...rIssues & Studie s© 45, no. 4 (December 2009): 159-188. Status for Sale: Taiwan and the Competition for Diplomatic Recognition TIMOTHY S. RICH Diplomatic recognition is generally seen as fundamental to the modern state system. The traditional views of recognition however focus almost exclusively on political or ideological rationales, ignoring other foundations on which other countries base establishing diplomatic recognition. Focusing on the Republic of China (Taiwan) suggests a more complicated view where economic self-interest on one side and national pride on the other may undermine traditional conceptions of recognition. Using the ROC-PRC diplomatic battle as a case study, this paper hopes to shed light on two questions: why, despite the PRC's rise as a global power, a country would continue to formally recognize the ROC and secondly what does the ROC receive in exchange for such high-cost endeavors to maintain recognition. In this case mutual ideological rationales have greatly diminished while I contend that economic factors have predominantly maintained this diplomatic battle. In addition, previous research often focuses on major world powers granting or withholding formal recognition to smaller states. In this situation, poor countries with typically little political influence are the major players, suggesting different rationales behind recognition. Methodologically, this paper blends qualitative and quantitative analysis to uncover factors affecting recogni- ...
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...1.0 Introduction 1.1 Definition of poverty CHUPICAL SHOLLAH MANUEL Poverty as a phenomenon is very elusive to define and is rather multidimensional and a contested concept whose definition is influenced by the contexts in which it exists. The concept has both a relative an absolute measure. The dominant Western definition since World War II has defined poverty in monetary terms, using levels of income or consumption to measure poverty (Grusky and Kanbur, 2006: 11) and defining the poor by a headcount of those who fall below a given income/consumption level or ‘poverty line’ (Lipton and Ravallion, 1993: 1 in Handley et al., 2009). Multidimensional definitions acknowledge that poverty is also defined by a sense of helplessness, dependence and lack of opportunities, self-confidence and self-respect on the part of the poor. (Narayan et al., 2000). Sen (1999) defines poverty as lack of freedom while another dimension view it as interlinked forms of deprivation in the economic, human, political, sociocultural and protective spheres (OECD, 2006).This essay discusses the issue of poverty in Africa from colonial period to present day. The paper also analyses the causes of poverty since colonial era, the poverty alleviation strategies adopted to deal with poverty and propose possible solutions for poverty alleviation. A plethora of case studies will be drawn from several countries to substantiate the claims and insights provides in this paper. 2.0 Poverty, colonialism and Colonial...
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...Introduction The IMF is an intergovernmental institution established by an international treaty in 1945 to create a framework for international economic cooperation focusing on balance of payment problems and the stability of currencies. IMF headquarters is in Washington D.C, U.S.A History / establishment of IMF: IMF was founded on 27th December, 1945. During the closing years of world war second, different countries realized that there must be a common International Forum for achieving economy cooperation, promoting International Trade and providing help to needy nations during emergency. So IMF was formed for this purpose. World War Second has its adverse effect on global economy. To remedy the situation, an international monetary conference was convened in 1944, at Bretton Woods in America. It was attended by the representatives of 44 countries. It was decided in this Conference to set up IMF for the economic development of all countries. Problems: Three main problems are: ▪ Economic order and piece ▪ Reconstruction of economies ▪ Stable world piece Role: The IMF was intended to play two major roles in the Bretton Woods System: o The fund should discourage aggressive exchange rate behavior by members and help them manage their balance of payments efficiently; o The fund was given resources to lend international reserves to countries with balance of payments difficulties. Purposes/ objectives The purposes...
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...PROSTITUTION IS NOT A CHOICE LEARN A BOUT TH E TRA FFI CKING OF WOMEN AND GIRLS WORLDWIDE, AND FIND OUT WHAT CAN BE DONE TO END THIS WID ESPR EAD PROBLEM … Soroptimist International of the Americas-1709 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 - 215 893 9000 - www.soroptimist.org SOROPTIMIST WHITE PAPER Prostitution is Not a Choice I think so much about what has happened to me. Why these men did what they did to me. Old, disgusting men. It was horrible. They knew I did not want to be there, but they paid their money. They used me. I was their property for the night. They destroyed me. (14-year-old girl at Casa Hogar, a shelter in Costa Rica for children rescued from the country’s sex trade1) OVERVIEW Prostitution has been called the world’s oldest “profession.” In reality, it is the world’s oldest “oppression” and continues to be one of the most overlooked human rights abuses of women on the planet today. 2 Prostitution of women is a particularly lethal form of violence against women, and a violation of a woman’s most basic human rights. While society attempts to normalize prostitution on a variety of levels (discussed later in this paper), prostituted women are subjected to violence and abuse at the hands of paying “clients.” For the vast majority of prostituted women, “prostitution is the experience of being hunted, dominated, harassed, assaulted and battered.” 3 It is “sexual terrorism against women at the hands of men and little is being done to stop the carnage...
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...Insight Report The Global Competitiveness Report 2014–2015 Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum Insight Report The Global Competitiveness Report 2014–2015 Full Data Edition Professor Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum Editor Professor Xavier Sala-i-Martín Columbia University Chief Advisor of The Global Competitiveness and Benchmarking Network © 2014 World Economic Forum World Economic Forum Geneva The Global Competitiveness Report 2014–2015: Full Data Edition is published by the World Economic Forum within the framework of The Global Competitiveness and Benchmarking Network. Copyright © 2014 by the World Economic Forum Professor Klaus Schwab Executive Chairman All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise without the prior permission of the World Economic Forum. Professor Xavier Sala-i-Martín Chief Advisor of The Global Competitiveness and Benchmarking Network Espen Barth Eide Managing Director and Member of the Managing Board ISBN-13: 978-92-95044-98-2 ISBN-10: 92-95044-98-3 Jennifer Blanke Chief Economist This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources. THE GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS AND BENCHMARKING NETWORK Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz, Head of the Global Competitiveness and Benchmarking Network and...
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...Richard Attias Become a fan Email The Development Factor: The Challenge of Sport in the 21st Century Posted: 10/21/2014 8:39 am EDT Updated: 10/29/2014 9:59 Sport occupies a peculiar place in world dynamics in that it surpasses the limitations of geographical boundaries and social classes. Still, a gap remains between developed and developing nations when it comes to sport. In the industrialized world, sport as an economic sector represents approximately 2% of GDP. For developing economies, though, the challenge remains making sport a factor of economic development, and a driver for social change, so it benefits all citizens in the long term. UNESCO's 1978 International Charter of Physical Education and Sport classified sport as "a fundamental right for all." But the low place sport occupies in the developing world's priorities shows that its importance as an educational and social tool is not yet universal. Everyone agrees that sport contributes to economic development by creating jobs and stimulating business activity. The organization of a major sporting event, for example, is a great opportunity for the local economy. The thousands of people who attend will spend money on food, lodging, transportation and other, related tourist activities. However, in recent years, we see these economic benefits are obvious only the short term. If we take the example of South Africa in 2010, the positive impact of the World Cup was, in terms of job creation and reduced crime...
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...chapter one Sociology: Perspective, Theory, and Method What sets human beings apart from all other forms of life? Why is sociology an important tool for your future? How should you respond to people whose way of life differs from your own? ISBN: 0-536-12116-8 Societ y: The Basics, Eighth Ed itio n by Jo hn J. Ma cio nis. Published b y Prentice -Hall. Co pyright © 2006 by Pear son Edu cation, In c. ISBN: 0-536-12116-8 L The sociological perspective shows us patterns of behavior common within a society. Here, a member of Brazil’s Pataxo tribe offers a traditional greeting to a visitor. Societ y: The Basics, Eighth Ed itio n by Jo hn J. Ma cio nis. Published b y Prentice -Hall. Co pyright © 2006 by Pear son Edu cation, In c. I f you were to ask 100 people, “Why do couples marry?” it is a safe bet that at least ninety would reply, “People marry because they fall in love.” Indeed, it is hard for us to imagine a happy marriage without love; likewise, when people fall in love, we expect them to think about marriage. But is the decision about whom to marry really so simple and so personal? There is plenty of evidence that if love is the key to marriage, Cupid’s arrow is carefully aimed by the society around us. In short, society has a number of “rules” about whom we should marry. What are they? Right off the bat, society rules out half the population because U.S. laws (despite recent actions in cities such as San Francisco and likely...
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...ANNUAL REPORT 2010 TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL IS THE GLOBAL CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATION LEADING THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION. THROUGH MORE THAN 90 CHAPTERS WORLDWIDE AND AN INTERNATIONAL SECRETARIAT IN BERLIN, WE RAISE AWARENESS OF THE DAMAGING EFFECTS OF CORRUPTION AND WORK WITH PARTNERS IN GOVERNMENT, BUSINESS AND CIVIL SOCIETY TO DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT EFFECTIVE MEASURES TO TACKLE IT. www.transparency.org WE ARE A GLOBAL MOVEMENT SHARING ONE VISION A WORLD IN WHICH GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, BUSINESS, CIVIL SOCIETY AND THE DAILY LIVES OF PEOPLE ARE FREE OF CORRUPTION Editors: Alice Harrison and Michael Sidwell Design: Sophie Everett Cover photo: © Reuters/Yannis Behrakis Every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the information contained in this report. All information was believed to be correct as of June 2011. Nevertheless, Transparency International cannot accept responsibility for the consequences of its use for other purposes or in other contexts. ISBN: 978-3-935711-79-1 Printed on 100% recycled paper. ©2011 Transparency International. All rights reserved. This report provides a snapshot of how the Transparency International movement was active in the fight against corruption in 2010. For the purpose of conciseness, national chapters, national chapters in formation and national contacts are referred to as chapters, regardless of their status within Transparency International’s accreditation system. Visit www.transparency.org/chapters for their current...
Words: 28414 - Pages: 114
...RE-BRANDING AND ITS CONTIBUTION TO THE COMPANY’S COMPETITIVENESS: A CASE STUDY OF ZAIN KENYA, ELDORET BRANCH BENJAMIN CHERUTICH ELD/DBM/2641 Research project submitted to The Kenya Institute of Management in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Diploma in Business Management September, 2009 DECLARATION Declaration by the candidate This research study is my original work and has not been presented to any other examination body. No part of this research should be reproduced without my consent or that of The Kenya Institute of Management. BENJAMIN CHERUTICH; Sign…………………………. Date………………… Declaration by the supervisor This research has been submitted for examination with my approval as The Kenya Institute of Management Supervisor. MR. EVANS OBARE; Sign ………………………… Date……………………… Lecturer KIM Eldoret For and on behalf of The Kenya Institute of Management STEPHEN KAMAU; Sign ……………………….. Date…………………………… Branch Manager Eldoret DEDICATION I would like to dedicate this research project to my beloved fiancée Priscillah and my nephew Jackline for their encouragement. I also dedicate to my loving parents Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mendwa for their support and love. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First I would like to give praise and honor to the Almighty God for giving me sufficient grace and power to write this project....
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...PART 2 The Global Marketing Environment CHAPTER 2 The Global Economic Environment Case 2-1 The Global Economic Crisis I n his 1997 book One World, Ready or Not, William Greider described the United States as “the buyer of last resort.” Greider explained that, for many years, the United States was the only nation that was willing to absorb production surpluses exported by companies in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. Greider asked: “Who will buy the surpluses when the United States cannot?” The conventional wisdom has long held that strong spending by consumers in other nations would keep the world economy humming. However, by 2008, Greider’s question was taking on a new urgency and the conventional wisdom was being tested. An economic crisis that had its roots in lax subprime mortgage lending practices began to spread around the globe. In the United States, where the crisis began, economic misery was widespread: The housing market collapsed, real estate values plummeted, credit tightened, and job growth slowed (see Exhibit 2-1). As the price of oil passed the $100 per barrel benchmark, the average price of a gallon of gasoline rose to $4. American consumers were, indeed, less willing and less able to buy. However, the crisis was not confined to the United States alone. Consumer-goods exporters in Asia, which Exhibit 2-1: The bursting of the global real estate bubble was only one aspect of the worst recession in decades. The ripple effects from the economic...
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...GLOBAL MARKET ASSESSMENT FOR HANDICRAFTS VOLUME I FINAL DRAFT JULY 2006 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Ted Barber and Marina Krivoshlykova of Development Alternatives, Inc. GLOBAL MARKET ASSESSMENT FOR HANDICRAFTS VOLUME I FINAL DRAFT The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. FOREWORD This paper was written as part of the Accelerated Microenterprise Advancement Project (AMAP) Business Development Services Knowledge and Practice (BDS K&P) research initiative. The AMAP BDS initiative’s major objective is “integrating micro and small enterprises into productive value chains to create wealth in poor communities.” The research draws on experience and insights from: • Interviews with leading handicraft buyers in the United States, the European Union, and the Caribbean, including importers and retailers currently sourcing from Haiti, those who have done so in the past, and those who source handmade products from other destinations; • Interviews with market experts, such as product development consultants, designers, enterprise development consultants, and marketing specialists who work with handicraft producers in developing countries; • Discussions with market experts and USAID at a roundtable conducted in Washington...
Words: 33700 - Pages: 135
...NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND POLITICS GUIDE TO FOREIGN AND INTERNATIONAL LEGAL CITATIONS FIRST EDITION ● 2006 © Copyright 2006 by New York University Contents FORWARD AND GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS................................................................................................. xiii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................................................................xv COUNTRY CITATION GUIDES ARGENTINA...............................................................................................................................................................1 I. COUNTRY PROFILE ..................................................................................................................................1 II. CITATION GUIDE.......................................................................................................................................2 1.0 CONSTITUTION...................................................................................................................................2 2.0 LEGISLATION......................................................................................................................................2 3.0 JURISPRUDENCE ................................................................................................................................3 4.0 BOOKS .....................................
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...AFRICA’S DEVELOPMENT: THE IMPERATIVES OF INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE AND VALUES by MARTIN ODEI AJEI submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in the subject PHILOSOPHY at the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA PROMOTER: PROFESSOR M. B. RAMOSE AUGUST 2007 Contents Declaration Acknowledgement List of Acronyms Key terms Summary vi vii viii x xi INTRODUCTION: DEVELOPMENT AND PHILOSOPHY i. Statement of the Problem ii. Against Economism iii. Critique of Competition iv. Poverty is Unnatural v. Thesis Statement vi. Methodology vii. Structure of Dissertation 1 1 1 5 6 9 10 15 CHAPTER ONE: DIMENSIONS OF DEVELOPMENT AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON AFRICA 1.1. What is Development 1.2. Development and Economic Growth 1.3. Schools of Development Thought and their Influence in Africa 1.3.1. The Modernization School and its Essential Claims Growth Theory under Economic Liberalism Evolutionary Theory Functionalist Theory Common Assumptions and Methodology The Influence of Modernization on Development Practice in Africa Critique of Modernization 1.3.2 Dependency Theory and its Essential Claims 21 21 25 27 27 28 29 30 32 34 36 39 i 1.3.3. The Theoretical Heritage of Dependency Theory Structuralist Economics and the ‘Prebisch Thesis’ Marxism 1.3.4. Common Assumptions of Dependency Theory 1.3.5. Criticisms of Dependency Theory 1.3.6. The Influence of Dependency Theory on African Development Practice...
Words: 90729 - Pages: 363
...23 Things They Don’t Tell You about Capitalism HA-JOON CHANG Department of Economics, Cambridge University 23 Things They Don’t Tell You about Capitalism HA-JOON CHANG ALLEN LANE an imprint of PENGUIN BOOKS Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, USA Penguin Group (Canada), 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4P 2Y3 (a division of Pearson Canada Inc.) Penguin Ireland, 25 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, Ireland (a division of Penguin Books Ltd) Penguin Group (Australia), 250 Camberwell Road, Camberwell, Victoria 3124, Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Penguin Books India Pvt Ltd, 11 Community Centre, Panchsheel Park, New Dehli – 110 017, India Penguin Group (NZ), 67 Apollo Drive, North Shore 0632, New Zealand (a division of Pearson New Zealand Ltd) Penguin Books (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd, 24 Sturdee Avenue, Rosebank 2196, South Africa Penguin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England www.penguin.com First published 2010 Copyright © Ha-Joon Chang, 2010 The moral right of the author has been asserted All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording...
Words: 86029 - Pages: 345
...Sixth Edition INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Cheol S. Eun Bruce G. Resnick International Financial Management Sixth Edition The McGraw-Hill/Irwin Series in Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate Stephen A. Ross Franco Modigliani Professor of Finance and Economics Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Consulting Editor FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Adair Excel Applications for Corporate Finance First Edition Block, Hirt, and Danielsen Foundations of Financial Management Fourteenth Edition Brealey, Myers, and Allen Principles of Corporate Finance Tenth Edition Brealey, Myers, and Allen Principles of Corporate Finance, Concise Second Edition Brealey, Myers, and Marcus Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Sixth Edition Brooks FinGame Online 5.0 Bruner Case Studies in Finance: Managing for Corporate Value Creation Sixth Edition Chew The New Corporate Finance: Where Theory Meets Practice Third Edition Cornett, Adair, and Nofsinger Finance: Applications and Theory First Edition Cornett, Adair, and Nofsinger Finance: M Book First Edition DeMello Cases in Finance Second Edition Grinblatt (editor) Stephen A. Ross, Mentor: Influence through Generations Grinblatt and Titman Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy Second Edition Higgins Analysis for Financial Management Ninth Edition Kellison Theory of Interest Third Edition Kester, Ruback, and Tufano Case Problems in Finance Twelfth Edition Ross, Westerfield, and Jaffe Corporate Finance Ninth Edition...
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