...various situations in which they find themselves and in what they say within these situations. They are relatively free to choose their material, but their conclusions about life and the nature of their novels are dependent on their innate personality, as this affects not only the way in which they present their characters, but also our own understanding and response to their inherent values and behaviour. In this sense, novelists can be seen as mediators between their characters and their audience, as this is the only way through which they can convey to us their attitude towards their characters and the total situation they are rendering. The Victorian novel reflected the pressing social problems and philosophies of a complex age, which was prevailingly one of social restraints and taboos, relatively reminiscent of the Puritan period and authors were in the...
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...ESSAY FOUR When someone asks for a list of the most dangerous dog breeds the first breeds that might come to mind would be the pit-bull, maybe the Rottweiler or Doberman. Those would be incorrect however. Believe it or not, there are more bites by lap dogs like the Shitsu, Yorkie than there are by some incorrectly labeled "aggressive" breeds. In studies the giant schnauzer took first place with the most incidents of bites followed closely by the Akita and Chow. As a general whole however we must remember that it is socialization, breeding and training that sculpt of a dog and its likelihood of incident rather than breed alone. I am dye hard animal lover especially for Pit-bulls and Bullmastiff breed. I cry when I see ASPCA television commercials. Having a three year old little girl and having a love for such big breed like the Mastiff and misunderstood pit-bull choosing the right breed to be around your children is very important. The question really is “What is the best dog for kids?” This is a common question, but there is no solid answer. In theory, almost any dog has the potential to get along great with children. One can speculate about which breeds “might” be best for kids, but you just never know how each individual dog will turn out. There are many factors that affect a dog’s ability to get along well with kids. Here are several things that you will need to keep in mind before you get a family dog. Obedience training is absolutely essential! Make sure someone in...
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...INTRODUCTION The plays and prefaces of Bernard Shaw deal with many and diverse themes. At least four, however, concern themselves with evolutionary themes and ideas: Man and Superman, Back to Methusalah, The Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles, and Far-fetched Fables. In Man and Superman, especially the third act, the preface, and The Revolutionist's Handbook and Pocket Companion, Shaw touches on two main themes: the pursuit of man by woman and the direction of evolution, which Shaw sees as leading towards the development of the mind and brain. In Back to Methusalah, Shaw carries forward his vision of evolution as proceeding in the direction of mental development but introduces a seemingly new idea in the last play of the cycle, the antithesis of mind and body. Shaw's dualism receives its most explicit statement in the last play of the cycle although there may be indications of it in the earlier plays. The mind-body antithesis, however, derives as a philosophical problem from Descartes,1 although the antithesis also appeared in the Manichean and Gnostic heresies, the spirit, or mind, being regarded as good and the body as evil. Although the antithesis of body and mind makes its first open appearance in the Methusalah cycle, it is present, at least as an implicit assumption in Man and Superman. Don Juan continually expresses his longing for the life of contemplation, a life which is to be achieved at the expense of the body. We will deal with the presence of the mind body antithesis...
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...[Author’s Name] [Tutor’s Name] [Class] 03 August 2010 Power Structures in Greco-Roman Mythology: The Power and the Powerless of Women Introduction Greco-Roman mythology is rich in names, characters, and events. Dozens of gods, goddesses, and mortal women and men participate in a variety of activities that reflect or exemplify behaviors and power relations in Greek and Roman societies. A wealth of literature was written about the relationships between mortals and immortals in Greco-Roman mythology. Much was written and said about the place humans occupy in the complex mythical hierarchies. However, the role and place of women remain the topic of the hot literary debate. In Greco-Roman mythology, the image of woman is always accompanied by the image of slave. Slavery connotations reflect the basic norms of patriarchy that dominated Greek and Roman societies. Like slaves, women were often excluded from the public life and were destined to carry the burden of male discrimination on their shoulders. It would be fair to say, that in Greco-Roman mythology, women (both mortal and immortal) reflect and exemplify the two radical sides of femininity – female subordination and submissiveness to male power, and female rage and monstrousness as a rebel against the existing power and social order in their society. Greco-Roman mythology is an excellent source of knowledge about power relations between men and women. Greek and Roman myths provide abundant information about the place...
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...forward background This “mini-lecture” gives you a sense of the main points I would like to make before we study Hellenic and Hellenistic Greece . Our text is lacking some of the literary and philosophical examples I think you need – we are trying to have as “interdisciplinary” a study as possible, so I’m adding background I think is pertinent and is just fun stuff to know! Prehistory: The text discussed the period when man was still nomadic and groups subsisted as hunter/gatherers. There are two art works that are remarkable as “mirrors of mind” of those earliest people. Don’t be confused by the sequence of the illustrations in your book – the very earliest of the artistic works we have is the “Woman [or ‘Venus’] of Willendorf”. Was this a sculpture of a specific woman? Does it show details? Is its nudity indicative of a lusty sexual obsession of the artist? Why would this subject be a priority for early expression? Really ponder these questions independently for a moment before reading on. If early Mankind was aware of anything, it was that life is CYCLICAL. There are cycles of the moon, of rivers flooding, menstrual cycles, childbearing cycles, seasonal cycles, cycles of the day from sunrise to sunset, etc.. Woman is the source of life and the womb and breasts nourish new life. No, this is not a statue of a particular woman – the features are very abstract and generic. The artist pays homage to womankind as a whole and to her epitomizing the cycles of life...
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...Loades. Historians often describe themselves as detectives, seeking out a kind of truth among the conflicting evidence of the past. There is, furthermore, a large and growing subgenre of historical crime fiction. From C.J. Sansom to Philip Pullman, from Orhan Pamuk to Walter Mosley, from Ellis Peters to Boris Akunin, novelists have been keen to use the past as a backdrop for their stories of detection and mystery. The most famous historical detective might be Brother William of Baskerville in Umberto Eco’s peerless The Name of the Rose (Il nome della rosa, 1980). Recently we have seen a flowering of historical crime fiction as the subgenre attains maturity and becomes increasingly popular and innovative. Jason Goodwin, Philip Kerr and Susan Hill were all shortlisted for the prestigious Crime Writers Association Dagger this year (recent historical winners include Arianna Franklin, Jake Arnott and Craig Russell). Clearly the combination of thriller, crime and historical detail is compelling. Anne Perry’s new Inspector Pitt novel, Betrayal at Lisson Grove (out in paperback from Headline this year) is a pacy, twisting thriller. It is 1895 and Pitt is up against a conspiracy in the Lisson Grove offices of Special Branch (in best le Carré tradition investigating the enemy within is more hazardous than looking outwards). The novel outlines a huge conspiracy and ranges from St Malo to Dublin. While it is often too lightly written and some of the relationships are awkwardly handled, the...
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...abortion, infanticide, animal rights, environmental concerns, homosexuality, capital punishment, or nuclear war. By using the conceptual tools of metaethics and normative ethics, discussions in applied ethics try to resolve these controversial issues. The lines of distinction between metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics are often blurry. For example, the issue of abortion is an applied ethical topic since it involves a specific type of controversial behavior. But it also depends on more general normative principles, such as the right of self-rule and the right to life, which are litmus tests for determining the morality of that procedure. The issue also rests on metaethical issues such as, “where do rights come from?” and “what kind of beings have rights?” 1. Metaethics The term “meta” means after or beyond, and, consequently, the notion of metaethics involves a...
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...Film Noir and Romance: It’s No Fairy Tale Baby Film Noir may not seem like a very romantic subject considering how many of the couples in the films are eventually lead into their death or a prison term. There are some romantic aspects to these type of cinema. Even if a couple does have a tragic end, there is always some sort of romance in the middle. It could be lust or love, but it is usually there. While all Film Noir never ends as fairy tale, an audience can look at most of the films and see how love, or lust, can drive people to do despicable acts of crime. Before describing how romance and the many varying types of love appear in Film Noir, it is important to understand the different gender roles each character plays. The male protagonist paired with a femme fatale is the usual leading roles in a Film Noir, but that isn’t a hard set rule. Men can play the male victim, damaged men, a private eye, a psychopath, or a homme fatal, (Spicer 85). Women can also play a variety of roles such as the nurturer, the good-bad girl, the female victim, or a femme fatale, (Spicer 90). Male victims can be a protagonist who just gets trapped in the web of lies weaved by a beautiful woman, a femme fatale. The damaged man is usually a veteran who has a hard time adjusting to society after war or a police officer who loses control. After seeing so much violence it is hard for some men to see the world as a happy place. These men are usually paired with a nurturing female character. A private...
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... A. A lip B. A rib C. His brain D. A muscle 6. Who was the first woman? A. Eden B. Ruth C. Eve D. Elisabeth 7. Who called the woman "Eve"? A. The serpent B. God C. Adam D. Eve 8. Why was she called Eve? A. She was the first woman B. She liked the name C. Eve means wife D. She was the "mother of all living" 9. Where did Adam and Eve live? A. Garden of Gethsemane B. Mt. Sinai C. Utopia D. Garden of Eden 10. Who tempted Eve? A. Adam B. The serpent C. God D. Abel 11. What did Eve eat? A. Banana B. Fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil C. Apple D. Fruit from the tree of life 12. With what did God clothe Adam and Eve? A. A cloud B. Skins C. His hand D. Fig leaves 13. What guarded Eden? A. Soldiers B. Snakes C. Seraphim D. Cherubim 14. Who were Adam and Eve's sons? A. Jacob and Esau B. Cain and Abel C. James and John D. Aaron and Moses 15. Who Killed Abel? A Athol B. Cain C. Eve D. God 16. Who said, "Am I my brother's keeper"? A. Cain B. Abel C. God D. Adam 17. Who was Adam's third son? A. Seth B. Enoch C. Abraham D. Shem 18. What happened to Enoch? A. He lived 450 years B. He died, having no children C. Nothing D. He did not die. 19. Who was the oldest man in the Bible? A. Adam B. Methuselah C. Jared D. Noah 20. How old was Methuselah...
Words: 20961 - Pages: 84
...| ------------------------------------------------- Top of FormQuotation Search by keyword or author: Bottom of Form | * Home * Weblog * Quotes of the Day * Motivational * Author Index * Subject Index * Search * Random Quotes * Word of the Day * Book Reviews * Forums * Links * Your Page * Contribute Quotes * Articles * Mailing Lists * Use our Quotes * About this Site * FAQ * Advertise Here * Contact UsRead books online at our other site: The Literature Page | Quotations by Author Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965) British politician [more author details] | | Showing quotations 1 to 30 of 51 total | Next Page -> | - We have 2 book reviews related to Sir Winston Churchill.A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject. Sir Winston ChurchillA love for tradition has never weakened a nation, indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril. Sir Winston ChurchillAll great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope. Sir Winston ChurchillAlthough prepared for martyrdom, I preferred that it be postponed. Sir Winston ChurchillAn appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. Sir Winston ChurchillBroadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best of all. Sir Winston Churchill- More quotations on: [Language] Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there...
Words: 2571 - Pages: 11
...Now, Where Have I Seen Her Before? a. There is no such thing as a wholly original work of literature—stories grow out of other stories, poems out of other poems. b. There is only one story—of humanity and human nature, endlessly repeated c. “Intertexuality”—recognizing the connections between one story and another deepens our appreciation and experience, brings multiple layers of meaning to the text, which we may not be conscious of. The more consciously aware we are, the more alive the text becomes to us. d. If you don’t recognize the correspondences, it’s ok. If a story is no good, being based on Hamlet won’t save it. 6. When in Doubt, It’s from Shakespeare… a. Writers use what is common in a culture as a kind of shorthand. Shakespeare is pervasive, so he is frequently echoed. b. See plays as a pattern, either in...
Words: 3545 - Pages: 15
...bread and butter. How shall he cut it without a knife? How shall he marry without a wife? The Grand old Duke of York The Grand old Duke of York he had ten thousand men He marched them up to the top of the hill And he marched them down again. When they were up, they were up And when they were down, they were down And when they were only halfway up They were neither up nor down. Diddle Diddle Dumpling Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John, Went to bed with his trousers on; One shoe off, and one shoe on, Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John! Lucy Lockett Lucy Locket lost her pocket, Kitty Fisher found it; Not a penny was there in it, Only ribbon round it. Limericks A five-line humorous poem with characteristic rhythm, often dealing with a risqué subject and typically opening with a line such as “There was a young lady called Jenny,” Lines one, two, and five rhyme with...
Words: 14522 - Pages: 59
...he 1964 world première of “Mary Poppins” was held at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, and it was the kind of spectacle for which the Disney organization had become famous. Throngs of screaming fans were greeted by Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Snow White and the dwarfs, as well as by entertainers who gestured toward the movie’s Edwardian setting: a twelve-piece pearly band, chimney-sweep dancers, valets dressed as bobbies, and a bevy of pretty Disneyland hostesses, whose traditional uniforms (kilts and black velvet riding helmets) suggested a general Englishness. Hollywood luminaries arrived in chauffeured automobiles, the women in ball gowns and mink stoles (Angie Dickinson, Maureen O’Hara, Suzanne Pleshette), the men wearing dinner jackets (Edward G. Robinson, Cesar Romero, Buddy Ebsen). The arrival of the movie’s principals aroused muted excitement: Julie Andrews, who played Mary Poppins, had never appeared in a movie before, and Dick Van Dyke—the chimney sweep Bert—became much better known after the film’s release. Then Walt Disney himself arrived, stepping out of a stretch limousine and gallantly reaching a hand into the car to help his wife, Lillian, onto the pavement. Disney was by then immensely famous, appearing on his own television show every Sunday night. He had carefully engineered his entrance: when his car pulled up, the Disney characters mobbed it, and soon afterward clouds of balloons were released into the air. Inside the packed twelve-hundred-seat theatre...
Words: 5628 - Pages: 23
...Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction ‘Jonathan Culler has always been about the best person around at explaining literary theory without oversimplifying it or treating it with polemical bias. Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction is an exemplary work in this genre.’ J. Hillis Miller, University of California, Irvine ‘An impressive and engaging feat of condensation . . . the avoidance of the usual plod through schools and approaches allows the reader to get straight to the heart of the crucial issue for many students, which is: why are they studying literary theory in the first place? . . . an engaging and lively book.’ Patricia Waugh, University of Durham Very Short Introductions are for anyone wanting a stimulating and accessible way in to a new subject. They are written by experts, and have been published in 15 languages worldwide. Very Short Introductions available from Oxford Paperbacks: ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY Julia Annas THE ANGLO-SAXON AGE John Blair ARCHAEOLOGY Paul Bahn ARISTOTLE Jonathan Barnes Augustine Henry Chadwick THE BIBLE John Riches Buddha Michael Carrithers BUDDHISM Damien Keown CLASSICS Mary Beard and John Henderson Continental Philosophy Simon Critchley Darwin Jonathan Howard DESCARTES Tom Sorell EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY BRITAIN Paul Langford The European Union John Pinder Freud Anthony Storr Galileo Stillman Drake Gandhi Bhikhu Parekh HEIDEGGER Michael Inwood HINDUISM Kim Knott HISTORY John H. Arnold HUME A. J...
Words: 45107 - Pages: 181
...Harnessing the Science of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini Reprint r0109d October 2001 HBR Case Study Off with His Head? David Champion r0109a HBR at Large The Leadership Lessons of Mount Everest Michael Useem r0109b Different Voice Genius at Work: A Conversation with Mark Morris Harnessing the Science of Persuasion Robert B. Cialdini r0109c r0109d Torment Your Customers (They’ll Love It) Stephen Brown r0109e r0109f r0109g r0109h Radical Change, the Quiet Way Debra E. Meyerson Your Next IT Strategy John Hagel III and John Seely Brown HBR Interview Bernard Arnault of LVMH: The Perfect Paradox of Star Brands Suzy Wetlaufer Best Practice Speeding Up Team Learning Amy Edmondson, Richard Bohmer, and Gary Pisano r0109j Tool Kit Boost Your Marketing ROI with Experimental Design Eric Almquist and Gordon Wyner r0109k Harnessing the Science of Persuasion A by Robert B. Cialdini lucky few have it; most of us do not. A handful of gifted “naturals” simply know how to capture an audience, sway the undecided, and convert the opposition. Watching these masters of persuasion work their magic is at once impressive and frustrating. What’s impressive is not just the easy way they use charisma and eloquence to convince others to do as they ask. It’s also how eager those others are to do what’s requested of them, as if the persuasion itself were a favor they couldn’t wait to repay. The frustrating part of the experience is that...
Words: 5743 - Pages: 23