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Rome 64 Research Paper

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Rome 64 A.D
The great fire of Rome engulfed the city on the night of July in the year 64 A.D. This devastating fire that consumed everything across it's part raged across the town for over a week ( This inferno shaped the history of Rome and the growth of it's fire fighting arm. This great calamity occurred during the reign of the great King Nero and had been shrouded under many misconception. Most people belived that the inferno was set by king Nero in other to build his new palace (
The story goes that Nero in his want to acquire the choice part of the country to set up a palace befitting his royalty had the city put to touch. Also, another version proponded by the king himself was that the fire was put up by the …show more content…
The forest outbreak is estimated to had cost the Indonesia government close to $5 billion. The outbreak is believed to be as a result of arson that people used as a means to reclaim lands which inadvertently went out of control and resulted into this casualty and loss. The out shoot of this flame affected naigbouring states like Brunei, Vietnam and Thailand.

Daxing'anling Wildfire, China, 1987
The Daxing'anling wildfire that occurred in China in 1987 is known to be the most destructive explosion through fire in the history of fire outbreaks in China. The inferno started in Daxing'anling Mountain and lasted for close to a month. The inferno affected over 2.4 million acres and lead to the loss of over 200 people while it left others homeless totalling over 50,000 people. The fire which started on the 6th of May was finally extinguished on the 2nd of June 1987

Black Saturday Brushfires,

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History make adaptation as easy as possible. These schemes of work give guidance for: * Content to be covered * Approximate time to spend on different key themes * Ideas for incorporating and developing the assessment skills related to each unit. Suggested teaching time This is based on a two year teaching course of five and a half terms with one and a half hours of history teaching each week. This would be a seventy week course with total teaching time of approximately 100 hours. The schemes suggest the following timescale for the different sections: * Paper 1: 20 hours for each of the two topics: Total 40 hours. * Paper 2 Section A: 20 hours for the topic: Total 20 hours. * Paper 2 Section B: 25 hours for the topic since it covers a longer period in time. Total 25 hours. * Revision: 15 hours. Possible options for those with less teaching time * 20 hours for Section Paper 2 Section B * 10 hours for revision. Other course planning support You will find other support for planning the course in the Teacher’s Guide. This is a free downloadable resource that you can access at Edexcel Subject Advisors Edexcel has a team of specialist subject advisors available to help you with implementation of this specification. You can contact them by email...

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