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Scented Paper Charcoal


Submitted By RavenLord13
Words 305
Pages 2
Advantages of using Paper Charcoal

1. Concentrated. Since Paper Charcoals are created from compressing combustible material such as paper, it is denser, harder, and more compact compared to other charcoals.
2. Slow-burning. The compression process allows the paper charcoal to burn for a lot longer than if it was loose in its original form.
3. More efficient. Along with the compactness of the paper charcoal is the increase in heating value. This greater efficiency can be attributed to their low moisture and density.
4. Availability. Paper is the main component in producing this product. So where do we get this paper? Look around you, and there are loads of paper materials here, there, and everywhere.
5. Easily stored. The size and shape of paper charcoal make them easily be stored. We can readily pile them in several heaps because of their fun shapes like cubical, spherical, cylindrical, or rectangular blocks. They are likewise clean to handle and be packed into bags.
6. Cheaper. Since this charcoal can be domestically made from waste paper, they are consequently less expensive to produce, and thereby sold at lower prices.
7. Renewable. This charcoal makes use of waste materials which are common and renewable. Hence, we are ensured of the sustainability of such fuel source.
8. Easier to lit. The use of paper as the main component makes it easier to light compared to wood charcoals. Therefore, the use of gas, plastic and other methods of ignition will no longer be necessary.
9. Flexibility. Since it is made manually, the size of this may vary depending on its purpose, smaller charcoal pieces for grilling and larger charcoal pieces for cooking.
10. Fragrance. Paper charcoal is mixed with natural fragrance from flowers and herbs. Since it is natural, there are no harmful effects on food as it burns.

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