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Scalp Eczema Research Paper

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Scalp Eczema: Easy steps to manage itchy skin disorder
Eczema has been considered as one of the most difficult to manage dermatolical diseases where the dead scalp skins shade up resulting in continuous itching as well as hampering the quality of life. Scalp eczema occurs frequently and last for the long time. Recurrence of scalp eczema happens due to the itch-scratch-itch cycle. It makes the skin surface rough and cracked; and invaded easily by various funguses resulting in fungal infections of the scalp. Usually, the prevalence rate of scalp eczema is higher in women compared to men. This condition is difficult to manage due to its high relapse rate. Therefore, preventive and maintenance treatment is must to fight against scalp eczema. Men …show more content…
But the medical science concludes that dandruff is one of the forms of Scalp Eczema. Our skin produces natural oil and its role is to make the scalp nourished and supple. Once eczema occurs, then the natural oil commonly known as sebum is increased. Skin flaxes along with the excess sebum released from the sebaceous glands causes the formation of greasy skin flaxes which are commonly known as dandruff. Dandruff just not only affect the scalp but it also affects the eyebrows resulting in physical and social discomfort. So the best preventive measure for managing dandruff is to manage scalp eczema. If the scalp eczema remains in untreated condition for long time, then the overall skin health will be suffered. Remember that use of popular hair wash and hair oil cannot eliminate dandruff properly. By using these cosmetic items you may have a sudden benefit, but it will turn back soon in initial condition because the underlying cause has not been …show more content…
As a result other oily part of the face, nose and eyebrows can be affected. When scalp eczema enters into the ear cannel, then it initiates inflammation there and fluid starts to release from the ears. Discoloration occurs in the eczema affected part of the body and it is quite irreversible in nature.
Treatment of Scalp Eczema:
Scalp eczema cannot be cured permanently, but with proper medication, it can be controlled efficiently. Most of the scalp eczema medications are in the form of lotion, solution, spray and medicated shampoos. In normal scalp eczema condition, best choice is medicated shampoos. Effective medicated shampoos for scalp eczema contain zinc pyrithione, salicylic acid, selenium sulfide, ketoconazole and coal tar. Each of these ingredients has unique rolls for the prevention of scalp eczema. Clinical studies suggest that by using medicated shampoo, over 90% of dandruff can be eliminated from the scalp.
For mild scalp eczema condition, using only medicated shampoo is insufficient to prevent scalp eczema. In this case best choice is using moderately potent antifungal lotion, less potent corticosteroid spray. If you have to use corticosteroid spray, then please consult with your

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