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Russell Wilson Research Paper

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Where would we be without the people who try to improve the lives of our future adults? Russell Wilson is one of those people that try and help. He donates lots of money to cancer organizations, gives children with cancer confidence, and he helps put a stop to domestic violence. Russell Wilson is a football player, he is the quarterback for the Seattle Seahawks. And just because he plays football doesn't mean he’s not a hero. One thing Russell Wilson has done is donated a lot of money to cancer organizations. He donated $1,060,005 to Strong Against Cancer to empower children with cancer ( He also donated $75k to Seattle-area charities. Russell Wilson also gives confidence to children with cancer. He goes into kid’s room’s and talks …show more content…
Russell Wilson proved himself that he gives children confidence when he met at kid that was 19 and had cancer for the third time and the doctors said he only had 12 hours to live. They found out about the T-Cell treatment and went ahead and did that. Within two weeks he survived. A few months later he saw the kid again and he said that he was doing great and going into kid’s rooms and trying to empower them and telling them about the T-Cell treatment. He later said that he wants to be a policeman ( While donating and giving kid’s confidence makes him a hero, helping putting an end to domestic violence makes him even more heroic. Russell Wilson is supporting victims of domestic violence and is inspiring people to get help with what they need. “ The idea behind Pass the Peace is simple: it’s a promise. I’m sharing my love for you. I want to take care of you. I am here for you.” Russell Wilson

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