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Student Volcanoes Research Paper

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Most students in the United States do not encounter volcanoes unless they travel to areas such as Hawaii. However, there are currently around 600 volcanoes that are still active in the world. An active volcano is a volcano that appears to be near erupting or has erupted in the last few hundred years (Science Clarified). Kenneth C. Davis, in his book, Don’t Know Much About Geography, explains that approximately half of these active volcanoes are in an area called “The Ring of Fire” (p. 136-137). This area goes from “the southern tip of South America north to Alaska, then west to Asia, and south through Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and New Zealand” (Davis, p. 137). Students have a great interest in volcanoes, as can be seen in the number of volcanoes that show up during Science Fair exhibits. The study of volcanoes can be used as an integrated …show more content…
The TEKS focus on volcanoes is on human adaptation and the physical effects on the landscape. The TEKS appreciate how volcanoes have shaped our world historically and geographically. For this reason, I believe the TEKS want us to show our students the impact of volcanoes.
I believe that by integrating the subject of volcanoes with science and history, the geography study of volcanoes will be enhanced. I believe that students need to understand how volcanic eruptions have impacted the Earth’s people. They need to understand what makes a volcano erupt and what the resulting eruption does to the Earth.
In our slides from Dr. Pohl in SOSE 3310, Dr. Pohl states in his “Physical Geography” PowerPoint slide that, “There are four processes which have shaped the earth, Earthquakes, Floods, Volcanoes, and Erosion. The four processes have created mountains, lakes, islands and have caused tremendous amounts of damage” (Pohl, Slide #13). Dr. Pohl teaches us that the actual creation of the landscape on Earth was developed by these strong forces of

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