Premium Essay

Saint Onuphrius Berger Analysis

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Pages 4
A picture , all things are dark except a naked old man , came into my view . The strong comparison of color catch me a lot, I could not keep myself from going in front of the painting and observing it: “Saint Onuphrius” by Jusepe De Ribera who was born in 1591 in Spain loving painting with realistic and brutal scenes in different circumstances and delighted in subjects of horror. In the picture, a old man who has long white curly hair and white mustache looks up sky and opens his mouth and his hand folds together with a long bead. He only wears some leaves in the lower part of the body.I conjecture that he comes from old times. However, surprisingly the man has strong muscle , but his face looks like a person who is over 60 …show more content…
And beger says “We only see what we look at. To look is an act of choice.”(Berger from “Ways Of Seeing” page 117), i appreciate this statement, because it is the reason why i chose De Ribera painting . I am a girl obsessed with black and white color in my daily life. When i look two paintings , i will chose a black or white one just some lines and squares, instead of choosing the colorful one which more complicated combines, more beautiful . Also i mostly dress black and white clothes, wear black and white nail polish and all things in my room are all black and white. This picture got me in two second, because i resonate with black and white , then i feel lonely, upset even a lit bit …show more content…
If this picture puts in church, i will believe the old man pray and cultus his own god; if this picture appears in disaster area , i will think the old man pray that everything will be ok or someone will rescue him. In the museum, this picture is huge in front of me. Few people in the room, no one talk and focus on their own world. Quiet and peaceful environment let me into the picture. Likely, i stand on the stone , face the tremendous wages, pray for the last hope without any help. Desperation is full with every corner. However, when i go out museum and start my essay. I look the small photo i taken in musume about this picture. The breeze blew, the cute ducks, the lush grass, the white clouds and the beautiful sunshine form a sharp contrast to the dark sky, the furious billows, the falling crown and the hopeless old man. I feel sympathy to the old man’s tragic

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