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Sc300 Unit 4 Assignment


Submitted By tkelly1072
Words 888
Pages 4
Tammy Kelly
Kaplan University
SC300: Big Ideas in Science: From Methods to Mutation
Unit 4 Assignment
Professor Joshua Ford
May 22, 2012

Unit 4 Assignment: Dangerous and Natural Energy
1) What patterns do you see in the distribution of earthquakes across the continental United States?
The west coast of the US consists of the highest levels of risk by a wide margin, particularly in the south-west (on the pacific tectonic plate fault line). Central Eastern regions bear areas of moderate risk. Northern and South/south-easterly regions bear no significant risk.
2) Locate your home on this map and make a note of the relative risk to you by indicating the color where you live. The USGS also reports on earthquakes around the world. Visit this interactive map to find the latest global earthquake data from the past seven days:
Bridgeport Connecticut - very low probability of occurrence here. This region bears no significant risk to such an event over the next 50 years.
3) What patterns do you see in the distribution of earthquakes around the world?
The majority of earthquakes occur on the left hand side of the pacific plate (the fault line between the pacific/Eurasian and pacific/Australasian plates) the right hand side of this plate relates to the fault line where the majority of earthquakes in the US occur. The westerly coast of the South America also has an abundance of earthquakes on the right hand side of the Nazca tectonic plate. There are other fault lines where a number occur, but the majority is in those areas described above. Mainland Europe, Eurasia (Russia etc.) and Africa are areas of low occurrence.
4) Click on one of the earthquakes on the map and make a note of its magnitude and region.
5) Would you be willing to live in one of the red areas on the map? Explain.

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