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Sand Springs Research Paper

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The earliest settlement for Sand Springs, Oklahoma dates back to 1826. This is when the land was occupied by the Cherokee Indians. The Cherokee Indians traveled here through the Trail of Tears, which was a horrible time. Then in 1828 the Cherokee Indians were forced to move elsewhere and the United States Government allowed the land to be allotted to the Creek Indian tribe. At this time a Confederate Indian veteran by the name of Lieutenant Thomas Adams, moved to this area to settle with his family by the beautiful springs, in which city obtained its name Sand Springs. At first when the settlement began its name was originally Adam Springs after Lieutenant Thomas Adams. Later the Creeks were pushed away and they only have a small burial ground that was left and it is still here today in Sand Springs, Oklahoma in the Keystone plaza parking …show more content…
He always facilitated every resource that was available. Since Charles Page knew about drilling he had learned that you can find a large amounts of natural gas. While he had his drilling operation going he did find that there was a lot of natural gas as well as pure spring water available to everyone here in Sand Springs, OK. This gave Charles Page an idea and he built an electric light and a power plant, which was owned by the home. Page then offered free building sites to all of the industries and added a cheap gas, water, and electric rate with his offer. After just a few months this made Sand Springs a major industrial and manufacturing town. By growing up in Sand Springs I remember some of the industries such as, Kerr Glass Manufacturing Company and Sheffield. There was also, Commander Mills; Kerr, Hubbard and Kelley Lamp and Chimney Factory; Southwest Box Company; Sinclair Prairie Refineries; Morrow Gill; U.S. Zinc Company; and Pedrick Laboratories.(Unto the Least of These: A Sketch of the life of the Late Charles

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