...------------------------------------------------- Department of Law and Human Rights Lesson Plan Course Code & Title: | Law 115 : Constitutional Laws of Bangladesh | Semester: | 1st Year 2nd Semester | Teacher: | Azizun Nahar | Office/Room: | Bikolpo Tower (5th floor), House No. , Road no 5/A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka. | Consultation/Contact Time: | Day 1(Sun day) 12.00 A. M to 01.55 P.M. 3.00 P.M. to 4.55 P.M.Day 2( Mon day) A.M. to 12.55 P.M. 2.00 P.M. to 4.55 P.M.Day 3( Tues day) A.M to 10.55 A.M. 3.00 P.M. to 4.55 P.M. Day 4( Wednesday) 11.00 A.M. to 11.55 A.M. 3.00 P.M. to 4.55 P.M.Day 5(Thurs day) 09.00 A.M. to 11.55 A.M. | Email: | a.moonmoon@yahoo.com | Mobile: | 01712-356955 | Course Overview: | The Course on Constitutional Laws of Bangladesh incorporates, within its sovereign domain, the fundamental aspects of constitution, constitutionalism as well as the composition and functioning of various components of Bangladesh as a state. | Course Outline: | Constitutional Laws of Bangladesh emphasizes on basics of constitutional jurisprudence, constitution, role and functioning of state machineries of Bangladesh namely Parliament, Executive & Judiciary. | Course objectives: | The course on Constitutional Laws of Bangladesh intends to help the students understand the premises and periphery of Constitutional Jurisprudence as well as the compostion, functioning of the basic organs of Bangladesh and their role in ensuring the rights of people. | Teaching...
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...B of BANGLADESH A N G L A D E S H R E S E A R C H The State of Bangladesh Debt Market A u g u s t 0 6 , 2 0 0 1 ™ End June 2000 Bank Deposits, 72.19% Tk 749.32 billion Debt Market, 27.81% Tk 288.64 billion Government, 99.64% Tk 287.60 billion Treasury bills, 26.58% Tk 76.45 billion Treasury bonds, 13.91% Tk 40.01 billion Savings schemes, 59.28%Tk 170.48 billion ™ Private, 0.36% Effective Yield Tk 1.04 billion 8.63% 7.02% 11.49% 16.58% 7.26% 13.98% The financial sector of Bangladesh is characterized by strong presence of commercial banks, especially state-owned ones. Most of the available funds are bagged by the banks in the form of deposits and channeled for investment through lending. However, they have a substantial bad loan portfolio. Especially Nationalized Commercial Banks (NCBs), receiving the largest pool of funds from general depositors, are suffering from the problem, which has taken a deep root. The dominance of banks, with their huge bad loan portfolios and non-transferability of most of the debt/savings instruments are regarded as the prime hindrance in the development of a debt market per se. Lack of institutions with expertise in debt products, not so high credibility of the corporate borrowers, and absence of any credit rating agency, have been discouraging factors. It is our view at AIMS that the spectrum of financial products available in the developed market could be tailored to match...
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...Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction & Conceptual Framework of The Study 2-4 1. Background of the Report 2 2. Objectives of the Report 2 3. Coverage of the Report 3 4. Source and Methodology of Data Collection 3 5. Limitations of the Report 4 Chapter 2 Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) 6-11 1. Background of ICB 6 2. Objectives of ICB 6 3. Business Policies of ICB 6 4. Functions of ICB 7 5. Capital Structure of ICB 7 6. Shareholding Position of ICB 8 7. Management of ICB 9 8. Share Price 10 9. Transfer of Shares 10 10. Milestone of ICB 10 Chapter 3 Organizational Features of ICB 13-14 3.1 Regulatory Framework of ICB 13 3.2 Institutional Framework 13 3.3 Manpower 13 3.4 Number of Branches of ICB 14 3.5 Training of Employees 14 Chapter 4 Functions of Various Departments of ICB 16-27 4.1 Administrative Division 17 4.2 Merchandising Division 18 4.3 Funds Division 19 4.4 Accounts and Finance Division 20 4.5 Computer Division 22 4.6 Loan Appraisal Division 22 4.7 Implementation & Recovery 24 4.8 Legal Affairs Division 24 4.9 Audits and Method Department 25 4.10 Secretary’s Division 25 4.11 Branch and Subsidiary Control Division 26 4.12 Activities of Subsidiary Company’s 26 Chapter 5 Introduction of ICB Mutual Funds 29-36 5.1 Introduction 29 5.2 What Is Mutual Fund 29 5.3 Types of...
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...An assignment on 15th amendment of the Bangladesh constitution. The 15th amendment of the Bangladesh constitution is perhaps the most debatable one in the post democratic era that follows the 1990 public upsurge against autocracy. The often pronounced justifications offered for this amendment is the ‘needs’ for returning to the spirit and contents of the founding constitution of 1972 of Bangladesh. Yet the 15th amendment rather accommodates some of the changes brought out by the 5th and 7th amendments, both made by the Martial Law regime and recently declared illegal and unconstitutional by the apex court of the country. 15th amendment, like most of the previous amendments, also largely failed to reflect comparative constitutional studies. Such study is considered essential for learning the experiences of constitutionalism in relevant jurisprudences and borrowing or adapting them in amending a nation’s own constitution. Although the 1972 constitution of Bangladesh was indigenous in part, the 1972 Constituent Assembly (led by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman) enriched our constitution by the same process of borrowing and/or adapting from models and concepts of foreign constitutions. For example: collective responsibility of ministers to Parliament and functions of parliamentary committees were taken from UK system, the concept of fundamental principle of state policy from India and Ireland, the provisions of human rights and Judicial review from US constitutional jurisprudence...
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...Securities and Exchange Commission Bangladesh CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was established on June 8, 1993 under the Securities and Exchange Commission Act 1993 (Act 15 of 1993) as a capital market regulator with a view to ensuring proper issuance of securities, protection of the interest of investors in securities, development of the capital and securities markets, and regulation of the capital and securities markets in Bangladesh. The Commission consists of a chairman and four full time members who are employed by the government for a period of three years renewable for another similar term. The services of the chairman and members of the Commission are also determined by the government. The Chairman is the chief executive officer of the Commission. The country’s capital market witnessed a remarkable turn-around during the fiscal year 2008-2009. There were unmistakable signs of the resurgence of investor’s confidence which suffered a major jolt in the wake of the catastrophic crash of the stock market in 1996. Dhaka Stock Exchange’s (DSE) general index which was introduced on 27th November 2001 with a base of 818 points hardly moved in the following two years with the index increasing by merely five points to reach 823 on 30th June 2003. A significantly higher level was attained during the following year with the index rising to 1319 as of 30 June 2004. Parallely, Chittagong Stock Exchange’s index rose from 1841 as of 30th June 2003 to...
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...“Amendment of Bangladesh Constitution and Basic Structure Doctrine” 25. Nov, 2010 Introduction: The Constitution of Bangladesh is the highest ruling of Bangladesh. It represents Bangladesh as a democratic republic nation where all the power is in the hands of Bangladeshi people[1] and characterizes basic political principles of the state and stands for the fundamental rights of citizens. It was approved by the Assembly of Bangladesh on November 4, 1972; it was exercised from December 16, 1972. The constitution stands as the most powerful evidence to state Bangladesh as a unitary, independent and Republic, founded on a struggle for national liberation, and that is how we achieve the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. It lays a strong foundation of nationalism, secularity, democracy and socialism as the essential ethics that stands for the Republic and declares the quest of a society that gives its citizens- the rule of law, fundamental civil rights and independence as well as fairness and evenhandedness, political, economic and social. The Constitution of Bangladesh was written by international personals and other experienced people. However, amendments during socialist one party and military rule in Bangladesh drastically changed the material and moderate democratic character of the constitution. In August, 2005, the Bangladesh High Court approved a pointer finding that states constitutional amendments in military ruling as unlawful and also unconstitutional, so completely invalid...
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...DHAKA STOCK EXCHANGE Introduction to DSE The Necessity Of Establishing A Stock Exchange In The Then East Pakistan Was First Decided By The Government When, Early In 1952.It Was Learnt That The Calcutta Stock Exchange Had Prohibited The Transactions In Pakistani Shares And Securities. The Provincial Industrial Advisory Council Soon Thereafter Set Up An Organizing Committee For The Formation Of A Stock Exchange In East Pakistan. A Decisive Step Was Taken The Second Meeting Of The Organizing Committee Held On The 13th March ,1953. In The Cabinet Room, Eden Building ,Under The Chairmanship Of Mr. A . Khaleeli, Secretary Government Of East Bengal , Commerce, Labor And Industries Department At Which Various Aspects Of The Issue Were Discussed In Detail. The Then Central Governments Proposal Regarding The Karachi Stock Exchange Opening A Branch At Dhaka. , Did Not Find Favour With The Meeting Who Felt That East Pakistan Should Have An Independent Stock Exchange . It Was Suggested That Dhaka Narayanganj Chamber Of Commerce & Industry Should Approach Its Members For Parchase Of Membership Cards At RS.2000 Each For The Proposed Stock Exchange. The Location Of The Exchange It Was Thought Should Be Either Dhaka Narayanganj Or Chittagong . An Organizing Committee Was Appointed Consisting Of Leading Commercial And Industrial Personalities Of The Province With Mr. Mehdi Ispahani As The Convener In Order To Organize The Exchange. The Chamber Informed Its Members And Members Of Its Affiliated...
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...2/8/2016 Problems and Prospects for Modern Business Enterprises of Bangladesh Submitted to: Dr. Sabnam Jahan Associate Professor Department of Management University of Dhaka. Submitted by: Abul Kalam Azad EMBA Student code: 3-16-32-063 Course code & Title: EM: 501 Introduction to Business Abul Kalam Azad BANGLADESH POLICE Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Business Background of Bangladesh ....................................................................................................................... 2 Problems and Prospects for Modern Enterprises ............................................................................................... 4 Poverty and inequality ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Social development ................................................................................................................................................ 4 Political affairs, good governance and human rights ...................................................................................... 4 Security matters ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 Indigenous...
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...Quarterly Review January-March 2008 Securities and Exchange Commission Bangladesh SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Quarterly Review January - March 2008 A publication of the SEC Securities and Exchange Commission Jiban Bima Tower ( Floor 15, 16 & 20 ) 10, Dilkusha Commercial Area Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh Phone: 9568101-2, 9561525 Fax: (88)-02-9563721 Website: http//:www.secbd.org E-mail: secbd@bdmail.net Price: TK. 25.00 only SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Quarterly Review January - March 2008 TOPIC 1. Capital Market News 2. Corporate Finance 3. Capital Issue Department C O N T E N T S 4 7 8 11 13 14 20 22 23 24 25 4. Supervision and Regulation of Markets and Intermediaries 5. Central Depository System Department 6. Registration Department 7. SEC Surveillance Department 8. SEC Enforcement Actions 9. Legal Services Department 10. DSE and CSE Scenario 11. Bangladesh Capital Market Summary CAPITAL MARKET NEWS Establishment of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) SEC was established in June 1993 through enactment of the Securities and Exchange Commission Act, 1993 as a regulator of capital market of Bangladesh. Missions of SEC ! Ensuring proper issuance of securities ! Protection of the interest of investors in securities; ! Development of the capital and securities markets; and ! Regulation of the capital and securities markets in Bangladesh. Market Performance Dhaka Stock Exchange: As on the end of January-March,...
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...think? Can we protest to your government if we disapprove of its policies? Can the government search and seize our property? Can we be arrested and held without trial? Can the government treat us differently than it treats other people? Every country is based on some kind of law. Some of those are arbitrary powers, however over the years the only rule that seems to dictate the terms is the rule of law. As a citizen, we must know our constitutional rights in order to assert them. One of the basic principles of the any constitution is the rule of law.Actually sustainable development and good governance mostly depends on the proper application of rule of law. Laws are made for the welfare of the people, to bring a balance in society, a harmony between the conflicting forces in society. One of the prime objects of making constitution is to maintain law and order in society, a peaceful environment for the progress of the people. 2.0 Sovereignty of the people: Today, most modern states have followed written and fixed constitutions. A constitution presupposes the universe of a constituent power, as distinguished from other constituted powers, created by the constitution itself. Constitution is the highest law in the state; constituent power invests in those entitled to sovereignty. Jean Bodin defined sovereignty as the ‘absolute and perpetual power of a commonwealth’. He thought that the power of the state had to be embodied in the prince or other appointed leader and had to be single...
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...Stock market crash of Bangladesh in 2010-11: Reasons & roles of regulators Sangit Saha Degree Thesis Förnamn Efternamn International Business 2012 DEGREE THESIS Arcada Degree Programme: International Business Identification number: Author: Title: 11497 Sangit Saha Stock market crash of Bangladesh in 2010-11: Reasons & roles of regulators Andreas Stenius Supervisor (Arcada): Commissioned by: Abstract: The aim of the thesis is to determine reasons of the stock market crash in Bangladesh in 2010-11 and roles of the regulators and government since the crash took place. The theoretical background of the study includes brief introduction of Bangladesh stock market with its structure and different regulatory and intermediary organizations. It also describes one international stock market crash and stock market crash of Bangladesh in 1996. For the theoretical part investigation report of Khondkar Ibrahim Khaled is used as the main secondary resource. The report helps to get background of the crash with reasons and role of different regulatory and intermediary organizations. Self-administered questionnaire is used to obtain primary data for the study. The author sent 25 questionnaires to employees of broker houses and general investors but 18 replied. The result of the Self-administered questionnaire helped author to find some other reason behind the stock market crash in addition with reasons provided in the investigation report. Moreover...
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...to employee participation through regional health and safety representatives and provides an analysis of the factors necessary to ensure their effectiveness, based on Bangladesh. Identifies and analyses the challenges presented by small enterprises in light of evidence from existing evaluation of regional representative schemes. Identifies and discusses supportive factors that might enhance representative participation in health and safety in small enterprises, including the role of regulation, and employer and trade union support. Considers the implications of the Health and Safety (Consultation of Employees) Regulations and concludes that in their present form they offer only very limited support for employee representation in health and safety in small enterprises. Keywords: [Click here to add keywords.] Table of Contents Why Safety is Important for organizational development in Bangladesh 8 Management’s Role in safety 9 1. Design safer systems of work: 9 2. Exhibit commitment: 9 3. Inspect the workplace: 10 4. Establish procedures and controls: 10 5. Develop training programs: 10 6. Set up health and safety committees: 10 7. Monitor policy: 10 8. Draw up action plan: 11 What Top Management Can Do? 11 The Supervisor’s Role in Safety 12 Occupational Safety Law in Bangladesh 12 Bangladesh Labour Law Act-2006 13 OSHA Standards & Record Keeping 14 OSHA Standards 14 OSHA Recordkeeping Procedures 15 Inspections &...
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...Internship report On Bangladesh Shilpa Bank (BSB) (Central Recovery Department) Prepared for: Mr. Abdul Awal Chowdhury Senior Manager Training Department of Bangladesh Shilpa Bank Head Office, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000 Supervised by: Prof. Dr. Saroj Kumar Saha Professor Department of Accounting & Information System University of Dhaka. Prepared by: Md. Aminul Houqe Roll: - 45, Sec: - A MBA (5th Batch) Department of Accounting & Information System University of Dhaka. October 16, 2005 Department of Accounting & Information System University of Dhaka Letter of Transmittal Date: October 16, 2005 Mr. Abdul Awal Chowdhury Senior Manager Training Department of Bangladesh Shilpa bank Head Office, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000. Subject : Solicitation for acceptance of internship report. Dear Sir, It is my great pleasure that I have the opportunity to submit an internship report on Bangladesh Shilpa Bank (BSB) as a mandatory fulfillment of my MBA program. In the course of...
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...Operation Management Practices in British American Tobacco Bangladesh Department of International Business (5th Batch) Operation Management Practices in British American Tobacco Bangladesh Submitted to Md.Rashedur Rahman Assistant Professor, Department of International Business University of Dhaka Prepared By Shahriar Wahid Roll-65 Batch-5th Department of International Business University of Dhaka Course Title: Operations Management Course Code: IB-305 Date of Submission: June 8, 2014 Letter of Transmittal June 8, 2014 Md.Rashedur Rahman Assistant Professor Department of International Business Faculty of Business Studies University of Dhaka Subject: Submission of the report on “Operation Management Practices in British American Tobacco” Dear Sir, I here submit my report on “Operation Management Practices in British American Tobacco” that you assigned me. I have used relevant data from various...
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...1 Introduction: Bangladesh capital market is one of the smallest in Asia but the third largest in the south Asia region. It has two full-fledged automated stock exchanges namely Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) and an over-the counter exchange operated by CSE. It also consists of a dedicated regulator, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),since, it implements rules and regulations, monitors their implications to operate and develop the capital market. It consists of Central Depository Bangladesh Limited (CDBL), the only Central Depository in Bangladesh that provides facilities for the settlement of transactions of dematerialized securities in CSE and DSE. 2.1 Functions of capital market: The functioning of an efficient capital market may ensure smooth floatation of funds from the savers to the investors. When banking system cannot meet up the total need for funds to the market economy, capital market stands up to supplement. To put it in a single sentence, we can therefore say that the increased need for funds in the business sector has created an immense need for an effective and efficient capital market. It facilitates an efficient transfer of resources from savers to investors and becomes conduits for channeling investment funds from investors to borrowers. T 2.2 Product of capital market: • Shares, • Debentures, • Mutual funds, • Bonds, • Derivatives, • Future and options. 2.3 Player...
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