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Gbr Is The Most Powerful Thing In The Universe

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What do you think is the most powerful thing in the universe? Well I will prove to you that GBR (Gamma Ray Burst) are the most powerful thing in the universe by telling you about how deadly they are, how they are made, and are they rare.

According to scientist Cole J. Choi ¨GBRs are just a big ring of gamma radiation and electricians.¨ The gamma radiation and electricians are just waiting to implode then explode. Then all the electricians and gamma radiation explodes into a ray of doom. For short it is just a implode then explode with billions of electricians into a beam of destruction! Come to think about it, it sound like the death star.

According to scientists at NASA GBR is so deadly that any near solar systems will be destroyed within seconds. If it is in the middle of a galaxy the galaxy will be destroyed! Oh and if life gets hit with one the radiation is so bad that if the blast does not destroys us the radiation will. Image them as snipers that stop ather seconds or hours! Oh and when it explodes it can blow up anything around it. …show more content…
The supernovae gets too much electricians so it implodes. Then it makes a small black hole, if the black hole does not suck in enough stuff it will explode making a ring of stuff it sucked in as a black hole. Then it explodes again making a GBR. Then when the GBR is done it explodes and leaving behind a nebula and gamma

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