Premium Essay

School Paper


Submitted By rpetsinger
Words 282
Pages 2
Complete Exercises E10-6, E10-8, & E10-18.
Complete Problems 10-3A &10-6A

Payroll tax expense 352.16
FICA taxes payable 198.40
Federal unemployment taxes payable 19.84
State unemployment taxes payable 133.92

E10-8 1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False 6. False 7. True 8. True 9. True 10. True
A. Jan.1 cash 562,613 Discount on the bonds payable 37,387 Bonds payable 600,000
B. Jul. 1 Bond interest expense 28131 Discount on bonds payable 1131 Cash 27,000
C. Dec.31 Bond interest expense 28187 Discount on bonds payable 1,187
Bonds interest payable 27,000

10-3A A. Cash 600,000
Bonds payable 600,000

B. Dec.31 bond interest Exp. 27,000
Bond interest payable 27,000

C. Balance Sheet
Long term liabilities, bonds payable and less: discount on bonds payable 600,000

D. May.1 Bond interest Exp. 27,000 Cash 27,000 E. Nov.1 Bond interest Exp. Bond interest payable 27,000

F. Nov.1 bonds payable 600,000 Premium bonds payable 0 Loss on the bonds redemption 12,000 Cash 612,000


A. July.1 Cash 2,000,000
Bonds payable 2,000,000

B. Bond carrying value
Issue date 2,271,813.00 2,262,686.00 2,253,193.00 2,243,321.00

C. Dec.31 bonds interest 90,873
Premium on bonds payable 9,127
Cash 100,000 D. July.1 bond interest Exp. 90,507 Premium of bonds payable 9,493 Cash 100,000 E. Dec. 31 Bond interest Exp. 90,128 Premium of bonds payable 9,872 Cash

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