...Why do schools start at 8 a.m.? It is because it is more convenient for parents that have children in elementary school. School starts too early for teens; it is natural for elementary children to start at 8 a.m. but not teenagers. Teenagers need more sleep than older adults and young children. Schools should start later because students be more alert and healthier as well as schools will save money. Schools starting later will help students be more alert. The lack of sleep most adolescents get can cause moodiness, lack of attention, memory problems, behavior issues, and the ability to function (kqed). People between 14-24 years old are the most likely to be sleep deprived and it is due to not getting enough sleep during the week (iflscience). Benefits of sleeping include increased memory and learning, better attention span. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost 70% of high-school students report sleeping for seven hours or less on a regular basis (time). This proves that the majority of students are sleep...
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...and tired teens get ready to drive to school. Teens amble and climb in their car to rush to get to school, so that they aren’t late. Adults make their way to work when a sleepy teen swerve into the other lane and hits another car head on. There was a loud crunching noise as the two cars collide, glass flies everywhere while airbags deploy. All of this could have been avoided if teens could get more sleep. Even though the accident was slightly dramatic, it is only one of the side effects of sleep deprivation that can be caused by schools starting too early. Since a lot of accidents have been caused by teens that haven’t gotten the proper amount of sleep, the school start time should be no earlier than 8:30am. In the event that teens are more prone to accidents due to lack of sleep, it’s dangerous to even think about letting them drive to school early in the morning. “Teen drivers are at the highest risk for drowsy driving; however, and preliminary studies have shown that delaying their school start time has a significant effect in lowering the occurrence of such crashes.” (Eight major obstacles to later school start...
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...Schools across America have been debating for years on if school should start later. Do you believe students would benefit from a later start time? Many people from across America believe students should have a later start time, including doctors, parents, and members of the school board. Consequently, schools that start earlier in the day can have a negative impact on students grades and most importantly their health. Nevertheless, this issue is controversial due to an increase in teen car accidents in the communities in which schools begin early. No, school should not start early in the day; due to the negative impact on students and other members of the community. Students grades across The United States are negatively affected by early start times, which means school start times should begin later. Nancy Kalish once said in The Early Bird Gets the Bad Grade, “Minneapolis and Edina, Minnesota, which instituted high school start times of 8:40 and 8:30 a.m., respectively in 1997, students grades rose slightly and lateness, behavioral problems, and dropout rates decreased.” All students will benefit from a later start; grades increase due to not falling asleep during class. Opponents of this idea believe that changing school start times will not help this issue, due to the fact that teenagers stay up...
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...Jenah Cooney May 15, 2012 College English/Surinak Senior Research Paper Period 2 Wake Up Later and Your Grades Will Be Greater High school is a part of every teenager’s life whether they like it or not. Although it is not a requirement; most, if not all, teenagers will experience at least one year of high school. With the experience of high school, students will also go through waking up early sometimes at five or six a.m. The starting time of high schools has been highly debated for several years. Those who debate this topic usually dispute on whether or not changing the time would be beneficial. Psychologists estimate that as many as 30% of children may have a sleep disorder at some point during childhood. Sleep disorders have implications both for social-emotional adjustment and for school performance. For this reason it is important for both parents and educators to understand how sleep works and how disruptions in normal sleep patterns can affect children and teenagers. Starting school just a half an hour later would benefit the most families and students, and also to accommodate for teens' sleep needs. One of the main beneficial topics to argue for starting school later is attendance. Schools should start later because it is proven that students will have higher attendance. If students can get more sleep, they are more likely to attend school on a regular basis. Studies have shown that after puberty, teenagers require more sleep, around nine and a half...
Words: 1990 - Pages: 8
...Waking up early and going to sleep early is a difficult task for teens because of their internal sleep clocks. Starting school later would drastically improve the performance of students. If school were to start later in the day it would be beneficial to students because students will be more awake, students will make better grades, and students will have a better attitude. First, students will be more awake at school. Students will get the correct amount of sleep needed to perform well in school. They will be well rested and their brains will have received an appropriate amount of sleep. Students will participate in class more because they will not be asleep and will be paying attention. Second, students will make better grades in...
Words: 428 - Pages: 2
...More sleep in the morning helps teen drivers in the morning so they will have less crashes. Two studies correlated sleep to a decrease in crash rates among teen drivers. In one, earlier school start times made it more likely that teens in one Virginia city would be in a car crash rather than teens in a neighboring city. Biologically, teens are wired to stay up later while still needing to get at least nine hours of sleep a night. When the alarm clock goes off earlier, teens awake, sleep deprived just as they are expected to function at a high level as students and as drivers, often with calamitous results.( Teen Driving, 2013, Ellin Holohan). The results from the study show that teens do stay up later by nature, and then they wake up sleep deprived than they're expected to drive a two-ton killing machine. School should start later in the morning there's almost no cons and ton of pros. "Teenagers need over nine hours sleep a night, and it looks like a large number of teens don't get sufficient sleep ... Part of that relates to the time that high schools begin,"( Dr. Robert Vorona, Professor of internal medicine in the Division of Sleep Medicine)....
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...Around six o’clock every morning, teens all across America are awoken by the deafening and annoyingly familiar sound of their alarm ringing, beckoning them to get ready for school. Their response; hitting that well-known snooze button, as their bodies crave another hour of sleep. Most high schools in America start at or earlier than 8:30 AM, which is much too early considering that the students usually fall into a deep sleep sometime after midnight(Wallace). Studies show that 87% of students, or more specifically, teens attending high schools report getting less than the recommended 8.5 to 9.5 hours of sleep on weekdays due to their schools’ early start times(Reddy). Start times at 8:30 AM or earlier in America are negatively impacting teenagers’...
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...Have you ever been to high school and saw students who fell asleep. Well, this response is going to be similar to that topic. From the two passages, “ High School starting later to help sleepy teens” and “HIgh school will keep starting too early” has different evidence to support his or her stance on school start times. In this response, I will write about how the author advances on his or her unique perspective. From the passage, “ High schools starting later to help sleepy teens”,” states that to help sleepy teens, some school districts have tried delaying the opening of the high school day.” The author is trying to convince the readers to start high school late. The passage “HIgh school will keep starting too early”, has a...
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...High school is a very important time in teenager's lives. They have many things going on and important decisions to make. I know this because I'm a teenager. To start an hour later would be great, but at the same time would cause too many problems. That is why I believe high school shouldn't start an hour later. However, starting school at our normal time is harming students. According to sleep experts, "[t]ypical sleep cycles begin around 11 PM for teenagers and continue through 8 AM "(Start School Later, Inc). This means that students only get around six or seven hours of sleep per school night and wakes students up in the middle of deep sleep. In contrast, parents oppose teens to start later. Mary Carskadon, a professor of psychiatry and human behavior stated, "parents are often reluctant to have teens start later, because they rely on having older children at home in the afternoons to take care of their younger siblings "(Richmond). This is because many...
Words: 531 - Pages: 3
...start school at 8:30 am. If students started school later they would be more energized for the day. By 8:30 am late start, their will be healthier kids walking campuses , and test score will increase . Finally students will be healthier and more energized in class with higher grade point averages just by getting a couple more hours of sleep at night. If school starts later, then more students would get better grades.’’ Many teens start learning before daylight breaks, about 40 percent of high schools start school before 8 am’’. This not only affects the students moods, but it also affects the student's learning ability. In the article Do Schools Begin To Early? by Finely Edwards she states that...
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...mouth, or are you casually driving to school in the front of your mother's shiny new van, ten minutes early? Schools across America have been starting school later, so kids can get in that extra hour of sleep. Other schools have kept the usual schedule of starting class at 8:00 am. The starting time for schools shouldn’t be delayed because of transportation, kids after school activities, and the cost. To start of, the schools transportation system would be affected if the starting time changed. According to the Issaquah School District, “Many districts use the same buses for elementary, middle, and high schools.” Changing start time, and bus schedules, could lead to serious safety issues. Students would either have to be at the bus stop early, or walk home in the dark. This could lead to many problems including a higher risk of student victim crimes. Also if students are getting home late, they will have no time for homework causing them to stay up even later to finish...
Words: 613 - Pages: 3
...today is hampering high school students' achievement. To accommodate for teens' sleep needs, high schools should start later in the day than they do now (based on review of several newspaper articles, it appears that most schools starting times range from 7:00-8:30 a.m.). This action would better satisfy the sleep needs of teenagers, improve their academic performance, be beneficial for families of elementary school students, and increase safety. Delaying the high school schedule, even if only by half an hour, would be beneficial to the sleep needs of teenagers. Studies have shown that after puberty, teenagers require more sleep (about 9.5hrs) but get less sleep (about 7.5hrs). (1) Mary Carskadon of Brown University performed an elaborate scientific study on the sleeping patterns of adolescents. (2) Her research, later verified by other studies, found that not only do teenagers need more sleep, their sleep patterns shift. (3) After puberty, teens' circadian rhythms shift into a delayed phase. Indicators of the circadian rhythms other than the sleep-wake cycle , such as temperature , hormone secretion , and melatonin level , all start and end later in the day than when they had prior to puberty. This is why teenagers would do better to go to bed later and to wake up later. Of course, it would be best for them to use the extra time to get more sleep, but it would be inevitable that several students would just push back their bed time and wake up later. Even if the students don't...
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...Starting school at a later time would be better for most students and teacher, school time starts to early. There are facts to prove that school time before 8:30AM are way too early. All high up school corporations recommend that no school time starts before that time. If a student has homework, almost every night, most times it’s in multiple subjects, they’re going to be up late at night. American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended school times start no earlier than 8:30AM. A student who stays up all night to complete their homework is not going to get much sleep, and no sleep means sleep deprived. Sleepiness in a teen is a major public health issue. Short sleep makes children obese, causes them more likely to develop insulin resistance (type two diabetes), causes automobile accidents in the early morning, and sometimes causes depression and anxiety. Students would perform better with more sleep at night. Teens spend a great portion of each day in school. Being sleep deprived has the effect of not being alert, not...
Words: 574 - Pages: 3
...Anne Wheaton, the study’s lead author and epidemiologist in the CDC’s Division of Population Health, stated, “Getting enough sleep is important for students’ health, safety, and academic performance.” If kids don’t get enough sleep not just their mental health is affected. According to LA Times, “Later start times can mean less missed school — absences dropped 15% in Bonneville County, Idaho.” This means that when teens have more sleep they will less likely to miss or be late to school . That’s why school days should start later. School days should start later because it is unhealthy for students to be getting less sleep than recommended by doctors. According to a article called, “Teens May Do Better When School Starts Later” by Amanda Macmillan,...
Words: 596 - Pages: 3
...After reading "High School Starting Later to Help Sleepy Teens" and "High School Will Keep Starting Too Early. Here´s Why", I see where both authors are coming from when they wrote the text. The first one talks about Highschool starting later but on the hand, the other talks about high school starting at the same time. "High school starting later for sleepy teens", states that high school students don´t get enough sleep, causing them to sleep in class on a typical day. I can relate to that so personally I comprehend where Michelle Trudeau is going with this. In the text there are some pros located in it about high school starting later like students being less depressed and more alert in class. Along with that the drop out levels went...
Words: 332 - Pages: 2