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Sacred Space Research Paper

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Some people visit sacred spaces to connect with and to affirm their faith. To them, the nature of a sacred space encompasses something deeply spiritual, and of faith affirming significance. That certain places encompass the sacred echo the sentiments of Mircea Eliade that ‘the sacred manifests itself in this world, thereby sanctifying it and making it real’ (Bowman and Harvey, 2008, p.38), and some believe, like Eliade, that ‘something sacred shows itself to us’ (Bowman and Harvey, p.38) and is manifest within it, whether it is a place, or an object, the sanctity of it is revealed to us by some mysterious omnipotence.
To some people, nature is a manifestation of their god; and being in nature reaffirms their faith with their god, whether it …show more content…
The Druids believe it was a centre of Druidic scholarship. The Goddess cults believe the figure of the Goddess is manifest in the landscape. To Christians, it is the ‘cradle of English Christianity’ (Bowman and Harvey, 2008, p.50), where Christianity first came to England with Joseph of Arimathea planting his staff on Wearyall Hill, which subsequently sprouted into the Glastonbury thorn. It is believed that Jesus Christ visited there. Others are beckoned by the mystique of the Arthurian legends.
Palden Jenkins describes Glastonbury as a ‘mix of cultures’ (DVD Video, 2008), many of whom were born there, others who live there for spiritual reasons, and calls Glastonbury a ‘genuine multi faith centre’ (DVD Video, 2008). Matthew Clements, custodian of Glastonbury Abbey, candidly states that the presence of Joseph of Arimathea at Glastonbury is a myth, and that the Abbey ‘was built by French Monks.’ (DVD Video, 2008). His sentiments seem to echo Kim Knott, Chidester and Linenthal when he states ‘what makes a place sacred depends upon the individual’s response to …show more content…
49). As a village, it attracts a multivalent host of residents and visitors who intermingle. Palden Jenkins mentions that this had created some conflict in the community, although he hastens to add that ‘people coming together after conflict resolved many things and made good friends with each other’ (DVD Video, 2008). This affirms that the number of diverse faiths that make up Glastonbury have managed to recognise each other and work together as a community. Were it not for the involvement of religious actors entangled with these sites, one might begin to question how popular and busy they might be. This is most evident when one explores the high street of Glastonbury. There exists a multivalent diversity of various faith centres, with a variety of commercial, social, and political enterprises, catering to the needs of a large scope of people, both residents and visitors

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