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Samhain Research Paper

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Pages 3
Samhain, pronounced (sow-in) the traditional Celtic holiday, literally means summer's end. The origin of Halloween dates back 2000 years ago to the Celtic celebration of the dead.
The Celtic festival was held on November 1st, the first day of the Celtic New Year, honoring the Samhain, the Lord of the Dead. Celtic ritual believed that the souls of the dead returned on the evening before November 1st. This particular time of year signified the final harvest, a time of gathering and preparing for winter.
Winter was a time of famine and some would not survive through the long months ahead. Samhain was a way of honoring those who had died, a celebration of the spirit remembered. The celebration included burning sacrifices and costumes.
It was a common belief that the "veil" between the world of the living and the world of the dead was thinnest on the eve of Samhain. In Modern times, many have twisted this thought to evil intent, though its origin is much more honorable. The dead could return on this one night to the places where they had lived, and food and entertainment were provided in their honor. This symbolized a village existing in harmony with its past, present, and future. …show more content…
Food offerings were also left on doorsteps for the spirits (which led to our modern "trick or treating"). It was the Romans who added their "Feast of the Dead" to the celebration of Samhain. The Christians destabilized the holiday by introducing "All Saint's Day" on November 1st, and re-naming October 31st to All Hollow's Eve, which later became Halloween. For Christians, All Saints Day celebrates the spirits in Heaven and Purgatory. It became customary to bang pots and pans together on the eve of All Saint's Day, to let the souls in Hell know they weren't

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