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Sales Plan for Trucking Co. in Chile


Submitted By aldbra
Words 3300
Pages 14
Container Trucking Company In Chile
Selling Strategies


1.- Definition of Competitive Strategies Price Differentiation

2.- Segmentation of the Market Segmentation Strategies Segmentation Chart Classification and analysis of Clients 3.- Comparative Analysis of the Competitors 4.- Sales Strategy

5.- Sales Projections

1.- Definition of Competitive Strategies

They are two types of competitive strategies that will be applied according to the market segmentation that will be defined out later on.

1.1.- Price Strategy .-

Prices will not be fixed or exclusive. Prices for the transport services are going to depend on the volumes of cargo the clients have, the origins and destinations, if they use Our Company as their exclusive transportation provider and of the conditions of reception and/ or delivery of the containers.

1.2.- Differentiation Strategy.-

Factors to consider for the differentiation strategy are:

Reaction Ability
Reliability of Service
Customer Service
Sales and Marketing
Integration of Services
Financial Stability

Reaction Ability.-

It is the capacity of reaction to service request, especially during non-working hours, weekends or holidays and in emergencies. This factor is critic during the high seasons of export and is especially valued by the exporters with high volumes of load.
We will define our Company as of quick reaction, and for that, we have taken the necessary provisions in order always be accessible to calls from our clients, as well as being able to quickly contact our trucks at all times.

Reliability of Service .-

The reliability of the service has an impact in some costs that clients face such as possible lost hours of machinery leased for the stripping or unstripping of the containers, storage and dispatch from the

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