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Roles Of Women In Canada Essay

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World War one impacted Canada tremendously but it also impacted the roles of women. During 1914 to 1918 the roles of women were changing drastically. As the men went to war the women of Canada began to attain opportunities, economically and politically. Although many believed women to be incapable the Canadian women took control of professions formally handled by men and gained immensely from this.
Once the war began it opened up many opportunities for Canadian women including jobs. The women took the places of men while they were at war. The women helped the economy greatly because if it was not for them Canada’s economy would fail. Women began to participate in war, from nursing to munitions manufacturing to gain involvement. Canadian women helped the economy because they were …show more content…
When the women took the role of men’s jobs they were granted immense equality because of the hard work they put in to contribute to World War one. This created room for women to be more independent and experience freedom that they had not before. Women started to value the fact that they no longer had to rely on men. After their support and service in the war Canadian women began to fight for rights. They were not granted many things but the war did change the mindset of others and their right to be treated as an equal. Without economical and political advancements working collectively, the roles of women would not develop into the rights women have in today’s society.
Overall, World War one benefited the roles of women in many ways including economically and politically. The roles of women were very limited before World War one, women were thought of as only capable of having one role until they were needed and broke the mold for all women. Once the war began, Canadian women were granted many opportunities and privileges. The changes made in the roles of women improved Canada

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