What is it exactly? Salt is the residual left when waters from ancient oceans evaporated in shallow seas or marginal basins.
Where is it found or used geographically? It is found in salt mines or in shallow water that is mineral rich.
How is/was it used? Salt is used in many different ways. Salt is used in the seasoning or flavoring of food while it also can be used to preserve it. People use salt to put on road during icy weather to keep traction on the roads so people do not slide while driving. Instead of using harsh chemical around your house to clean with salt is another option that can be used. Many people think salt is bad for your health while in fact it can help your body when using it right. A common example is gargling salt water when having a sore throat as long as you spit it out and not drink it.
Who discovered it? There is not a specific person that can be named for the discovery of salt. But evidence has found early evidence of its use. The earliest one date back to about 8,000 years ago. People from Romania were boiling spring water to extract the salt that was in it, also saltworks in China have been found that date around the same time.
Why is it needed/used?
Other relavant information ( costs, hazards, other benefits, etc) The estimated cost or domestic production during 2014 was $1.6 billion. In 16 states there were 28 companies operating 61 plants. The largest percent of salt sales went to the chemical industry, which came to be 45%. Next was the highway deicing which was 30%. The remaining of salt sales was distributors 10%; food processing 5%, agriculture, 4%, general industrial,