...yes, school should start earlier because research shows that students are finding that theres not enough time for them to do homework. theres more time for after school activities and afternoon jobs. most parent's jobs start then so they have no time for their children. if school starts early, theres more time for family time! Why We Need More Sleep Don't you hate waking up early in the morning? Almost every weekday, high school students are waking up around six o'clock in the morning to get ready for school, some even earlier. It's not practical for high school classes to start at 7:44. It's just too early for teenage minds to function properly. Our school should start at least an hour later than that. With the extra hour, our attendance would improve, as well as our grades and attitudes. The facts are all there, so why shouldn't the hours change? On average in today’s society most teens don’t like going to school that early in the morning. To have to wake up so early when they only get about seven hours of sleep, to have students be coming into school at 7:30AM or maybe even earlier in some other schools, is not right. Students need to have time at night to get work done, not only schoolwork but also non-schoolwork. Needless to say, the school schedule for high school students needs to be changed and be made where they go in later. That way they get their work done and get enough sleep because without much sleep students will not be getting high grades. A health survey that...
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...Do you think that schools should start later or stay early? The sources I am using are School Start Later?", "Should Students Start School Later in the Morning?", and a infographic. Should schools start later or earlier? Schools should start later because kids need to get the right number hours of sleep. In the article by Lisa M. Herrington School Start Later?". Shools should start later. Schools should start later because kids won’t be as tired. In the article it states, “ 40% of American highschools start before 8a.m, and 20% of Middle schools start before 7:45 a.m or earlier.” This shows, “ that kids have to wake up when it is still dark outside.” According to the infograph schools shouldn’t start earlier than 8:00. They shouldn’t start until this time because then kids would get the full time they...
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...today is hampering high school students' achievement. To accommodate for teens' sleep needs, high schools should start later in the day than they do now (based on review of several newspaper articles, it appears that most schools starting times range from 7:00-8:30 a.m.). This action would better satisfy the sleep needs of teenagers, improve their academic performance, be beneficial for families of elementary school students, and increase safety. Delaying the high school schedule, even if only by half an hour, would be beneficial to the sleep needs of teenagers. Studies have shown that after puberty, teenagers require more sleep (about 9.5hrs) but get less sleep (about 7.5hrs). (1) Mary Carskadon of Brown University performed an elaborate scientific study on the sleeping patterns of adolescents. (2) Her research, later verified by other studies, found that not only do teenagers need more sleep, their sleep patterns shift. (3) After puberty, teens' circadian rhythms shift into a delayed phase. Indicators of the circadian rhythms other than the sleep-wake cycle , such as temperature , hormone secretion , and melatonin level , all start and end later in the day than when they had prior to puberty. This is why teenagers would do better to go to bed later and to wake up later. Of course, it would be best for them to use the extra time to get more sleep, but it would be inevitable that several students would just push back their bed time and wake up later. Even if the students don't...
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...After looking at some teens experience and research that the national sleep foundation has done, it is evident that schools should start later in the morning. A study done by the national sleep foundation said that teens need an average of 9 hours of sleep. Yet because of their after school activities and excessive homework, and early school start times, they get less than 7 hours of sleep a night. This illustrates how teens are not able to get as much sleep as they really need because of school. This is essential because teens need adequate sleep otherwise it will be very hard to focus on their work because they are falling asleep in their chairs. If school start times were later then teens would get the amount of sleep they need and they...
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...every weekday, high school students are waking up around six o'clock in the morning to get ready for school, some even earlier. It's not practical for high school classes to start at 7:44. It's just too early for teenage minds to function properly. Our school should start at least an hour later than that. With the extra hour, our attendance would improve, as well as our grades and attitudes. The facts are all there, so why shouldn't the hours change? For the 1997-1998 school years, the University of Minnesota conducted a study on Minneapolis high schools. Their starting times were changed from 7:15 to 8:40. The results of this change were obvious. Teachers reported that students were more alert during the first two periods of the day and that attendance improved by five percent. After such a revealing study, why aren't more schools catching on? It's a proven fact that teenagers need between 8 ½ and nine hours of sleep each night. It's also a proven fact that only fifteen percent of teenagers get the sleep that they need. Can you believe that more than twenty-five percent of teenagers sleep less than seven hours a night? Are you one of those teenagers? Well, part of the reason why this is happening is because school starts so early in the morning. If school hours were changed, teenagers would be much healthier and feel better about themselves. Furthermore, school officials are always complaining that so many of their students are constantly tardy to school. They even have a policy...
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...Recently there has been some debate on whether or not schools should start earlier or later. For me I can see both sides to this particular topic. Both of them have negative consequences and both have a positive influences. For the suppose of this topic I have to side with against an earlier start time. For school to start earlier would be to hard on the students body and or mind. This is because an average student does not go to bed on “time”. A normal student probably goes to bed around 10:30-11:00 ish and then has to wake up around 5:30 to get around for school. School can not regularlate when their students go to bed, it is just a very hard thing to control. If the school decide to make the time of classes start earlier everything would...
Words: 283 - Pages: 2
...because school ends to late? Besides getting a bit more sleep you can miss out on sports and activities. The topic that school should or should not start later has been discussed many times. Many schools have considered to change their start time later, but only some schools have done it. The schools that tried a new school time have found that it benefited the students while other schools don’t recommend to switch the starting time. “Should School Start Later” by Justin O’Neill, “Sleepy Teens: High School Should Start Later in the Morning” by Mark Fischetti and “Teachers overwhelmingly oppose later high school start times in Montgomery” by Julie Zauzmer and Dana Hedgpeth give support that schools shouldn’t start later. Despite the fact people think school starting earlier is good for students but I strongly believe kids should wake up because school will end to late, there will be transportation problems and changing school times can be unbeneficial for students. To begin, school will end to late. School ending to late can cause various problems for the students. Scope states “For one thing, starting school later means dismissing school later, which leaves...
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...society most teens don’t like going to school that early in the morning. To have to wake up so early when they only get about seven hours of sleep, to have students be coming into school at 7:30AM or maybe even earlier in some other schools, is not right. Students need to have time at night to get work done, not only schoolwork but also non-schoolwork. Needless to say, the school schedule for high school students needs to be changed and be made where they go in later. That way they get their work done and get enough sleep because without much sleep students will not be getting high grades. A health survey that the University Health Center administered showed them that one in four students say that lack of sleep has affected their academic performance in a bad way (“Sleep Rocks”). Sleep deprivation impairs students’ ability to be alert, pay attention, solve problems, cope with stress, and retain information. Academic performances on students are low due to lack of sleep. Schools should start later so students would get more sleep at home and it would prevent them from sleeping in class, so the students would have more motivation and students’ academic grades would increase. Sleep is an important part to each and every person. First, one good effect of this solution is that it would decrease the amount of students sleeping in their class. Its been a fight for years for a variety of schools around the U.S. trying to make the school starting time later in the day because most students...
Words: 538 - Pages: 3
...Schools should start later in the morning to align with adolescents' natural sleep cycles, enhancing students' academic performance, improving mental health, and promoting overall well-being. By shifting start times, schools can help students achieve adequate sleep, leading to better concentration, higher grades, and reduced rates of anxiety and depression, ultimately creating a healthier and more productive learning environment. Do you ever feel like you haven't slept enough and are tired in the morning? Schools should start later in the morning to align with adolescents' natural sleep cycles, enhancing students' academic performance, improving mental health, and promoting overall well-being. By shifting start times, schools can help students...
Words: 468 - Pages: 2
...Should school start an hour later than usual? We know that we as students should have time to get some sleep and eat breakfast. Some people think that school should start at 7:30 AM. There are many reasons why school should start at 8:30 AM. Some reasons are that teens go through puberty, and they play sports or go to airborne (a teenager’s event) at the church. Puberty may biologically wire teens to stay up late and wake up late. Puberty doesn’t change how much sleep they need, but it makes it easier for them to stay awake longer. To let us get a hour break it would help. To let school start an hour later it will increase attendance, fewer students sleeping in class and less self-reported depression. Communities and school districts really...
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...alarm clock. “I should be sleeping right now. Not waking up at 6 AM.” I grumbled to myself as I slowly got ready for another day of school. People often ask their friends and themselves why we have to get up early almost everyday and be at school by 8:45 or 7:30. (Debate.org) According to the data collected from students, 79% say that school should start later, while the remaining 21% oppose the idea. One student who supports the idea stated that she had observed her sister through her high school years. She said that if her sister’s school had started later, and ended later, then she would be ready to learn and the chance of her falling asleep during class decrease. Another student claimed that a average teenager need about 9.5 hours of sleep a night, but study shows that teens usually get about 7.5 hours. Their claim was that you can’t concentrate when you are tired, and if you were taking a exam, you would need concentration. Other students share that they don’t have time for breakfast, they are stressed in the morning hours and they feel rushed. Though the students are correct, the other 21% is also correct. Students...
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...get ready to drive to school. Teens amble and climb in their car to rush to get to school, so that they aren’t late. Adults make their way to work when a sleepy teen swerve into the other lane and hits another car head on. There was a loud crunching noise as the two cars collide, glass flies everywhere while airbags deploy. All of this could have been avoided if teens could get more sleep. Even though the accident was slightly dramatic, it is only one of the side effects of sleep deprivation that can be caused by schools starting too early. Since a lot of accidents have been caused by teens that haven’t gotten the proper amount of sleep, the school start time should be no earlier than 8:30am. In the event that teens are more prone to accidents due to lack of sleep, it’s dangerous to even think about letting them drive to school early in the morning. “Teen drivers are at the highest risk for drowsy driving; however, and preliminary studies have shown that delaying their school start time has a significant effect in lowering the occurrence of such crashes.” (Eight major obstacles to later school start...
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...Sleep Later More than 80% of schools start prior to 8:30 A.M., which robs teens of vital sleep (“Should School Start Later”). Medical research found that teenagers have biologically different sleep and wake patterns. It will improve attendance and enrollment rates, reduce sleeping in class, and less student-reported depression (“Sage Journals”). One of the most common side effects of lack of sleep is hallucinations (“Independent”). I believe schools should start later because it gives students a chance to catch up on missed sleep they used staying up all night finishing homework. Studies show that starting school later, even by a half an hour, has major health and academic benefits. A too-early start to the school day can deprive kids of much-needed sleep. Studies also show that well-rested teens get better grades, have higher standardized test scores, and miss fewer days of school. They also have fewer health problems, such as: depression, mood changes, and being...
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...Your alarm clock wakes you up groggy, on Monday morning for another week in school, for most people this situation is all too familiar and all too annoying. As you beg for 5 more minutes you once may have thought “Why can’t school start later.” Well for the following reasons. Starting schools 2 hours later means ending school 2 hours later and for students who play sports they could not go home until 7:30-8:30 pm. Most kids are not tired anyway and it is very expensive. Schools should not start later. First of all, it is common sense that starting school at the recommended 10:00am (2 hours later ) would mean ending school 2 hours later. Which, would mean kids who play sports who would usually get out of practice at 5:30-6:30 pm would be...
Words: 468 - Pages: 2
...School days should start later because it gives the kids more sleep and more time to prepare and be ready for the day. Another reason that it would be good for schools to start later is that it would help students feel more lively and awake because they get more sleep. There are many good reasons why kids should start school earlier, one being that kids will have better memories. Kids having better memories would help them with school since they wouldn't forget the stuff that they learned the day before. Research says that kids who get better sleep get improved attention, memory and better performance at school. It's important that kids do better in school because it will help set them up for life later on. It's been shown that kids who don't...
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