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Junior Walk Research Paper

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Junior Walk, a 27-year-old from Eunice, West Virginia, a small community in the Coal River Valley, does not approve of coal mining and its negative effects. Junior will stop at nothing to end coal mining and all of its problems for new clean renewable resources. Junior uses his drone and hovers it over the mining area to try to find violations. When Junior does find violations “ he anonymously submits evidence of those violations to West Virginia's Department of Environmental Protection in the hopes that companies will be forced to pay fines and slow down their work,” says Vice News. Junior and many other people such as Maria Gunnoe who was honored with the 2009 Goldman Environmental Prize of North America hate coal mining and what it does to everything around it.

Coal mining kills thousands of people each year in mine accidents and leaves people near and around mines with many health problems such as cardiopulmonary disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, lung disease and kidney disease. …show more content…
Coal Mining can also ignite coal fires, which can burn for decades, release ash and toxic chemicals into the atmosphere and coal dust inhalation and can cause black lung disease. Coal mining has gotten safer over the past 30 years due to strip mining but affects the environment more. Strip mining destroys landscapes, forests and wildlife habitats. “It leads to soil erosion and destruction of agricultural land,” states Environment News South Africa. Not to mention all of the accidents that can happen like the possibility that poisonous gases can be freed by the mining process and can overcome workers and equipment can catch

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