...WELCOME TO BIOLOGY On a note card make a name card for yourself, and make a name placard, with markers. Place them both on your table in front of you. Set up a Biology Folder in your “Documents” Save this file in your Biology folder in your Documents as a reference. If you are in this class you: Enjoy and/or are good in science classes, Are probably college bound and/or going to take advanced science classes. Because of this, I have higher expectations of you than in a more general class. As a Biology student: You have maturity, self-control and work well independently. The amount of effort you put into Biology will be equal to the amount of success that you have. I will try to treat you like a young adult with respect, and I expect the same from you in return. I have one simple rule that everyone will follow: BEHAVE SO THAT BOTH YOU AND YOUR CLASSMATES CAN LEARN There are 3 things that I do not believe in: Fairness, Failure and Homework! Do not expect any of these in this class. I will grade on the following scale: 90 – 100%….A 80 – 89%…...B 70 – 79% ......C 60 – 69%.......D Mastery Learning I don’t want to take work below the 80% level, which I consider Mastery. This means that everyone should make an A or B in this class. Mastery Learning practitioners understand that people work and learn at different rates. This is normal and perfectly acceptable. You must repeat work that isn’t at the...
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...General Studies - Degree standard Objective type - 200 items – 300 Marks UNIT – I - General science : Physics - Universe - General Scientific laws - Scientific instruments - Inventions and discoveries-National scientific laboratories-Science glossary-Mechanics and properties of matter-Physical quantities, standards and units-Force, motion and energy- electricity and Magnetism - electronics & communications - Heat, light and sound-Atomic and nuclear physics-Solid State Physics-Spectroscopy – Geophysics - Astronomy and space science. Chemistry - Elements and Compounds-Acids, bases and salts - Oxidation and reduction – Chemistry of ores and metals -Carbon, nitrogen and their compounds-Fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides-Biochemistry and biotechnology-Electrochemistry-Polymers and plastics Botany - Main Concepts of life science-The cell-basic unit of life-Classification of living organism-Nutrition and dietetics-Respiration-Excretion of metabolic waste-Biocommunication Zoology - Blood and blood circulation-Endocrine system-Reproductive system-Genetics the science of heredity-Environment, ecology, health and hygiene, Bio- diversity and its conservation-Human diseases, prevention and remedies-Communicable diseases and non- communicable diseases-Alcoholism and drug abuse-Animals, plants and human lifeUNIT - II. Current Events History - Latest diary of events – National - National symbols -Profile of States-Defence, national security and terrorism-World...
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...plants on earth. The earth is made up of elements, and within those elements are the countless numbers of species, each interwoven within the fabric of life itself. The effects of man on the environment have a negative reaction to all other species. Studies of earth’s history show mass extinction events. Scientist project we are living within such an event. The world is heading toward imminent mass species extinction. A healthy earth may not be possible due to the irreversible effect brought on my man. Endangered plants and animals face the risk of becoming extinct, disappearing completely from the world of living things. Human survival has had such an effect on all other species around them. Hunting, fishing, or gathering may have reduced the populations of many species to levels too low for the species to survive, especially when there is a profitable trade in goods made from wild animals and plants. (Current Issues, 2010) The Earth should be big enough of all plants and animals to thrive but according to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, humans are using about half the available land. (Wilson, 2012) The American Association for the Advancement of Sciences also sites that, there were just a few thousand humans on Earth 200,000 years ago. (Whitty, 2008) Around 1800, right about the time of the industrial revolution, the Earth’s population was 1 billion. When a change so big happens over such a short period of time the ecosystem is overwhelmed and...
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...1.SOCIOLOGY -It is a social science which uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about human social activity -Analysis of a social institution or societal segment as a self-contained entity or in relation to society as a whole. -he study of sociology aims at analyzing the patterns of human behavior, deriving their causes and speculating the future of the behavioral patterns in society. 2.a.Relation between Sociology and History: Both social sciences are now a days coming nearer to each other. Some time ago history was considered as science of some dates, places and struggles.But now people have realizes that why the particular event in history occurred? What was form of the same? In short history is another social science which is related to irect society and sociology. History primarily deals with past events and how they affected society eg how the Ino-Pak partition ,compel Sindhu(Hindu word it self has originated from Sindhu_)to prove themselves laborious, on the other end will be concerned with how people intereacted, how culture was affected etc during the present and before the partition . 1.Sociology takes help from history in mater of present studies.By comparing between occurring past and present events, one can estimate the factors responsible for occurring that event. 2.Sociology is obvious in history in that the social interactions of individuals...
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...be said to be the mind-brain theory. The mind-brain theory states that the mind and the brain are one thing with different terminology. “At a certain point in the history of science, it was discovered that water is made of H₂O molecules…same point applies to the relationship of mental terms and neurophysiologic terms” (Sober, p.257). The mind-brain theory is compared to the science, where in the past when there was limited knowledge about a certain fact and how it was developed and changed dramatically over time like water and its molecular formula. By referring to the science, the mind-brain identity theory states that the current knowledge obtained to date is only limited and cannot prove the relationship of mind and the brain with facts. Since there is limited knowledge regarding this issue, as more knowledge is obtained through time, the mind-brain identity theory states that the relationship will be proven based on the future facts about the mind and the brain where it will show that they are one object with two different terminologies. Another part of the mind-brain theory states there are only physical properties and mental properties are same as the physical properties. This is stated in the theory to address the improvement in science. “the identity theory predicts that science is headed in the direction of a purely materialistic account of the mind. The mind is a physical...
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...Since the ancient Greeks, one of the most provocative and oft-discussed questions in philosophy has been whether we have free will in determining the course of our actions, or whether our actions are determined by forces beyond our control. Before the advent of secular thought, those forces might have been identified as the whims of the gods, though the tradition of naturalism in Western thought goes back at least as far as the Milesian School of Greek Philosophy, in the 6th century B.C. In more recent times as the cognitive sciences have developed, it has seemed increasingly likely that our brains work along deterministic lines (or, if quantum effects are non-negligible, at the very least along mechanical lines). So a new debate has arisen: are the concepts of determinism (or naturalism or mechanism) when applied to the brain sciences logically compatible with free will? So some of the attention has shifted from the debate between the “determinists” and the “anti-determinists”, to that between the “compatibilists” and the “anticompatibilists”. Two declared opponents in this debate are Peter van Inwagen (author of An Essay on Free Will, Oxford University Press, 1983) and Daniel C. Dennett (author of several books including Elbow Room, MIT Press, 1984, which I will be referencing here). Each argues for his conclusion from premises he regards as antecedently plausible, with van Inwagen taking the anti-compatibilist line and Dennett the compatibilist. As van Inwagen is the more...
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...Since the ancient Greeks, one of the most provocative and oft-discussed questions in philosophy has been whether we have free will in determining the course of our actions, or whether our actions are determined by forces beyond our control. Before the advent of secular thought, those forces might have been identified as the whims of the gods, though the tradition of naturalism in Western thought goes back at least as far as the Milesian School of Greek Philosophy, in the 6th century B.C. In more recent times as the cognitive sciences have developed, it has seemed increasingly likely that our brains work along deterministic lines (or, if quantum effects are non-negligible, at the very least along mechanical lines). So a new debate has arisen: are the concepts of determinism (or naturalism or mechanism) when applied to the brain sciences logically compatible with free will? So some of the attention has shifted from the debate between the “determinists” and the “anti-determinists”, to that between the “compatibilists” and the “anticompatibilists”. Two declared opponents in this debate are Peter van Inwagen (author of An Essay on Free Will, Oxford University Press, 1983) and Daniel C. Dennett (author of several books including Elbow Room, MIT Press, 1984, which I will be referencing here). Each argues for his conclusion from premises he regards as antecedently plausible, with van Inwagen taking the anti-compatibilist line and Dennett the compatibilist. As van Inwagen is the more...
Words: 1908 - Pages: 8
...Statistics is branch of mathematics, mainly concerns about collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of tons of numerical facts. Statistics is used in almost every field of research. Head to Head Comparisons Predictive Analytics Statistics Definition Predictive analytics is branch of the data analytics to predict the future events. Statistics in simpler terms is collection of numerical facts. It is the science of collecting, classifying and representing the numerical data. Why it matters? Predictive analytics can identify the risks and opportunities...
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...BNCS311 INTRODUCTION TO BRAIN AND COGNITIVE SCIENCES Electroencephalography (EEG) Brain Imaging: Function, Pros and Cons Submit To: Prof. Dr. Christian Wallraven Cognitive Systems Lab Department of Brain and Cognitive Engineering wallraven@korea.ac.kr Done by: Dk Norhaziratulbillah Pg Hj Hashim 2015951229 Visiting Student Program (VSP) Spring 2015 One of the most complex systems that researchers are continuously demand to understand is the human brain. The human brain consists of billions of nerve cells or neurons connected via electrical and chemical activities (NeuroPro). In the early 20th century, German physiologist and psychiatrist named Hans Berger was the first to record these electrical activities in the brain and this was the birth of the electroencephalography (EEG) (Collura, 1993). The EEG is a brain imaging technique used to evaluate and diagnose brain disorders that affect brain activity for example, epilepsy, brain’s lesions, Alzheimer's disease, certain psychoses and a sleep disorder (Johns Hopkins Medicine). Berger’s first application of EEG was on the 6th July 1924 in a neurosurgical operation of the 17 years old boy who suffered from brain tumor (Collura, 1993). Since then, this technique had been increasingly practiced in many research as it can be seen that the EEG was mentioned in 3,950 research papers in 2000, 5,330 and 10,600 in 2005 and 2010 respectively. The basic components of the EEG machine include electrodes with conductive media...
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...Oceans, Hurricanes, and the Climate SCI 209 Your Name March 01, 2010 Introduction Natural disasters occurring from the climate change could be on the rise. Global warming has been rumored to be causing more hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, heavier monsoonal rains that cause major flooding, mud slides, and other disasters worldwide. A tropical cyclone, also referred to as hurricanes, typhoons, or cyclones, depending on where in the world the cyclone is occurring, are one of the world’s grandest shows of energy provided by nature. Hurricanes are large, swirling, low pressure storms that have sustained winds of over 74 miles an hour and are formed over warm ocean waters (NASA, n.d.). The purpose of this paper is to discuss hurricanes and the effect that the ocean has on them. What Causes Cyclones? Tropical cyclones formed over the Atlantic or eastern Pacific Ocean are called hurricanes and only form in warm waters near the equator (NASA, n.d.). The warm, moisture rich air of these waters is the fuel that hurricanes need to get started and grow. The warm air rises up from near the ocean surface causing a low pressure area to form and air from surrounding high pressure areas rush in to fill the low. The new air that replaced the other begins to heat up and pick up moisture as it rises too. This process is repeated until the clouds build and begin to spin, eventually becoming a gigantic engine, forming lower pressures in its core and sucking up more and more warm, moist, air...
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...1. Introduction As the Olympics and other sports events have raised people’s interest, the doping problem in sports has aroused wide attention of the international community. There is an increasing number of unregulated doping events detected in some important international sports events. Most people think performance enhancing drugs should not be allowed in sports; however, actually, doping should be advocated on the basis of safety. In this essay, the reason why athletes dope and why society disapproves of this phenomenon will be explained. Then the situation of the inevitability of doping will be discussed. Finally, the reason why doping should be allowed will be illustrated. 2. Reason of doping and disapproval of society Doping in sports is regarded to be against the rules and the athletes who doping in their competitions are considered that they are cheating. Although there is public opinion in society, some athletes still would like to take risks in doping. Why do athletes determine to dope in sports regardless of all consequences? And why do the society so oppose this phenomenon? 2.1 Reason of doping Athletes, especially elite athletes, desire great perfomance in competition and honor of win. Moreover, once they win the championship, they start to attach to maintain the title and break the record. These benefits and glory make the idea of doping grow in some athletes’ heart. Recently, the whole world was shocked by the news that the most famous cycling champion...
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...For my STEM outreach, I volunteered at the Wisconsin Science Festival. This event was located in the Discovery Building on campus. I was volunteering at the WISE table with other WISE members and peer mentors. During my outreach, I used a Makey makey to create an electrical current by drawing arrows on a piece of paper connected with alligator clips. When children came to the table, I showed them how the current works so they could play the piano, bongos, or Tetris just by pressing a sheet of paper with graphite on it! Although the outreach was meant to teach children about science, I also benefited from this experience. It was interesting to think back to the time when I was the curious child asking about circuits. In life, you should reflect...
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...1.93% of higher education faculty believe critical thinking is an essential learning outcome. A 2005 report by the Association of American Colleges and Universities demonstrated the need for efforts to promote critical thinking by highlighting the disparity between the 93% of higher education faculty that perceive critical thinking to be an essential learning outcome and the 6% of undergraduate seniors that actually demonstrated critical thinking proficiency. Source: Ian J. Quitadamo and Martha J. Kurts, "Learning to Improve: Using Writing to Increase Critical Thinking Performance in General Education Biology,” CBE Life Sciences Education, Feb. 2007. 2.Critical thinking is considered the second most important life skill after interpersonal skill. In a 1994 survey of over 11,000 college graduates, the "ability to think critically” ranked as the second most important skill out of 16 in their daily life (#1 was interpersonal skills). Source: Cooperative Institutional Research Program, "1994 Nine Year Follow-Up Survey (of 1985 Freshmen),” Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA, 1995. 3.Learning and discussing controversial issues in school helps students become more informed and more active citizens. A 2007 survey of 5,400 secondary students found that: "Students who regularly take part in classroom discussion are more likely to: •Vote in later life •Support basic democratic values •Take part in political discussions •Follow political news...
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...Most students in the United States do not encounter volcanoes unless they travel to areas such as Hawaii. However, there are currently around 600 volcanoes that are still active in the world. An active volcano is a volcano that appears to be near erupting or has erupted in the last few hundred years (Science Clarified). Kenneth C. Davis, in his book, Don’t Know Much About Geography, explains that approximately half of these active volcanoes are in an area called “The Ring of Fire” (p. 136-137). This area goes from “the southern tip of South America north to Alaska, then west to Asia, and south through Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and New Zealand” (Davis, p. 137). Students have a great interest in volcanoes, as can be seen in the number of volcanoes that show up during Science Fair exhibits. The study of volcanoes can be used as an integrated...
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...Integrated Natural Science (INT1) Task 1 The Changing Nature Of Science Evolution Evolution :- All living beings have developed over time from ancestors through a series of changes. That life has changed over long periods of time, with all forms of life related to one another, is a scientifically well-established fact. There are two aspects of evolution today. First, evolution is the organizing principle for all of biology. Just as we are offspring from our parents, and our grandparents before them, and so on, all living organisms today are inclined from organisms that lived in the past. Understanding how and why these ancestor-descendent lineages have changed through time helps us appreciate the diversity of life we see today. Genetics, anatomy, physiology, neurology, morphology, and behavior all of these aspects of living organisms have evolved through time. The study of the evolutionary processes that produced these traits provides the comprehensive framework for understanding them. Theory Of Evolution Evolution Theory: - Evolution is technically defined as: "a gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form." As it is most famously used, "evolution" is the process by which an organism becomes more sophisticated over time and in response to its environment. The Theory of Evolution is currently the most popular concept of how life reached its current state. Evolution as a biological mechanism is driven by natural...
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