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Poverty And Homelessness Research Paper

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Poverty and homelessness are two issues that have become more and more common over the past several years. In just about every city, every state, and every country is a homeless population or families who live at or below the poverty level. While poverty and homelessness are sometimes the result of failed social connections, there are several other factors that can contribute to this issue like an economic recession, the onset of a mental illness, and even the involvement in the child welfare system. However, such factors can even be the end result of failed social connections. For the most part, I think that poverty and homelessness are a result of failed social connections. Many people fall into the wraths of poverty and homelessness because of a constant decrease in services, supports, and social assistance like financial assistance programs for those with low income or those who have lost a job. In addition, this problem becomes worse for those who grow up in a family with little to no income. If someone grows up in a poverty stricken family, it is much harder for them to get out of poverty as they typically have less resources than a person from a middle-class or wealthy family. Chances are they will not have a strong social network to turn to when it comes to attending college or …show more content…
They are afraid that the more people they tell, the less resources there will be. This is heartbreaking to me because I thoroughly believe that sharing knowledge and resources can enable entire communities to leave the instability of poverty together. However, this is also an issue that needs to be addressed by our governments so that we can find more ways to provide resources to those who may not have social

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