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Sci163 R6 Physical Fitness Nutrition Worksheet.Doc


Submitted By badnewz36
Words 880
Pages 4
University of Phoenix Material

Physical Fitness and Nutrition Worksheet

To obtain optimal health it is critical to be physically fit and eat a healthy and balanced diet. Becoming knowledgeable about what it means to be physically fit and learning how to evaluate the nutritional value of what you eat may greatly increase your ability to improve your health and wellness.

In this 3part worksheet, you identify the five components of health-related fitness, critique a recipe for nutritional value, and respond to two short answer questions about nutrition. Completing this assignment is a step towards gaining the knowledge needed to better manage your physical fitness and nutrition.

Part 1: Five Components of Health Related Fitness Table

Complete the table below. The first row has been filled in as an example.

|Components of Physical Fitness |Description |How to Incorporate in Your |Benefit(s) |
| | |Life | |
|Cardiorespiratory Fitness |Being able to exercise at a |Walk 2 miles at a brisk |Reduced the risk of heart |
| |moderate to high intensity for a|pace every day. |disease, hypertension, and high |
| |long period of time | |cholesterol. |
|Muscular Strength |The amount of force a muscle can|5 mins of squats, planks, |Increase energy level, |
| |produce and is measured by the |shoulder press and |prevention of certain diseases |
| |maximum amount of force a muscle|kickbacks twice a week. |such as

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