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Unit 3 Quadratics In Maths

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ame: Rachael Butcher
ID: 185016

Task 2


Lesson Title & Subject(s): Angry Birds Parabolas
Topic or Unit of Study: Quadratics (Lesson 6 of 6)

Grade/Level: 9th / Algebra 1

Instructional Setting:
Lesson takes place in a regular high school math classroom. Class periods are 55 minutes each day. Class size ranges from 20 to 30 students. Students sitting in table groups of 4 to 6. Students will work in random groups of 4. A color dot has been taped to each seat and this color dot will determine which group that student is a member of. The front of the room has a large white board, a Promethean board, and the teacher’s computer. The back of the room has a window, the teacher’s desk, and built-in …show more content…
HSA.REI.B.4.b: Solve quadratic equations by inspecting a graph, taking square roots, completing the square, using the quadratic formula, and factoring.

Lesson Objective(s):
1. Given an angry bird’s project and technology, students will apply knowledge of quadratic equations and graphs to find the maximum height, axis of symmetry, and distance of each bird with a minimum project score of 80 out of 100 points.


Instructional Materials:
1. Angry Birds Game Video Clip (Angry Birds, 2009)
2. Promethean Board
3. Review of Quadratics Worksheet
4. Chrome books with internet …show more content…
Guided Practice: (10 minutes)
 Use Promethean board to display review page on quadratics (see page 4). Use random bucket generator to select student to assist with solving the first problem. Ask student to come to Promethean board to solve. Assist as needed.
 Tell students we will use an online graphing calculator for the second problem. Use the Promethean board to show the steps to get to website. Ask students to open chrome books and go to website:
 When loaded, ask student to look for a pop-up box that says: “Explore math with Desmos.” Ask them to click on the red box that says “Start Graphing”. Show on Promethean board.
 This will take them to the graphing calculator page. Tell them on the left side of the screen is where they will enter the function they want to graph. On the right side is the graph. On the bottom of the screen are the numbers, variables, operators, and etc. Show on Promethean board.
 Ask students to type in quadratic function from review page problem 1. Use the variables, numbers, and operators from bottom of screen. The function is automatically graphed. Show on Promethean

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