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School On Wheels Analysis

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This evaluation is examining the plan for School on Wheels. The organization provides one-on-one tutoring to school aged children across Indiana that impacted by homelessness. School on Wheels was funded in 2011 and is funded mostly by grants, donations, and sponsors.
Systematic Inquiry entitles evaluators conducting systematic, data-based inquiries. This will ensure the accuracy and credibility of the evaluative information being produced. Evaluator should abide to the highest technical standards appropriate to the methods they use. This evaluation does not provide a plan for conclusions. This segment of the evaluation is crucial to ensure credibility. Justifying why certain methods of gathering data were used, analyzing the data collected, …show more content…
It is important evaluators discuss honesty with clients and stakeholders concerning the costs, tasks to be undertaken, limitations of methodology, scope of results likely to be obtained, and uses of data resulting from a specific evaluation. This evaluation leads to bias intent because there is no background or identification of person conducting the evaluation. There is possible evidence that the person conducting the evaluation could be a member of the organization or could have had some previous relation or interaction with a stakeholder. This could cause stakeholders to withdraw information or not support the organization if the evaluation is not ethically conducted on a fair and unbiased foundation. The person or team conducting evaluation must prove to the evaluator that there is evidence of bias intent against or for the organization. Appropriate identification and experience must be provided to ensure …show more content…
The evaluator should seek a comprehensive understanding of the important contextual elements of the evaluation. It is significant that evaluators abide by professional ethics, standards, and regulations regarding risks, harms, and burdens that might affect those participating in the evaluation. This evaluation does not provide protection or respect for people involved in the evaluation. The survey expressed in the evaluation does not provide informed consent to explain thoroughly what the research is about and how it will be disseminated. The evaluation also does not provide confidentiality in the respondents to the survey to ensure that identities and personal information are protected and solely only used for purpose of the research for the organization. This could significantly impact the reliability and validity of the organization and the data that will be collected. The person or team conducting the evaluation must follow proper confidentiality and informed consent procedures before administering a survey to its

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