargaining employers started to implement their own staff pollicies not just about pay but for example pensions, training and safety. National bargaining effected employers on a larger scale. This was...
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...ADMINSTRATION MODULE NAME: HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 1. Explain the concept of human resources management and discuss the role of human resources management function in an organisation. According to Bratton and Gold (1999:11) Human resources management is described as the process that specialises in the management of people in work organisations. Human resources management emphasis that employees are critical in achieving sustainable competitive advantage, that human resources practices need to be integrated with the corporate strategy. Human resources specialist helps organisational controllers to meet both the efficiency and equity strategic objective. Human resources management seeks to achieve two sets of objectives which are to improve employee’s performance and enhance organisational efficiency. The major role of human resources management in an organisation is the hiring and firing of employees which involves attracting the best employees on the market, keeping them in their positions and ensuring that they perform according to the organisational expectation and enhance overall strategic goals of the organisation. Recruitment of employees is the major role performed by the human resources department. This ensures that the organisation selects the most skilful and competent people. This role involves evaluation of the ability and competence of potential employees in relation to the goal of the organisation. Human resources Management is an approach...
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...Human Resource Management: Context, Concept and Doundaries UNIT 2 THE CONCEPT AND FUNCTIONS OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Objectives After reading this unit, you should be able to: l l understand the meaning and concept of human resource management; and explain the functions of HR, and responsibilities and new roles of HR practitioners. Structure 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Introduction Concept of HRM Objectives of HRM Human Resource Functions Summary Self Assessment Questions Further Readings 2.1 INTRODUCTION Human resource management (HRM) is an approach to the management of people, based on four fundamental principles. First, human resources are the most important assets an organisation has and their effective management is the key to its success. Second, this success is most likely to be achieved if the personnel policies and procedures of the enterprise are closely linked with, and make a major contribution to, the achievement of corporate objectives and strategic plans. Third, the corporate culture and the values, organisational climate and managerial behaviour that emanate from that culture will exert a major influence on the achievement of excellence. This culture must, therefore, be managed which means that organisational values may need to be changed or reinforced, and that continuous effort, starting from the top, will be required to get them accepted and acted upon. Finally, HRM is concerned with integration - getting all the members of the organisation...
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...Challenges of Human Resource Managers In a time of increasing globalization, economic rationalization, competitiveness, deregulation, technological revolution and changing workforce there is an increasing need for human resource management to be able to capitalize and gain on the challenges that this changing environment will bring. For a company to be able to successfully stay ahead of its competition, human resource management has to be seen as a significant contributor within the company. Human resource management will face many challenges and will operate in a constant environment of change. Two of the most important challenges to the role of human resource management in the future is the capacity to develop and utilize a new set of competencies to fulfill the changing roles and the ability to move to a strategic human resource. In this assignment I will outline how each of these areas have developed to become two of the most important changes for Human Resource Managers and why I believe they are critical to the success of an organization. Strategic Human Resource Management The literature on the changing role of human resource management stresses the requirement to move from an administrative support function, or the more traditional human resource operational management model, to a strategic and facilitative role. To sustain the transformation of the human resource functions to a Strategic Human Resource Management model; it will require human resource professionals...
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...Human Resources Management Roles HCS 341 Human Resources in Health Care Human Resources Management Roles Human resources department is a very essential department for a company. Human resources run the foundation of the company and making the company successful to excel. In the human resources department comes a manager of the department as well who are over the employees and the associates of the human resources department. However, there are many challenges for the role of the functions for the manager in the human resources. Managers are people who are in charge of others and who are responsible for the timely and correct execution of actions that promote their units’ successful performance (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin and Cardy, 2016). Human resources managers are put in place to help shape the company needs of the organization. Managers in the health care industry are there to mainly focus on the staff and the employees to ensure that they put people in the place to help the company grow. HR managers are from the front of the line to the back of line with building a company and assisting with all areas of the company. From hiring to placement and develop grow from an employee. Human resources managers’ role consists of recruitment, safety, employee relations, compensation and benefits, compliance and training and development. (Six Main Functions of a Human Resource Department. 2016). Human resources are to ensure that all functions of the department and the roles...
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...HR Roles and Responsibilities MGT/431 December 19, 2011 Chris Forscutt Human Resource Management is one of the most important areas in any organization. The Human Resources department of any organization provides a very important service to the organization. Human resources are a multi-layered layered area that must be dealt with carefully. In this paper I will discuss exactly what Human resources and Human Resource Management are. I will also discuss the changing role of Human Resource Management in response to changing trends in globalization, technology, e-business, diversity, and ethics. As I stated earlier Human Resources and Human Resource Management are very important to an organizations success. The first thing that I need to do is to define exactly what Human Resources Management is. Human Resource Management can be defined as “the policies, practices, and systems that influence employee’s behavior, attitudes, and performance” (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & P.M. Wright, 2007, "Introduction"). Human Resources can be defined as the support systems responsible for personnel sourcing and hiring. Human Resources are a very complex process that covers several different areas. Human resources cover not only hiring, but it also covers application tracking, skills development and tracking, benefits administration, and compliance with government regulations. The Human Resources department is a critical component of employee well-being in any organization. ...
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...Executive Summary This report traces the evolution of the HR function from its traditional role of personnel management into what is known today as Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) and the role that devolution has played in this evolutionary cycle. From the research, it was observed that the devolution of HR responsibilities to line managers has enabled the HR function to take on a more strategic role as a business partner of the organization. It is also observed that devolution has benefited both line managers and employees alike by reducing bureaucratic red-tape and providing a faster approach to decision making and problem solving. The limitation of this report is that the negative aspects of devolution as noted by many researchers are not covered due to limitations in the length and scope of the assignment. Table of Contents No Title Page i Cover Page 1 ii Executive Summary 2 iii Table of Contents 3 1.0 Introduction 4 2.0 The Evolutionary Cycle of Human Resources 5 3.0 The Effects of Devolution towards Strategic Human Resources Management 11 4.0 Conclusion 14 5.0 References 15 1.0 Introduction In the last few decades, there have been extensive changes and transformations in the perspective of organizational behaviour as a whole. To quote Smilansky (1997), “organizational change has become a permanent state of affairs”. The rapid changes in the technology...
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...Human Resource Management Overview Fawn Barrette Strayer University Health Care Human Resource Management HSA 320 Dr. Sherrie Lu May 3, 2014 Human Resource Management Overview Introduction. Human resource management is a vital proponent to health care and to a health care organization. I will attempt to show just how so in this paper by determining key roles that human resource management plays in the health care field. I will evaluate three to five functions of human resource management n terms of their level of support and give an opinion of which one I feel to be the primary function in furthering the health care field. Lastly, I will analyze the role of human resource management in an organization’s strategic plan. Key roles of human resource management in the health care field. The key role of human resource management in health care field is to make sure that individuals get the best and highest quality healthcare that they can by hiring qualified and skilled employees. In addition to employees, it is important to mention that HR is responsible in making sure that an organization has qualified practitioners that are able to work efficiently and effectively, in order to maintain cost. (Kabene, Orchard, Soriano, & Leduc, 2006) It is also a key role of HR management to foster a partnership role between HR and senior management, it is important for managers to treat HR as a consultant when it comes to issues with employees. (Niles, 2013) A personal example...
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...Human Resource Management Roles WendyMelissa A. Roberts HCS/341 May 21, 2012 Denise R. Holcomb Human Resource Management Roles The human resource department is responsible for four main functions. The four main functions are staffing and recruitment, defining job descriptions and roles, employee relations, and compensation and benefits (Stringer, 2012). The ability of the human resource managers to perform these duties effectively can easily determine an organization’s success or failure. Staffing and Recruitment Human resources are responsible for placing advertisements in job recruitment classifieds. Job search engines, newspapers, job postings placed in the organization’s memos, media advertisements, and job fairs are options for recruitment for potential applicants (Stringer, 2012). Applications and resumes are reviewed carefully and contacted by a human resource manager if the applicant matches well with the desired position the organization is hiring for. The next step would be to conduct the interview process with the applicant. Depending on the organization’s policies and procedures, reference checks, background checks, and credit checks may also need to be conducted by the human resource manager on the applicant before the hiring process continues. When an applicant is hired for a position, the human resource manager is also responsible for ensuring that the employee is properly trained for the position, on the organization’s policies and procedures...
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...The impact of information technology on the HR function transformation By Yu Long 0123404 Graduation Committee: First supervisor: Dr. T. Bondarouk Course coordinator: Pro. Dr. J. K. Looise Master Thesis, Business Administration HRM University of Twente March, 2009 Preface This master thesis concludes my life as a student, which is performed under the supervision of Twente University in the Netherlands. The research is the terminal of the program Human Resource Management. Doing this research not only improves my skill on literature searching, information analysis, but helps me to gain more profound knowledge about e-HR. During the research, I have got great support from several persons, and now, here is the opportunity to thank them. At first, I give special thanks to Jiajie Li, my boyfriend. He accompanies with me during the whole research period. Besides dealing with my impatient and anxious attitude, he also put great effort on improving my thesis. His optimistic and serious attitude influences me, and makes me continue the research with better and better results every time. His support is very meaningful for my research period. Secondly, I would like to thank Ms. Tanya Bondarouk, and Prof. Jan Kees Looise for their excellent support, feedback and guidance. Both of them give me fruitful advice on how to improve my work. And they always give me timely feedback on my work, which encourages and makes me belief that I can hand in a satisfactory report under the effort...
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...HSA 320 Week 4 Assignment 1 - Human Resource Management Overview - NEW 2015 Version Using the course readings, articles, and your personal experiences, address the role of human resource management. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Determine key roles that human resource management plays in the health care field. Evaluate three to five (3-5) functions of human resource management in terms of their level of support to the health care field, and then select which one you believe is the primary function in furthering the health care field. More Details hidden... Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of HSA 320 Week 4 Assignment 1 in order to ace their studies. HSA 320 WEEK 4 ASSIGNMENT 1 To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/hsa-320-week-4-assignment-1/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM HSA 320 WEEK 4 ASSIGNMENT 1 HSA 320 Week 4 Assignment 1 - Human Resource Management Overview - NEW 2015 Version Using the course readings, articles, and your personal experiences, address the role of human resource management. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Determine key roles that human resource management plays in the health care field. Evaluate three to five (3-5) functions of human resource management in terms of their level of support to the health care field, and then select which one you believe is the primary function in furthering the health care...
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...Redesigning Human Resource Redesigning Human Resource Human resource plays an essential role in the organization. The main functions of human resource in the organization are providing training to employees in the organization and benefits. In addition, human resource helps in performance manage and promoting safety of the workers in the organization. Other roles include recruiting employees and payroll. Most of the organizations do not recognize the benefits of human resource in the organization as they have not integrated human resource in their activities. The human resource functions are limited to payroll, benefits, training, performance manager and safety. Also, the organizations do not allow human resource managers to report to organizational managers. Human resource managers report to VP of operation. Organizations in different parts of the world have integrated human resource in their activities. The human resource roles have increased for the last ten years. Many people have called the human resource for the last ten years to take the role of strategic partner. In this role, human resource is seen as a member of the senior management team. In addition, human resource is involved in making important decisions in the organization like forming strategies, designing the organization and implementing the business model. There are various methods that can be used to redesign human resource in the organization and make it an essential strategic partner in the future...
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...The Functional Roles of Human Resource Bernard Jackson Human Resources Management MBA 533 August 18, 2013 Abstract Many large, middle-sized and even small business organizations have a functional human resources department. The functional roles of an HR department remain the same regardless of the size of your business. As the name indicates, the department exists to manage and assist the human element of the company. Since human capital is the most important asset of any organization, having an efficient and quality human resources department is key to the quality and success of the organization. Human resources functional activity supports strategic initiatives. Strategic planning drives functional or transactional processes. HR managers are capable of implementing strategy and carrying out activities that support their strategic plans. Typically, a human resources manager or director develops department strategy depending on the functional expertise of HR specialists. Generally, HR is the process of managing and motivating employees. Some roles of HR vary based on the organization, but there are a number of common functions that are constant. If HR is effective, employees across the company produce optimal results. The functional roles of any Human Resource department varies but the duties are key to the success of any organization. Recruitment and hiring the right people, putting them in the right positions for their abilities and skills is crucial...
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