...Indonesia dan Brazil. Proses akumulasi adalah proses pemanfaatan sumber daya untuk meningkatkan produksi ekonomi, seiring dengan peningkatan pendapatan per kapita masyarakatnya. Variabel-variabel yang digunakan dalam proses akumulasi ialah : 1. Investasi (Akumulasi Modal Fisik, % terhadap GDP) Apabila pendapatan per kapita meningkat, maka tabungan domestik dan investasi domestik pun meningkat pula, hal ini dikarenakan semakin banyak masyarakat yang melakukan saving dan investing karena pendapatan mereka pun semakin banyak. Sebaliknya, apabila pendapatan per kapita meningkat maka aliran modal masuk mengalami penurunan. Hal ini dikarenakan, negara tersebut merasa sudah memiliki cukup tabungan atau investasi domestik, sehingga mengurangi jumlah aliran modal yang masuk dari luar negeri ke dalam negeri. a. Foreign Direct Investment Peningkatan rasio investasi terhadap GDP ( InvestmentGDP) dapat disebabkan karena meningkatnya Investasi Asing (Foreign Investment) dan Pinjaman Asing (Foreign Loan). Berikut ini adalah data Foreign Direct Investment Indonesia negara Indonesia dan Brazil. FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT (%GDP) Country Name | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | World | 1,53 | 1,67 | 3,00 | 3,40 | 4,39 | 3,56 | 1,96 | 2,08 | 2,33 | Brazil | 1,84 | 2,74 | 1,75 | 1,78 | 3,26 | 3,07 | 1,94 | 2,49 | 2,89 | Indonesia | -0,25 | 0,74 | 2,92 | 1,35 | 1,60 | 1,83 | 0,90 | 1,94 | 2,14 | Apabila diperhatikan, trend FDI Brazil lebih meningkat...
Words: 1904 - Pages: 8
...Brazil under Lula: Off the Yellow BRIC Road In 2001 Goldman Sachs had created the term “BRIC” to denote the group of emerging economies with high growth potential, including Brazil, Russia, India and China. But Brazil was the underperformer of the group and had some of the worst business-environment indicators among BRIC countries. “The second Lula administration is committed to a strategy of faster economic growth and higher living standards based on investment promotion, redistributive policies and higher levels of education”. For that Lula solicited his ministers for tax-reform proposals and fiscal incentives that could boost capital investments, mostly in infrastructure, to achieve growth rates of 5% per year. During his first term Lula reduced poverty and income inequality. Lula´s cash-transfer programs reduced the number of poor people significantly and brought down the Gini coefficient of income inequality to its lowest level in recent history. Lula maintained a policy of price and exchange rate stability, increased government savings, paid off the balance owed to the IMF and managed to reduce interest rates steadily. In order to grow like China and India, Brazil would have to tackle “the Brazil cost”: * To reduce the size and importance of the informal sector * Correct some macroeconomics deficiencies (e.g the high real interest rate and a high government debt to GDP ratio) * Reduce red tape * Improve the quality of public services (e.g education...
Words: 1895 - Pages: 8
...INTRODUCTION A sovereign wealth fund (SWF) is a state-owned investment fund investing in real and financial assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate, precious metals, or in alternative investments such as private equity fund or hedge funds. SWFs are invested globally. Central banks use their foreign-exchange reserves or revenues from commodity exports to fund these investments. The three main characteristics of SWFs are 1. To maximize long-term returns using foreign exchange reserves 2. To serve the short-term "currency stabilization" 3. Liquidity management SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPORTANCE OF SOVEREIGN FUNDS OBJECTIVES OF SWFS SWFs are created from budgetary surpluses where the governments have no international debt. In countries where such liquidity is not possible, such as the nations that depend on raw material exports, the main objective for creation of SWF is for controlling high volatility of resource prices, unpredictability of extraction, and exhaustibility of resources. STABILIZATION SWFS The SWFs that are created to reduce volatility of government revenues, to counter the boom-bust cycles' adverse effect on government spending and the national economy are called Stabilization SWFs. SAVINGS SWFS These SWFs are created to build up savings for future generations. Resource curse SWFs can help avoid resource curse in resource-rich countries. Governments may be able to spend the money immediately, but risk causing the economy to overheat, e.g., in Hugo...
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...macro-economy. There are two flows: an open and a closed flow. In this paper I will be discussing and explain the two types of flows and how they affect the business world. By having this valuable information, consumers will now be aware of how their money is affecting the economic system in a certain way. Closed System A closed system is an economic system model that counts only domestic exchanges but not the foreign agents . This means that in a closed system, the money is built up inside a circular flow. In a closed system, there aren’t any leaks because there aren’t any foreign agents, governments, investments, or system of savings. Also there are not taxes, savings, or extra expenses that aren’t generated back into the economy. An example of a closed system (economy) is Brazil. Brazil is the worlds most closed economy. According to new data from the World Bank, Brazil imports the least in the world. Brazil’s imports of goods and services were equivalent to 13% of its GDP [2]. Open system An open system is an economic model that counts the goods and services exchanged domestically and between nations . The difference in an open...
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...Dependency Ration Influence The Savings And Following Capital Outflow. Introduction. The aim of my work it to analyze how the age dependency ration influences the saving. According to the definition of the World Bank, Age dependency ratio is the ratio of dependents-people younger than 15 or older than 64--to the working-age population--those ages 15-64. So the questions of my research is to find out how the quantity of pre-working-aged children and retired influences the saving per capita. Would people save more in their working age in order to save money for retirement period or to invest -or they will earn and spend. Another issue is to see if countries with huge level of GDP( China, the USA) have the different extent of ADR influence on savings and how it is differ from Russia and ,for instance, Brazil. This problem is actual and important because nowadays countries face the problem of capital outflow . As we can see from the current statistics databases, there were such demographical crisis since the 1950 , especially in Asian countries and because they are mostly overpopulated, it has an impact on the world situation in general. According to the theoretical economic models, Investment=Savings, so if I define what impact have demographical structure of population on saving per capita I could predict the future saving and investment in countries using the obtained results of influence. The model. To define, what could also has the impact on savings and what I could add to my...
Words: 2039 - Pages: 9
...chapter from the section on foreign investment analysis to this section because I have concluded that the international economic environment is heavily dependent on the policies that individual countries pursue. Given the close linkage between a country’s economic policies and the degree of exchange risk, inflation risk, and interest rate risk that multinational companies and investors face, it is vital in studying and attempting to forecast those risks to understand their causes. Simply put, attempts to forecast exchange rates, inflation rates, or interest rates are helped immensely by a deeper understanding of how those economic parameters are affected by national policies. At the same time, no one can intelligently assess a country’s risk profile without comprehending its economic and political policies and how those policies are likely to affect the country’s prospects for economic growth. I spend some time discussing the nature of property rights and their implications for political risk and economic development. The chapter examines the experiences of Latin American countries and Eastern European countries and addresses the question of what it takes to promote economic growth. A good discussion of property rights and their effects on economic growth can be based on the end-of-chapter problems. This discussion serves to introduce the topic of country risk analysis–the assessment of the potential risks and rewards associated with making investments and doing business in a country...
Words: 7886 - Pages: 32
...WILEY INTERNATIONAL Breceda, Patricia 1) Why would Wiley consider investing in Brazil? What are the advantages and disadvantages to locating its operations in Brazil? Once hyperinflation subsided in the late 1990’s, Brazil was once again viewed as an attractive location for foreign investment, with forecasts predicting the nation’s economy would be the sixth largest in the world by 2015. For Wiley and its industry in particular, Brazil presents a large growth opportunity given its influence in the Latin / South American economy and the region’s projected growth rate of three to four percent in the coming years. Other advantages of locating operations in Brazil include: 1) The country’s technically skilled, highly diversified and flexible workforce, 2) Relatively low ratio of people to cars -- 9/1 vs. 2/1 in developed economies (meaning there is great room for growth), 3) The recent decline in high import tariffs, which will allow for centralization of production, 4) Increasing economies of scale, 5) The ability to source production to potentially large local markets as well as the entire region as a whole, and 6) The potential to expand and strengthen relations with the Brazilian government, which could yield significant benefits over time. Some disadvantages to locating Wiley operations in Brazil include: 1) The volatility of the Real, despite recent success in mitigating hyperinflation, 2) Political / financial risk surrounding tariff and non-tariff barrier increases...
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...A Document On BRICS BY A C S Trinadh A-25 Subhasis Nandi A-26 Vaneet Kumar A-31 Bharat Baid A-43 From BRIC to BRICS: An Overview 1. Introduction This chapter gives an overview of the country, economic and trade profiles of the BRICS with some basic sectoral and trade policy framework analysis to highlight the potential for collaboration amongst these five emerging economies. Selected trade-related excerpts of the Delhi Declaration and Action Plan of March 2012 are reproduced in the concluding The significance of BRICS lies in their potential dynamism in an otherwise gloomy global economy fraught with concerns over the near term and future prospects of the Euro Zone and the United States. Europe and the United States were drivers of economic and trade growth in the 19th and 20th centuries, respectively. The 21st century potentially belongs to BRICS and other emerging economies. 2. Country Profiles To understand and analyze BRICS as a group, it is necessary to understand how these five emerging giants spread across four continents are situated in the global context. The BRICS together accounted for over a quarter of the world’s GDP (in PPP terms)...
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...Pão de Açúcar 6. Final commentaries 7. References Carrefour and Pão de Açúcar merger Introduction This paper will describe the negotiation to merge Pão de Açúcar, the largest retailer in Brazil, and Carrefour, the second largest supermarket chain in the world. The initial plan was to create a Brazilian super retail chain with a global presence but due to several reasons the negotiation didn’t succeed. These reasons will be presented in the following chapters, along with an analysis comparing the theories learned in the Intercultural negotiation class. The methodology of this research was based in articles published by newspapers, containing both analysis of this case and interviews with the people involved. Background information BACKGROUND INFORMATION OF CARREFOUR Carrefour S.A. is a one of the largest hypermarket chains in the world – according to public information – it had more than 1395 hypermarkets at the end of 2009. Carrefour is also the second largest retail group in the world in terms of revenue, and the third largest in profit, only after Wal-Mart and Tesco. The headquarters is located in Boulogne Billancourt, France, in the metropolitan region of Paris and its operation are spread mainly in Europe, Argentina, Brazil, China and United Arab Emirates. The main global strategy of Carrefour is to have...
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...INNOVATION POLICY OF BRAZIL 1. Some Numbers: • Total area - 8.5 million km² • Population - 191 million • GDP (2010) - 3,7 US$ trillion • Investment in R&D - 1.25 % GDP in 2010 • Scientists and researchers - 231,000 in 2010 (headcount) • Scientific papers - 2.7 % of world scientific production • world's sixth largest by nominal GDP • eighth largest by purchasing power parity. • moderately free markets and an inward-oriented economy. • the largest in Latin American nations ere. • one of the fastest-growing major economies in the world with an average annual GDP growth rate of over 5 percent • together with Mexico, has been at the forefront of the Latin American multinationals phenomenon by which, thanks to superior technology and organization, local companies have successfully turned global. 2. Overview Brazil has many times in its history praised to be the land of the future. First, Brazil with population of 190 million, the past eight years “Bolsa Familia” social program have lifted over 40 million Brazilians out of poverty and into middle class. This creates interesting platform for creating context related innovations and scaling bottom-of-the-pyramid innovations (disruptive and reverse) globally. Second, Brazil was almost non-effected by financial crisis 2008, a signal for strong and stable macro-economic policies. This means that Brazil, first time in its history, is becoming an interesting country for long term investment and strategic cooperation...
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...is try to evaluate how the insurance industry has developed in Brazil since it began its operation in 1808, operating in the begging only with maritime insurance through company named Boa Fé. During that time Brazil was still a colony of Portugal and Boa Fé Company had the role to insure ships transporting valuable goods such as gold and precious woods extracted from Brazil and sent to Portugal. In 1850 was when the Brazilian insurance industry started to develop due to creation of law specifically to the Brazilian Insurance industry. These new law and regulations made possible the raising of new company in the market which operated not merely in the maritime sector but also in other kind of insurance such as property insurance for example. The attractiveness of the Brazilian market took attention of multinational corporations. The first foreign insurance companies arriving in the Brazilian market was in1862 and in the following years many other foreigner companies kept come to Brazil and from 1950 to 1990 the Brazilian insurance industry got slower its pace and was considered to be stagnated. Was in the late 90’s that Brazilian insurance industry started a trend it goes until nowadays that is called the “Golden Era”. Due to economical, monetary and political stability Brazil became very attractive to most of the multinational insurance companies, the boom observed lately in the Brazilian economy made Brazil an obligatory place to be in other to...
Words: 1937 - Pages: 8
...Role and Importance of BRICS Bank Sudhakar Singh PGPSM 2015 National Institute of Securities Market The ‘BRICs’ acronym, in its most common usage, derives from a report to investors by Goldman Sachs’ analyst Jim O’Neill, signaling the new dynamic that four large countries; Brazil, Russia, India and China, were bringing to the global economy at the beginning of the new millennium. A conclusion advanced in the Goldman Sachs report was that the BRICs should be included in the G7 as their macroeconomic significance increased in the decade to come. From a global investment angle, the world has moved on from there to a wider set of dynamic emerging countries, including a number of fast-growing African nations, as more developing countries find their own way to catch up on growth, resisting world recessionary tendencies (O’Neill 2001 2011). The investor’s world of emerging markets has thus expanded beyond the BRICs, even as questions are raised about the sustainability of growth in the BRICs themselves, with their structural and political challenges and their vulnerability to the uncertainties of global monetary developments. (http://mobile.opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/handle/123456789/3599#.VemUOn2MgQ0) The grouping was originally known as "BRIC" before the inclusion of South Africa in 2010. The BRICS members are all developing or newly industrialised countries, but they are distinguished by their large, fast-growing economies and significant influence on regional and...
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...HIGH | | LOW | Global Services Location Index The ‘Global Services Location Index’ (GSLI) 2014 by A.T. Kearney is the sixth edition of the report in which the consulting firm examines the offshoring landscape in 51* countries around the globe, and ranks the top destinations for global offshoring. To come to this ranking, three main categories were researched; financial attractiveness, people skills and availability, and business environment. The weight given to these metrics is based on their importance to the location decision. ‘Financial factors’ constitute for 40% of the published index. ‘People skills and availability’ and ‘business environment’ both account for 30% of the total weight. CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF BRAZIL FOR OUTSOURCING Trends in Brazil that support sourcing. In 2009 Population – 193.7 million (fifth largest in the world) GDP – US$1574 billion (eighth largest in the world) GDP per capita – US$8220 (57th) GDP (PPP) as a % of world...
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...Brazil – Country Report Introduction The country has been expanding its presence in international financial and commodities markets, and is one of a group of four emerging economies called the BRIC countries. Although struggling with social inequality and infrastructural deficits we think that Brazil is already a great world power. Also what attracted us to Brazil as a case study for this report is it’s exotic character. Not many people really know the extent of Brazil’s recent growth and improvements in social security and in overcoming poverty. We expect the labor force and operational costs to be low, like in the other emerging countries like China. However we take in to consideration higher costs involving security and bureaucracy. Chapter 1 – Short presentation of the country The Federative Republic of Brazil is the largest country in both South America and the Latin America Region. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population, with over 193 million people. It is the largest Lusophone country in the world, and the only one in the Americas. Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, Brazil has a coastline of 7,491 km. It is bordered on the north by Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and the French overseas region of French Guiana; on the northwest by Colombia; on the west by Bolivia and Peru; on the southwest by Argentina and Paraguay and on the south by Uruguay. Numerous archipelagos form part of Brazilian territory, such as Fernando...
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...commercialize electric vehicles all the way to mass market. As we predict slow growth for the standard auto industry, we believe the electric vehicle industry is extremely attractive for several reasons, including high oil prices, less greenhouse gas emissions and government incentives. Our best estimates suggest the electric vehicle industry will have average growth rates of 35 – 40% over the next 10 years. International expansion, if done correctly, can help improve upon Tesla’s current strategic position in order to become the global leader in electric vehicles. We have determined that the optimal points of entry for the market are in Brazil and Singapore. In addition to gained access to the two fastest growing regions in the segment, the two locations are attractive for many political, economic, financial, cost, and market reasons. In Brazil, we recommend that Tesla create an office for operations, including a team for supply chain management and a team for sales. In Singapore, we included a supply chain management team, a sales team, and also recommended the opening of a global R&D hub. In addition, these locations will be responsible for managing regional dealers, developing...
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