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Rough Draft Short Story

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It is a warm afternoon in the month of May and I am ecstatic. The bell rings prompting streams of students, their bookbags flying behind them as they zoom straight towards the busses. Coats put on only moments before, go flying as the sun licks their soft, acne-ridden faces. I am among those children running, racing against time towards the busses eager to get home so I could go to the barn. Only a week earlier, I had been at a horse show winning my first blue, and I was focused on winning many more.
After the hot bus ride teeming with students, all buzzing about their day, I am at home. I run in a mad dash towards my room, strip off my vexatious school attire, and switch it to that of barn wear, including Olympic brands of clothing.
My mom …show more content…
I attempt to steady myself, but he rears too fast. I feel my foot leave the stirrup, I feel his hooves hit the pole as he falters. I grip his mane, ripping out chunks of his hair, my fingers claw at his neck, desperately grasping for something to hold on to. The reins are useless. My feet are squeezing at his sides as one does on a fast carousel. I am determined not to fall.
A few seconds later, the jump is behind us. Charlie has survived, but I have not. Somewhere in the midst of that demonic carousel, I fell. My helmet flew, my arms grasped at nothing, my feet swung wildly, no stirrups to keep them detained. I felt myself tumble down to the calloused ground.
I sit up, examining my surroundings. My helmet lay on the other side of the jump, it’s buckle broken, the side of it dented. The corpse of my glasses lay near it, damaged beyond repair. All of the sudden, Rick comes rushing in, having seen Charlie run a lap with no rider. I sit there mute, the pain in my left arm too immense for words. Charlie trots over to me, lowering his nose, breathing his warm breath on my face. His eyes seemed to ask if I am okay, seems to say that he’s sorry. Rick comes rushing over to where I sit, dumbfounded.
“Lauren! What happened? I was gone for five

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