...Do you love sleep? Most schools in the state start at about 7:30 A.M., which is way too early for an adolescent. I myself being an adolescent, feel that school start times should be pushed back at least an hour. Schools starting later is beneficial to teenagers’ overall health, functioning, and will help to improve academic performance. An adolescent’s body requires over nine hours of sleep; however, according to a survey I conducted with one hundred of my high school peers, none of the students got the required amount of sleep that they needed from the night before. Overtime, this lack of sleep can lead to weight gain, depression, heart disease, and impaired immune systems. When you sleep your body produces bacteria and virus fighting substances, deprivation from sleep disturbs this process from happening. This is what weakens the immune system and causes more teenagers to become sick easily. Also, many high schools in Minneapolis changed the start time to 8:30 A.M., from this experiment, research concluded that depression rates in these students decreased....
Words: 444 - Pages: 2
...Should school start later? Should school start later? It shouldn't for many reasons, like people have things to do after school. Another reason is there will be more traffic. The buses might even be late. are some of the reasons why school shouldn't start later in the day. . One of the reasons why school should not start later is after school most people play sports, so that means after the sport they have to stay up late and do their homework. In the article it states "Most kids are playing sports until 8 or 9 at night, and they have to do all their schoolwork when they get home." A second reason why schools shouldn't start later is because traffic will change. This is caused by parents taking their kids to school, then rushing to go to work....
Words: 371 - Pages: 2
...Schools should start later on in the morning Schools needs to change the time that students get to school. Why we should change the time of school starting is because kids are coming to school super tired and unfocused. If we go to school in the morning then kids will not be as tired and they will be a lot more focused. Also kids are not trying as hard as they could and giving 100%. I think that kids should start school later because it could help increase there grades and do better in school. There are many reasons why kids should start school later in the morning and here are the reasons why kids are coming to school tired, lazy, and unfocused for an example one day I couldn’t fall asleep the night before and in the morning I was super tired so in math I started to fall a little behind. Another important reason is that kids are not giving there full energy and enthusiasm to the lesson as they should. “ A recent poll showed that 60% of children under the age of 18 complained of being tired during the day and according to some parents 15% of their children fell asleep during the school year.” Why some teachers or a principle may be apposed to kids going to school later on in the morning is because they might say that kids wont have enough time to do there homework but a solution to that is they child could do their homework during free time in class or as soon as they get home. In addition you could see why it would be a fantastic to start school later in the morning and...
Words: 434 - Pages: 2
... well I have. That is why I think that school start times should start later. The reasons why I think we should change the school start time is because of kids mental health, physical health, and for kids ability to stay awake during school or other activities. The first reason we should start school later is because of the kids' mental health. It shows that, “Sleep deprivation increases the likelihood teens will suffer myriad negative consequences, including an inability to concentrate, poor grades, drowsy-driving incidents, and anxiety.” This shows that there will be negative consequences for teenagers if they don’t get enough sleep....
Words: 822 - Pages: 4
...Rough Draft: Do you want school early in the morning? School isn't always that fun. Especially on a monday. Right after you wake up from having fun and sleeping in you have to wake up at 6:30, you're probably going to be tired. I believe this because I’m always tired after the weekend, we would get more time to do homework and hangout with friends if we didn't have school so early in the morning. School in the morning isn't fun. Waking up early isn’t fun. Waking up early can make you tired. This could affect your grades by making them worse. A test has proven that your brain isn't fully activated until 10 o’clock A.M. Waking up early can make you tired for a long time depending on who you are. That’s why school should start later in the morning...
Words: 350 - Pages: 2
...up it is time to go to school. There has always been an argument if schools should start later or stay the same as it is. “The Teen Who Woke Up Her School” article by Jane Bianchi, “Should Students Start School Later in the morning?” video excerpt and the infographic called “Wake Up Call” by Sarah Mckibben explains all different reasons schools should start later. Since everyone wants teens to be less stressed and excited, you should agree that schools should ring their bell later! According to “The Teen Who Woke Up Her School,” a teen named Jilly Dos Santos made a change to start her school later. In the article it states, “ A high school football team went to the state last year for the first time in eleven years,...
Words: 569 - Pages: 3
...Why does school had to start so early ? some students feel that school should start at a later time . getting up at 6:30 or earlier, showering , getting dressed , eating , brushing your teeth , and going to school. Why does school start early? In my opinion school would be about 5 times better if it started at a later time . School is not bad as it sounds . It's just the fact that students have to get up early makes going to school more depressing than what it already is . Making school start later will all kids to get more sleep , students wouldn't have to rush at night when doing their work . If they work or attend after school activities it's could possibly be more safer and more convenient for the parents that's has a busy work schedule....
Words: 728 - Pages: 3
...back in your warm comfortable bed, well I have. That is why I think that school start times should start later. The reasons why I think we should change the school start time is because of kids mental health, physical health, and for kids ability to stay awake during school or other activities. The first reason we should start school later is because of the kids' mental health. It shows that, “Sleep deprivation increases the likelihood teens will suffer myriad negative consequences, including an inability to concentrate, poor grades, drowsy-driving incidents, and anxiety.” This shows that there will be negative consequences for teenagers if they don’t get enough sleep....
Words: 823 - Pages: 4
...Schools over time have started school earlier sure it good timing for students who do have after school activities but waking up early to go to school has more cons then it has pros.The worst is that most education boards know about the bad effects it has on student but choose to ignoring putting their students health in danger.Doctor after doctor have proven that later start times in school would benefit our youth for a while. Later start times have been a topic for years now but until recent years actual change have happened and the result have been mostly positive. Having a later start time to school at least 3 hours later would have an amazing health effect on teens in high school.They would be more awake and would probably have more time to eat a good breakfast. Research at the university of Minnesota found 65% to 70% decrease in vehicle...
Words: 1001 - Pages: 5
...Should school start an hour later than usual? We know that we as students should have time to get some sleep and eat breakfast. Some people think that school should start at 7:30 AM. There are many reasons why school should start at 8:30 AM. Some reasons are that teens go through puberty, and they play sports or go to airborne (a teenager’s event) at the church. Puberty may biologically wire teens to stay up late and wake up late. Puberty doesn’t change how much sleep they need, but it makes it easier for them to stay awake longer. To let us get a hour break it would help. To let school start an hour later it will increase attendance, fewer students sleeping in class and less self-reported depression. Communities and school districts really...
Words: 390 - Pages: 2
...Why We Need More Sleep Don't you hate waking up early in the morning? Almost every weekday, high school students are waking up around six o'clock in the morning to get ready for school, some even earlier. It's not practical for high school classes to start at 7:44. It's just too early for teenage minds to function properly. Our school should start at least an hour later than that. With the extra hour, our attendance would improve, as well as our grades and attitudes. The facts are all there, so why shouldn't the hours change? On average in today’s society most teens don’t like going to school that early in the morning. To have to wake up so early when they only get about seven hours of sleep, to have students be coming into school at 7:30AM or maybe even earlier in some other schools, is not right. Students need to have time at night to get work done, not only schoolwork but also non-schoolwork. Needless to say, the school schedule for high school students needs to be changed and be made where they go in later. That way they get their work done and get enough sleep because without much sleep students will not be getting high grades. A health survey that the University Health Center administered showed them that one in four students say that lack of sleep has affected their academic performance in a bad way (“Sleep Rocks”). Sleep deprivation impairs students’ ability to be alert, pay attention, solve problems, cope with stress, and retain information. Academic performances on...
Words: 1642 - Pages: 7
...yes, school should start earlier because research shows that students are finding that theres not enough time for them to do homework. theres more time for after school activities and afternoon jobs. most parent's jobs start then so they have no time for their children. if school starts early, theres more time for family time! Why We Need More Sleep Don't you hate waking up early in the morning? Almost every weekday, high school students are waking up around six o'clock in the morning to get ready for school, some even earlier. It's not practical for high school classes to start at 7:44. It's just too early for teenage minds to function properly. Our school should start at least an hour later than that. With the extra hour, our attendance would improve, as well as our grades and attitudes. The facts are all there, so why shouldn't the hours change? On average in today’s society most teens don’t like going to school that early in the morning. To have to wake up so early when they only get about seven hours of sleep, to have students be coming into school at 7:30AM or maybe even earlier in some other schools, is not right. Students need to have time at night to get work done, not only schoolwork but also non-schoolwork. Needless to say, the school schedule for high school students needs to be changed and be made where they go in later. That way they get their work done and get enough sleep because without much sleep students will not be getting high grades. A health survey that...
Words: 603 - Pages: 3
...of bed and do your normal morning routines. You are sleepy because you stayed up late writing an English essay. You don’t get to eat breakfast and your stomach is the only thing on your mind. This is an example of how early school times can result in less concentration in class and creating bad health habits such as skipping breakfast. According to Jennifer LeComte, director of the pediatric program at Christina Care’s Wilmington hospital health center, bad sleep habits can lead to obesity and diabetes, because the body’s regulation of sugar is thrown out of whack (Albright). This could...
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...Jenah Cooney May 15, 2012 College English/Surinak Senior Research Paper Period 2 Wake Up Later and Your Grades Will Be Greater High school is a part of every teenager’s life whether they like it or not. Although it is not a requirement; most, if not all, teenagers will experience at least one year of high school. With the experience of high school, students will also go through waking up early sometimes at five or six a.m. The starting time of high schools has been highly debated for several years. Those who debate this topic usually dispute on whether or not changing the time would be beneficial. Psychologists estimate that as many as 30% of children may have a sleep disorder at some point during childhood. Sleep disorders have implications both for social-emotional adjustment and for school performance. For this reason it is important for both parents and educators to understand how sleep works and how disruptions in normal sleep patterns can affect children and teenagers. Starting school just a half an hour later would benefit the most families and students, and also to accommodate for teens' sleep needs. One of the main beneficial topics to argue for starting school later is attendance. Schools should start later because it is proven that students will have higher attendance. If students can get more sleep, they are more likely to attend school on a regular basis. Studies have shown that after puberty, teenagers require more sleep, around nine and a half...
Words: 1990 - Pages: 8
...depression and substance abuse, decreased ability to pay attention, react to signals or remember new information”. (The National Sleep Foundation). Lack of sleep can also cause students to forget important things. School should start at least an hour later. That one hour can affect the quality of the students towards school work and tests. Cristo Rey Jesuit should begin its school day one hour later because students spend too much...
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