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Nutrition Analysis Paper

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How we approach our diet is one of the most difficult decisions we will always continuously encounter in our lives. It is easy to just pick a food and begin to eat. However, it is difficult to eat well. Eating a nutritional diet along with having a good amount of physical activity during our day is difficult to manage; well for me that is. According to my nutrition analysis, I lack fruits, vegetables, and dairy in my diet. Three nutritional goals I will set for myself are to stop skipping meals, eat fruits instead of junk foods for snacks, and to drink milk before I go to bed. Three fitness goals I will set for myself are to go on runs during the weekend, participate in physical activities instead of in-door activities, and reduce screen time.

To begin with, I created a goal for myself to stop skipping meals because I tend to this often. This goal is important to me because it will increase my energy throughout the day. The meals I tend to skip daily is breakfast and sometimes lunch. As a worker, student, and athlete it is crucial for me to eat a good meal because I continuously need it throughout the day. It is noticeable on my food journal analysis that I skip meals because I eat a lot during dinner time. I use dinner time as a chance to catch up on my …show more content…
I am the type of person who eats while I do homework and watches television. According to my food journal analysis, I lack the consumption of fruit. This goal is important to me because I want to start feeling good again. Because I tend to eat snacks for lunch instead of an actual meal it is crucial for me to eat the “right” snacks. To achieve this goal I will ask my parents to purchase me fruits instead of snacks like granola bars, goldfish crackers, and fruit snacks. I know I will end up missing my regular habits, therefore; I will begin by eating both a granola bar AND a type of fruit for snacks during the next

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