...Samuel Adams By: Christian Samuel Adams was born on September 27, 1722 on Purchase Street where he lived his early years. He grew up healthy and well. His first jobs were as a waiter while in college and making beer which he failed at. He did not want to do either. His strength was in politics and he wanted to be a politician. When his father (they were a very wealthy family) was in the Massachusetts Land Bank controversy they were nearly driven to ruin. This was when he had to work as a waiter. He wrote about if it is right for King George to force taxes upon them for his Master degree theses. Family, Education, Marriage, Kids He received top notch education and got a Masters degree. He had 11 siblings but only two others got through...
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...Most of the challenges Samuel Adams faced was personal. In addition to having to deal with the loss of his first wife he also failed at multiple jobs such as collecting taxes, being a newspaper publisher, working as a brewer, etc. While Adams was going through a rough time his father had lent him £1,000 to start his own business. However, he gave away half of it to his friend and spent the other half. When his father heard the news he then employed him as the manager of the family malt-house but Adams was very careless with it and paid little attention to it. I believe one of his weaknesses that really affected his career was that he was very strong-willed. I believe that him being strong willed was a negative quality rather than a positive...
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...Samuel Adams: Samuel Adams was born in Boston, Massachusetts on September 27, 1722. Later in life he graduated Harvard College. Samuel was a second cousin of John Adams Samuel Adams, our second U.S president. In 1749 he married Elizabeth Checkley but when she died in 1757, he married Elizabeth Wells in 1764. He was an American Statesman, Political philosopher, a failed businessman and one of the Founding Fathers. He held many titles such as Governor of Massachusetts (1793 - 1797) and one of the Massachusetts Delegates to the Continental Congress. He is also considered to be the leader of the Boston Tea Party. Samuel Adams was a strong supporter of the Townshend Acts boycott and he also was against the Stamp Act. Samuel Adams was a large contributor to the unpopularity of Britain in the years leading up to the American Revolution. He publicized the Boston Massacre extensively. He died of old age on October 2, 1803 in his hometown at the age of 81. First Continental Congress: The First Continental Congress met on September 5th, 1774, at Carpenters’ Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania....
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...Samuel Adams: Adams helped formulate resistance to the Stamp Act and played a role in organizing the Boston Tea Party. He was a second cousin of U.S. President John Adams, and a signee of the U.S. Declaration of Independence. Adams served as a legislator of Massachusetts from 1765 to 1774. Among his accomplishments which like similar entities in other towns across the Colonies proved a powerful tool for communication and coordination during the American Revolutionary War. Adams became a democratic republican when formal American political parties were created in the 1790s. His final political post was as Massachusetts governor from 1794 through 1797. Adams died on October 2, 1803 in his hometown of Boston. Benjamin Franklin: Born in Boston...
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...Born: Samuel Adams was born on September 27, 1722 in Boston, Massachusetts. Died: He died on October 2, 1803. Interesting Fact: Before he became fully invested in the Revolutionist cause, Adams attended Harvard to study law; however, after graduating, he attempted to become a brewer and later a newspaper publisher. After failing at both potential careers, he returned to his main course of study, law, realizing that local politics was his forte. Three Major Events in US History that took place during Adams’ Lifetime: The French and Indian War occurred, a major source of discontent that contributed to the American Revolution. Such discontent was the result of the Royal Proclamation 1763, as well as taxes placed on colonists to help pay off...
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...Samuel Adams: Adams helped formulate resistance to the Stamp Act and played a vital role in organizing the Boston Tea Party. He was a second cousin of U.S. President John Adams, and a signee of the U.S. Declaration of Independence. Adams served as a legislator of Massachusetts from 1765 to 1774. Among his accomplishments which like similar entities in other towns across the Colonies proved a powerful tool for communication and coordination during the American Revolutionary War. Adams became a democratic republican when formal American political parties were created in the 1790s. His final political post was as Massachusetts governor from 1794 through 1797. Adams died on October 2, 1803 in his hometown of Boston. Benjamin Franklin: Born...
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...Appendix A Midterm Exam Access the Week Four Electronic Reserve Readings located under the materials section of your student website. Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. Write a paragraph of approximately 100 words for each section listed below. 1. Using the critical thinking skills you have gained so far and referring to the materials provided for this assignment, identify two possible strategies that Thomas Hutchinson or Samuel Adams likely used to develop and improve their thinking as those historical events unfolded prior to taking a stand and acting according to their beliefs. Two strategies’ that Thomas Hutchison and Samuel Adams used were weighing out all the pros and cons and solicitation. Thomas Hutchison felt that all ties need to be maintained with England to keep the peace between them and their colonies. Therefore weighing out all the pros and cons to increase the trade for the colonies so that it would put them in a better position financially, could have been a strategy they likely used. Basically the pros and cons show the positive and negatives of taxation without representation. This could have likely been determined through solicitation of opinions among the colonists, in which a number of them agreed with the radicals. 2. Explain the importance of building a foundation for critical and creative thinking when evaluating historical events such as the Boston Tea Party. The importance...
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...Axia College Material Appendix A Midterm Exam • Access the Week Four Electronic Reserve Readings located under the materials section of the student website. • Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. • Write a paragraph of approximately 100 words for each of the following questions. 1. Using the critical thinking skills you have gained and the materials provided for this assignment, identify two possible strategies that Thomas Hutchinson or Samuel Adams, or both, likely used to develop and improve his thinking prior to taking a stand and acting according to his beliefs. I believe that Thomas Hutchinson and Samuel Adams saw that there were imperfections in some things and saw that not only they had dissatisfactions, but others as well. They decided that things needed to change and they were willing to do that for themselves and others. They decided that if they wanted it done they had to do it themselves. Thomas and Samuel, along with many others, realized that the way things were being done was not benefiting them like it should have. They believed that somebody needed to do something to change it and it just so happened to be them. 2. Explain the importance of building a foundation for critical and creative thinking when evaluating historical events such as the Boston Tea Party. First, you have to think about what you are looking for and you have to find the truth behind it all. Another words...
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...Revere’s Role in the Revolution Paul Revere, born in Boston Massachusetts in 1734, was a silversmith and a patriotic activist that enjoyed the involvement of behind the scenes acts ("The Historic Paul Revere"). He associated in many political and public affairs such as the Sons of Liberty, American Revolution, French and Indian War, the Boston Tea Party, and the North End Caucus (“Paul Revere”). He was not a great soldier nor tactician, nor did he develop into a politician as compared to his companions and others, like John Adams (“Paul Revere”). He became legendary after his infamous ride to Lexington and the line “the British are coming, the British are coming.” (“Paul Revere”). He did, however, have many talents. Paul Revere was not just a “Midnight Ride” but a legendary hero that symbolized patriotism in the American Revolution....
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...Paul Revere is mostly known for his journey called “The Midnight Ride”, where he traveled from Lexington to Concord. Dr. Joseph Warren was the one who told Revere to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock, Patriot leaders, that they were to possibly be arrested by the British and they needed to hide. Revere was to also warn the patriots of when the British were coming for them. This task was received to Revere on April 19, 1775. Paul had to come up with a way to warn the Patriots on time before the British reached them. The plan was that lanterns would be used to indicate how the British were advancing. They were to be hung in the Old North Church across the river at Charleston from patriot forces. If one lantern was hung then that...
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...According to the Gregorian calendar, John Hancock was born on January 23, 1737; according to the Julian calendar then in use, the date was January 12, 1736.[5] He was born in Braintree, Massachusetts, in a part of town that eventually became the separate city of Quincy.[6] He was the son of the Reverend John Hancock of Braintree and Mary Hawke Thaxter (widow of Samuel Thaxter Junior), who was from nearby Hingham. As a child, Hancock became a casual acquaintance of young John Adams, whom the Reverend Hancock had baptized in 1735.[7][8] The Hancocks lived a comfortable life, and owned one slave to help with household work.[7] After Hancock's father died in 1744, John was sent to live with his uncle and aunt, Thomas Hancock and Lydia (Henchman)...
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...The story of Paul Revere’s midnight ride is a tale of heroic acts and achievements. In 1775 Paul Revere was employed as an express rider by the Boston Committee of Correspondence and the Massachusetts Committee of Safety. His job was to carry news bulletins, and messages into New York and Philadelphia. On the evening of April 18, 1775, Dr. Joseph Warren requested Paul Revere to ride into Lexington, Massachusetts, to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that a unit of the Royal army was marching into town with the purpose of arresting them. After gaining access into Charlestown with the aid of two associates, Paul Revere borrowed a horse from his friend Deacon John Larkin. While in Charlestown, he confirmed that the "Sons of Liberty"...
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...for the small group of local American militiamen to prepare for a battle against the oncoming British forces. Had Revere not made the treacherous journey, the militiamen of Massachusetts wouldn’t have been prepared for the battle that commenced the American Revolution. Beginning in Boston and ending in Lexington, Paul Revere rode fifteen miles through Massachusetts on horseback in order to alert Samuel Adams and John Hancock (two other patriots) that they were to be arrested. Along the way, he also took it upon himself to forewarn the local citizens of the approaching British troops. Before setting out that night, Paul arranged for a signal to be cast from the North Church Tower, the highest point in Boston, alerting Revere of which method of approach the British were using. One lantern was to be lit and hung if the British were approaching by land, and two if by sea. Once alerted that night that the British were advancing by sea, Revere set out to the house where Adams and Hancock were hiding out, going by a precise route to avoid any Redcoats on duty. Less than an hour after warning Adams, Hancock, and other citizens, Revere was captured by British soldiers. If not for Paul Revere’s brave midnight ride, the...
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...Jim Koch And The Marketing of Samuel Adams Beer Executive Summary Currently, the United States beer market is segmented into many segments. The two largest domestic brewers, brewers located within the United States, are Anheuser-Busch and Miller. These two companies control 50 percent and 29 percent of domestic beer sales, respectively. With 80 percent of the beer market controlled by the two megabrewers the United States is a tough environment for a small craft brewer like Samuel Adams to survive. The U.S. population is over 311 million people, the world’s third largest population after China and India. American consumes nearly 200 million barrels of beer a year, or 20 gallons per person, second only to China which has four times the amount of people the United States. Samuel Adams Boston Lager is brewed by the Boston Beer Company and founded by 1984 by Jim Koch using his great–great–grandfather’s 1870 beer recipe. Due to the economic downturn and other environmental forces the general beer market has been flat in recent years, yet quality craft beers like Samuel Adams has seen double-digit growth. The craft brewing industry has had a strong growth curve over the past decade and Samuel Adams has been positioned perfectly to capture this momentum. Technological advances have been a positive development for the Samuel Adams brewing and packaging process. Samuel Adams brewers are constantly experimenting with...
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...Events Leading Up To The Revolutionary War Introduction The Revolutionary War was a very important time period in American history. There were many events and battles that were all over the Colonies. There were some events that influenced the time period more than others. These include the Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre. Boston Tea Party The Boston Tea Party was a very influential time in American history. It occurred on the night of December 16, 1770. Involved were the Parliament, the Patriots and the Sons of Liberty, and the merchants in Boston. Seeking to help the East India Tea Company, Parliament adjusted import taxes on tea sent to the colonies. The consignees of Boston refused to accept the tea shipments. The merchants...
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